Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘stars’ Category

Seen the film trailer for Star Trek yet?

Because I’m yet to figure out how to embed a video here on WordPress, you’ll find the film trailer for ‘Star Trek’ planted at Two Hours You’ll Never Get Back compliments of the film studio and yours truly, an ‘original’ Star Trek fan!

Written by Jude Cowell

May 10, 2009 at 5:24 am

Got pesky Digital TV issues yet?

You may notice there’s a new link and Category in my sidebar for Digital TV.

Mandated by the US Congress and soon to hit sparse pocketbooks all across America on Feb 17, 2009, Digital TV with its compliments-of-Congress problems and questions are piling up so we’d better get stirring and figure out what’s going on with our idiot boxes and their needs if we (I!) am not ready.

No matter if you think the ‘Digital Transition’ sounds like suspicious New Age rigamarole or merely cool technology, it’s knocking on your analog door, but the thing is, even if you’re signed with cable or satellite TV, there may still be some issues you’ll want to know more about.

Therefore, in a tempest of linky love, I have added Matthew Torres’ blog here for your convenience:


And if you’ve yet to do so, you may wish to visit the official site for information on this frenzy of increased TV sales with clearer pictures zinging through the Earth’s atmosphere by checking out:


A Personal TV History Revealed:

My parents bought their first TV in the summer of 1954 and never looked back. Then I came along and happily there weren’t a plethora of reruns to become jaded by either! In fact, Atlanta, GA beamed a popular local children’s puppetry show and little me went with my school class to sit in the audience one afternoon to be magically entertained by puppets and ‘Pop-Eye’ cartoons.

As we arrived, I remember stepping over fat cables on the floor and feeling pretty special as I successfully dodged the monster-sized cameras being swung about the place…a dark, cool, and fascinating TV studio! I had seen ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and ‘Gone with the Wind’ by then, so was completely hooked on the magic of film and photography.

Plus, the TV Magic of Disney made my private world bright with their inspiring drawings and storylines such as Peter Pan – still one of my favorites. They showed the animated Peter Pan on TV recently, perhpas yuo caught it. You can probably spy Disney’s Art influence in my Dreamyfish Art drawn on black paper in a fairly similar style to Fantasia’s dancing fishes…


But the big February switch-over is nearing while I wonder sometimes if the talking heads on my TV screen are pixilated illusions or real human beings reading scripts. Then there are motivational concerns about the spacey, millennial-sounding ‘Digital Transition’ with its propagandistic possibilities.

Will our TVs finally be able to watch us back? Is what my household watches of any concern to anyone in authority?

Must we go back to Code Puce alerts? Is this an evolutionary chess game?

The map of the solar system for Feb 17, 2009 is quite interesting and maybe I shall publish it when I have more time to discuss. If this change isn’t described astrologically by the Saturn (old methods; tradition; Earth; restrictions) opposite Uranus (technology; progress; space; out of the blue or the sky; freedom), I don’t know what is!

And 2009’s Great Conjunction of Jupiter (expansion; ideology) and Neptune (film; mass consciousness; spirituality; deceptions; propaganda) will last the entire year with three meetings: in May, June, and December. And this Speculating duo meet upon America’s natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity; home; emotions; perceptions) so we have a midpoint picture:

Jupiter/Neptune = Moon: a desire to dream; losing oneself in plans or illusions; becoming involved in speculation; instability; wastefulness; an emotional swoon; going with the wind. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Did society really need progressive TV? Or some decent chow and a jug of clean water?

Plus, there are two possibly pertinent things to consider within the Sun AQ-Moon Sag blend of Feb 17, 2009: one a quote from a famous musician who shares the combo in his natal chart. A personal favorite of mine, it’d be cool if his music was broadcast during an hour of Transition, wouldn’t it?

“When I am…completely myself, entirely alone…my ideas flow best and most abundantly. Whence and how these come I know not nor can I force them…Nor do I hear in my imagination the parts successively, but I hear them gleich alles zusammen (at the same time all together.)”

– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Then may I suggest The Magic Flute? It’s beautiful tunes and simply full of Masonic, Rosicrucian, and/or Illuminati secret codes, numbers, and symbols revealed, after all. Made ’em mad, too. The TV folk could toss in a smidgen of OTS ritual weirdness and we could soon have a worldwide shout-out to the White Lodge on Sirius, dog gone it!

That’s where the real control comes from, say such adherents – signals from the Dog Star Sirius. And Sirius Radio grew fatter recently, now didn’t it? Arff!

