Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘Sabian Symbols

The Job of H.G. Wells

Perhaps you’ve heard author H.G. Wells called the Father of Science Fiction due to his popular novels such as The Invisible Man and War of the Worlds, made frighteningly famous in 1938 by the voice of Orson Welles.

You see, last year I re-read The Invisible Man in a series of classics I’ve been revisiting via Kindle, novels not read since my school days. Enjoyable? Yes, especially with a different perspective after all these decades! I tend to like Sci-Fi rather well though my favorite all-time books of that particular genre would have to be Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein and Mary Shelley’s masterpiece, Frankenstein. But I digress…

Today I mention the name of H.G. Wells due to his job as mouthpiece for the power elite class of his day in such published material as The Open Conspiracy.

Was the book meant as a guideline or blueprint for the ruling class to follow? Propaganda to make its tenets seem inevitable to future generations? We see that certain things listed therein have been accomplished and others that are in process of occurring as I type. Therefore, it is my view that The Open Conspiracy is just that–a blueprint revealed, and we’re watching world government (aka, global government, or, a ‘new world order’) being implemented under our overly apathetic noses. Is it a centuries-long conspiracy too monstrous to be believed by the American people? Perhaps, and yet we all feel it, don’t we?

Actually, America’s much-touted ‘change of direction’ is due in part to the global government script Washington follows with two world wars under its Belt(way) already and a third war being purposefully stirred up. Tragically, this is what I believe and decry for its evil dimensions, cruelties, criminality, and destruction of freedom and democratic principles. Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Zionism, Capitalism, and many other oppressive -isms are part of the agenda, no matter what such systems are called–they all play their parts.

Speaking of my former residence of Washington DC, do you know that a statue in honor of Confederate General and World War Three promoter (and Scottish Rite grand boo-bah of his day) Albert Pike (a busy guy who apparently founded the Ku Klux Klan and ran the Knights of the Golden Circle)–a statue of this Luciferian dude still stands near Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Wonder why? But let’s get back to H.G. who promoted the same Weishauptian-Rothschildian agenda of world control, same as occultist Albert Pike:

Yes, it’s true that Herbert George Wells wrote about what an undistinguished fellow he was! A mild professor type, you know. If so, that turns out to be one blueprint for a man who undermines humanity by following instructions from a grasping power elite who used Wells’ writing talent to further their conspiratorial aims. Even his Sci-Fi works may be seen as part of the script with technological subtleties and futuristic propaganda that younger generations could appreciate and thus be influenced by. Wells made a perfect mouthpiece, knowingly or not.

So what can be said about the natal planets and personality of ‘NWO’ propagandist, economist, historian, futurist, socialist, and author H. G. Wells?

View his natal horoscope with a brief bio at astro.com, plus, his Wikipedia page adds biographical details if you’re curious.

First, an intriguing Sabian Symbol for the degree of his natal Sun (personality; essence; vitality; life purpose) may be of interest for when rounded up we find ’29 Virgo’: “A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge from an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading,” a past time very popular during the 19th century into which he was born on September 21, 1866 4:30 pm GMT Bromley, England. His birth data is gleaned from his birth certificate or birth record and thus has a Rodden Rating of AA for accuracy. A Sun-North Node conjunction assured him of contacts with the public and success along his solar path.

As for futurism, we don’t have to look far with Aquarius rising on the Ascendant (12:57) and Moon @21AQ05 which gave him plenty of futuristic, original, eccentric, and genius vibes of Aquarius but also some measure of psychic ability (Moon in 1st house). A secretive 12th house Jupiter in governmental Capricorn denotes metaphysical studies behind the scenes, plus, knowledge of Politics and the dissemination of political information through publishing.

A subversive, accident-prone Mars-Neptune square supports the secret, hidden, and probably metaphysical studies of the solar Sabian Symbol, above, and being born with the ‘New World Order’ planets, Uranus and Neptune, in aspect to one another (a square from Aries to Cancer) marks his generation as one of great social change and is notable for people who hold an ideal of how the world ‘could be’. Plus, his Mars (action, motivation, energy, testosterone) conjoins quirky Uranus in the 5th house of Creativity (and Romance, but that’s beyond the scope of this post!) so here are more eccentric vibes on display with his *reigning need–shown by the Moon’s sign of Uranus-ruled Aquarius–to spread his wealth of complex ideas to the general public (Moon). With both planets ruling his rising sign of Aquarius, a Saturn (past) and Uranus (future) trine suggests more otherworldly, futuristic vibes within his character and both planets relate to Astrology and to other occult (hidden) studies and interests. A protective Grand Trine

For Socialism we look to the Uranus-Neptune square, plus, his Saturn-Neptune inconjunction (150 degrees) with both planets well known for their link to such societal concepts as government, law, and business (Saturn) and the masses, the media, propaganda, and mystic pursuits (Neptune).

Looking to Wells’ 8th house of Finances, Sex, Death, and the Occult, we see a Venus-Saturn conjunction (dissatisfaction in love or long-lasting relationships–he married twice and had other romances) which is opposed by powerful Pluto @14Taurus in the 2nd house of Values and Earning Ability. Actually, the Venus-Pluto opposition across the 2/8 money axis is exact to the degree (14/14) and denotes that partnership conflicts were usually money-related. I’ve never read a biography of H.G. Wells to confirm this, but that’s what his chart shows. The Saturn-Pluto opposition suggests that he may have been victimized by people who lusted for power.