So do tell, Wolfie, will we be receiving barked yet subliminal messages from the highest order? Our broadcast muse (Isis?) has many wonders in store from the digital world, she assures us.

Well, perhaps one of three ‘Images for Integration’ from Charles & Suzy Harvey’s ‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign’ book might be enlightening for this New World we’re entering whether we like it or not (thanks, US Congress – but your promised improvement of reception for first responders and police departments can bring to mind police in US streets, you know.)

Regardless of my 1984-esque misgivings on propaganda catapultin’ and its nefarious possibilities for mass manipulation, here’s the Image for you:

‘Alice in Wonderland.’

Seems it’ll be Through the Looking Glass we go!

Symbol of 8 = Saturn

Having a plethora of Capricorn planets natally certainly helps me resonate with the number 8 even though in Numerology, I am considered a 9.

Whether 8-ish or 9-ish, I had a little time just now to snoop ’round the interweb and I found an interesting article concerning the Olympics and Saturn’s 8 vibration. You may wish to check it out at BrightStarLights, a blog of “Astrology, Fashion, and Celebrities”…where you can also read astrological info about your favorite celebrities – stars of the stars:


While it’s true that Saturn, as the ancient ruler of Astrology, is in touch with the occult number 8, still  we tend to think of the old Lesson-bringer as being connected to the number 10 because of Saturn’s natural house in modern horoscopes. Which may go to show that all is connected underneath – or that ‘modern’ Astrology isn’t always completely in tune with traditional, ancient teachings, teachings which were certainly culturally sound in their time.

Then you may as well add 8 + 10 = 18 = 9.

And there you go, 9 = the number of Completion!

Written by Jude Cowell

August 11, 2008 at 12:12 am

Winter Solstice Dec 21, 2012: chart now up

If you’re interested, here’s a link to a freshly published Page concerning the Winter Solstice of 2012 which has received much press already due to its significance in the Mayan Calendar. You’ll find an image of the Solstice chart – set for Washington, DC, the White House – with some info on Fixed Stars, apex Jupiter Rx in a YOD pattern, and other details included:


If you get ready to discuss, do let me know!

TV’s Craig Ferguson comedy clips link

A couple of routines by TV’s Craig Ferguson may be viewed uproariously here:


From his invisible sidekick Davis to his I KNOW~W~W! cry of the true Aquarian (who Knows), you can’t do better for your funnybone after midnight than to watch Craig Ferguson’s cheeky monkeys and other guests…although I must say he’s neglecting to use animal sound effects of late. Yes, The Late Late Show has been honored by his imaginative company of cats, kittens, dogs, monkeys, gorillas, lemurs and other furry friends.

Last evening I celebrated Madagascar Day with Craig. Hope you didn’t miss it!

The comedy smorgasbord of TV’s Craig Ferguson on The Late Late Show (one too many Lates for my schedule, but sometimes only Craig will do) is for those still in withdrawal from lack of Monthy Python.

After all, one can only watch A Fish Called Wanda so many times before it becomes like white noise–which sadly goes double for The Holy Grail and The Life of Brian, one of the most underrated films of the genre since Neptune was discovered in 1846 and photography began. Could Hollywood be far behind?

Well, no. It wasn’t.

Objects Are Closer Than They Appear (warning: this post will now vere into ultimate regions, so be wary unless you’re very sure of yourself):

You know it won’t do to forget to consider asap your ultimate and true condition before our Creator who cares where each of us spends eternity. Now THAT’s the sort of fearmongering that might actually do you, and the world, some good. And happily this well-meant heads-up is of the longlasting kind, not a flash in the proverbial pan being marketed to us 24/7.

Pan…glad you wondered about where the little dickens is at this very moment…hold on a few while I go check him out in my Solar Fire software…this post will be published and I’ll endeavor to return to update with details of Pan’s current flutey location. You know he’s one of the oldest archetypal figures in any culture. You could say his myth or tale is older than the hills and you’d probably be right!

One of the trickster figures in an astrology chart (aka horoscope; map; roadmap; hologram; mandala; birth chart), Pan emcompasses the concept of the trickster element or “artful dodger,” an archetype which is strong in my own chart with Mercury as ASC and MC ruler, planets in Capricorn (the sign associated closely with Pan since Cap is the Mer-Goat, the joining of Earth and Water, the oldest elements creating the Potter’s clay of Genesis. Natally my Capr Jupiter is linked with the Fixed Star, Sualocin, another of the tricksters! This Star also relates to the playful dolphin. Perhaps he’s a bit like the playful yet invisible sidekick, Davis, for Ferguson the conedian is quite the Mercurial change artist within his skit comedy, a veritable Prometheus, it seems.

Whew! this post wandered off the path with the astrology and Scriptural stuff….or did it?


Back Down to Earth Please But With a Twist of Neptunian Dreaminess:

Finally! I’ve decided on who will be the CelebChart Queen (a featured CelebChart written upon by this reluctant astrologer) but life gets busy in summery hot Georgia, so Ms _____ will have to wait until perhaps tomorrow…day of the Sun, first day of the week. Btw: here at WordPress something stunned me yesterday. I don’t know why I had not noticed before but the Calendar in my sidebar here on Jude’s Threshold has Moon-Day MONday as if it’s the first day of the week.

Puh! Moon starts week ahead of Sunday’s Sun? East over West?  Hmm…m..m.m….the poles are in process of shifting, ’tis true, but isn’t this a bit of an obvious morph of import for WordPress to pass on to an unsuspecting astrologer-artist who only blogs for the fun of it?

Is this crazy calendar switch a young person’s interweb (thanks, Craig!) thingy? Is it a new ‘look’ for WordPress, or have I in the past assumed too much about this blog’s format? Or…is someone attempting to master time?

All I’m sayin’ is that it’s curious, that’s all. Just plain Curious with a capital C. Which is redundant if you capitalize the C…oops I did it again…as Craig says, I don’t have time to be muckin’ about here…soooo….

What Did We Learn on the Show Tonight, Craig? (meow)

Have We Got Time For An Email?

Well, combining the two, we learned that I have an email question for TV’s Craig Ferguson but will post it here since he’d never get it anyway…

Hi Craig,

After watching your show, an endless loop of your theme song plays round and round my brain.

Can you suggest an effective headache remedy without aspirin?

Just Kidding (or am I?),


Athens, Ga

ps: that’s You singing, isn’t it? Thought so.


Update 3:45 pm edt: current location of Pan 5Gem13 direct, less than 3 degrees from MIDAS 8Gem06 direct…Gemini’s trickster qualities along with its often termed ‘duplicity’ is hosting both asteroids with hoarding MIDAS being money and gold, and Pan helping to infuse markets and financial systems with more fraudulent tricks than most people imagine. These two are not the whole story but they sure are livin’ large and kickin’ butt!

Barack and Hillary rally in Unity

Unity, New Hampshire is the scene, political rally is the event, and promoting a Dem White House is the reason as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton join forces in a Dem rally this hour and kick off their Unity Tour with Moon/Mars at midheaven…

Moon/Mars = MC: self-promotion; getting things off the ground.

As you’ve heard, Barack Obama has written a personal check to start the Help Hillary Defray Her Campaign Debt fund, so you may feel inclined to write one, too. And while the subject may be on today’s agenda or at least merit a mention, looking at a horoscope for noon today, I think attacking John McCain’s Bushieness is the main task, as it must be.

McCain’s Cheney connection may also be of note–I hope it is as transiting Uranus now conjuncts Cheney’s natal Moon (family changes and possibly emotional upheaval; sudden illness)–and this same position of Uranus opposes Obama’s natal Mars, an indicator of danger in his environment (but I’m sure he knows that.)

Sun 6Can22, the leader in a national or mundane chart, conjuncts US n Venus (values; money; relationships) which describes Obama’s seeding of Clinton’s in-the-red campaign coffer as well as a highlighting of America’s Venusian issues of which we are all aware–esp with the ongoing opposition of moneybags Jupiter to America’s Cancerian Sun. This lack of resources will continue into October after which (hopefully) some of our debt/money/stock market woes will begin to improve as the New Year approaches.

Today Mars 1Vir58 and Saturn 4Vir53 are forming a midpoint picture of note with Dick Cheney’s natal Ascendant (his nibs himself)…Mars/Saturn = ASC: struggling for every step of advancement; possible health threat; illness; need for economizing; separation; obstacles caused by others.

As you know, the Mars/Saturn midpoint is perhaps the most difficult point in any chart and Virgo is the sign of health, work, and service.

But back to Hillary and Barack (I cheekily call them by their first names now, don’t you?)…Moon 21Ari15 niftily signifies Hillary today–Aries, sign of the pioneer, Moon = a woman, so there ya go…but Moon in Aries tends toward the “I Am the People” complex and it seems to me to be a large part of her psyche developed through the years of her public service, as she seldom fails to remind us. Moon is parallel Fixed Star Ras Alhague, which indicates a desire or need for balance and healing.

Since at noon the Moon was in 8th house and conjunct the 8th cups in Unity, I relate this to Hillary’s campaign debt problems and a need to balance her accounts.

For Barack we may look to the Sun (conjunct security-minded Ceres–‘grain-corn-nurturing’) so the floods of the midwest may be mentioned along with food supply, and Mars in Leo, sign of Barack’s natal Sun and Mercury, the Orator.

Hillary should be able to fire up the rally given Mercury’s Sabian Synbol: “A Woman Suffragist Haranguing”…INDIGNATION…

pos: an unswerving determination to expand every potential of being and take part in evey possible detail of worldwide reconstruction;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a bias forever exalting itself. (Jones’ ‘The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.’)

“Worldwide reconstruction”? Well, it’s becoming more necessary each day as the global elite’s long-range plan to Decontruct nations, economies, and social fabrics shows itself to be the gorilla of chaos in the airless room of one-world-government. Good ole Pluto in Capricorn.

The question is: which political thespian will be the next globalist mouthpiece spouting from the White House…based on who will serve the power elite’s purposes with more ease…Barack or John?


an astrologer has Celeb Chart crisis!

Yes, I’ve been trying to zero in on the identity of a new celebrity candidate for Natal Chart investigation here at Jude’s Threshold  but can’t seem to decide who shall be put squirming under Astrology’s microscope, or telescope, as the case may be.

There’s something about reading details of a celebrity’s Natal Chart and I don’t mind telling you that using horoscopes of famous people is a good way to study Astrology because larger-than-life persons and grand events may be large-scale enough that their start times are duly noted in private, and perhaps in public news sources, etc.

So if I plan to post on two celebrities, one lady, one gentleman, then who should it be?

My list of nominees includes: John Cusack, Alec Baldwin, Jon Stewart, Alex O’Loughlin, David Letterman…..Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Nora Jones, Jodie Foster…you see what I’m up against….how to decide?

Now this won’t work for me unless I have some interest in the King or Queen’s chart; still, If you have an idea for nominees please leave a message here with your original suggestion (or a name or two from my nominee list) for King Celeb Chart and Queen Celeb Chart–if only because it’s been a while since I posted on the Natal Charts of TV’s Craig Ferguson and chanteuse-in-denial Amy Winehouse.

I wish Craig could help Amy…I wish somebody could.

May 26’s Mercury Rx and Hillary’s candidacy

Today Mercury went Rx in Gemini and you may wish to check out a fresh Page which I’ve written with a particularly squinty eye toward the candidacy of Senator Hillary Clinton and Mercury’s effects on her natal horoscope:


Is Hillary playing Macha in the race, the fast-running Celtic goddess of Auriga, the Charioteer?

You decide!

Chiron’s Discovery and Meaning

Shout-Out! here’s a link to a fresh Page just published concerning the Discovery of Chiron, the Wounded Healer in an Astrology chart, with Chiron’s natal Sabian Symbol included:


Pleiades Sisters: as depicted in Art

Would you like to view a new drawing representing the Pleiades Sisters, aka The Seven Sisters? The daughters of Atlas and Pleione await you at your leisure…


UPDATE: ‘Pleiades Sisters’ has just been added to my Lulu Storefront as a Download, in case you’d like the starry ladies for your Desktop or for Print Out–honorably, that is, and your Art Karma will stay on the positive side of the ledger.

All my Art Downloads are very modestly priced, not to fret.

Visit http://stores.lulu.com/judecowell when you get a chance and support original art rendering!

Kings and Queens

This blog is a collection of articles and information I have gathered regarding Royal families from around the world.

Opuntia Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

Every BODY has the ability to heal itself. I'm here to lend a hand (or two).

Druidikal Roots

History, Genealogy, and More

Ex libris ad rem

The books and stuff that fill my day

Astroinform with Marjorie Orr - Star4cast

Marjorie Orr - Top International Astrologer

Astrological Psychology and Asklepios Connection

Huber method of Astrological Psychology and Dreams

Operator's Manual

notes playing to a theme

Genealogy With Valerie

Genealogy..a journey to the past, present, and future.

Applegate Genealogy

Helping others discover their roots

Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns


An eclectic mix of technology, poetry, stuff I find, and my ramblings

Zeebra Designs & Destinations

An Artist's Eyes Never Rest