Hopefully, he learned to be suspicious of enterprises that seemed “too good to be true” because they often were. But we see that power plays were part of his professional life and thus we find at least some evidence of such manipulation within the pages of his books. Wealthy Pluto does like to pull secret strings and make things happen, doesn’t he?

As for the writer’s planet, Mercury, we see the speedy one in book-writing Virgo (19:01) in the 7th house of Partnerships along with his Sun-NN conjunction of success. This trio in 7th h suggests that his professional endeavors were often aided or promoted by others in his life, plus, his creative ideas may have been purloined at times as denoted by a 1st house Neptune Rx in Aries in wide conjunction with the separative South Node, a point of inherited talent, but also a place where a draining of energy may occur. Add to the picture a Chiron-SN conjunction and you have a blind spot or a wound which he dealt with from a past generation or ancestor.

Well, there is much more to the complicated natal chart and character of H.G. Wells but we’ll have to close before this post becomes a novel! Yet perhaps you’d be curious about the Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius personality blend of global visionary H.G. Wells for it is quite descriptive; then we’ll end with a quote from the author himself:

Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius personalities tend to exhibit shrewd intelligence and keen observational skills–perfect traits for an author. Virgo is the book-writer and this blend describes a progressive thinker full of ideas and ideals. How Virgoan of him to want to organize society into a tidy, well-functioning system where messy emotions and sentimental ties must be extinguished. Science is another of Virgo’s interests so a double portion for Mr. Wells with his rising Moon in scientific, space traveling Aquarius.

Quiet humility (as he writes of himself as undistinguished, etc) and reformist tendencies entwine along with a matter-of-fact attitude added to the quirky sense of humor of The Critic, and may suggest a rather robotic side. Politics and international planning are possible areas of interest and we know in hindsight that they were, of course. Friendly yet aloof, Mr. Wells preferred alliances based on common interests (as do most people) though he may have had a bit of a monk-like air about him and was conscientiously dedicated to his work.

Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey gives the Virgo-Aquarius blend two ‘Images for Integration’ (which refers to the Sun/adult/conscious mind and the Moon/child/unconscious mind when they successfully work together to form a whole personality):

“Staring into a microscope, a scientist sees the past and future writ large…Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order.”

Yeah, ‘new and improved‘. Well, power-mad globalists then and now like to assume that their oh-so-rational Uranus-Neptune ideal of Utopianism is an “improvement.” They plan for the ‘order’ to come out of the societal chaos that they themselves create. It’s the devilish Hegelian Dialectic put into action: thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

Okay, I’ll hush for now and close with a few apt words from H.G. Wells:

“If the world does not please you, you can change it.”

Wonder if he thought that up all by himself?

*for reigning need of the Moon thanks go to the masterful work of astrologer, psychologist, and author Dr. Noel Tyl.

Note: for the sake of brevity I left mention of it out of this post but you may also wish to check out another of Wells’ futuristic writings, The Shape of Things to Come.

And here’s an enlightening New World Order timeline you may wish to peruse if you dare. You’ll find Mr. Wells therein.

On 11.27.12 a Venus and Saturn rendevous

Perhaps you’ve heard of what promises to be a lovely cosmic display at dawn on Tuesday November 27, 2012 as Venus and Saturn rendevous in the heavens.

Plus, click for info on the tango of Venus-Saturn-Sun occurring on December 21, 2012 that ties in with the often-touted, much-heralded Winter Solstice 2012 which times a very rare galactic alignment.

Naturally, I had to check a Tropical horoscope to find the degree that Venus and Saturn meet at dawn on November 27th so that we may consider its *Sabian Symbol (word picture) for a few evolutionary details. Setting the chart for the White House (should old habits be forgot?), Venus clocks in at 6 Scorpio 44 at dawn while slower Saturn has reached 6Sco14 in the Zodiac.

Actually their astrological conjunction will be exact on November 26, 2012 at 8:19 pm est @ 6Sco11:07 during the Mercury Station Direct @ 18Sco10:13 which will occur 2 hours 31 minutes prior to the Venus-Saturn conjunction. As you know, ‘voting’ Mercury turned Rx on Election Day 2012 and we’ve seen several states with contested outcomes and recounts which should be completely settled very soon with Mercury moving forward.

Lovely Venus and Old Man Saturn

Now you either know or can easily find details of what a Venus-Saturn pairing means astrologically but since I tend to focus on Political Astrology, I’ll add here what expert astrologer Michael Munkasey says about the duo’s combined energies in Politics and Business according to the Hegelian Dialectic; my feeling is that, as with midpoint pictures, any, all, or none may apply at various times:

“Thesis: Restrictions on wealth or income; law enforcement avoiding difficult or cumbersome issues; changes forced on enterprise by new social, artistic, or musical values; building the value of the enterprise.

Antithesis: Restrictions on the way society is able to function; elderly people in the enterprise who have artistic tendencies; a law enforcement bureau which derives pleasure from restricting the movement of people.”

(Source: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Hmmm…let’s not get onto the level of the “fiscal cliff” or tax cuts expiring debate in Washington DC in this brief post but the above potential does makes me wonder if the Venus-Saturn rendevous has anything to do with current workers’ strikes in the US and the upper management that will most probably clamp down on them.

Ex: protests continue with Wal-Mart workers intent on striking on Black Friday, the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the US.

*Venus-Saturn’s ‘7 Scorpio’ = “Deep Sea Divers”; keyword: INVOLVEMENT. Themes include “a challenge to self-refinement” and “Self-fulfillment (is) through an ever-increasing interest in day-by-day problems.”

Marc Edmund Jones, in his book The Sabian Symbols in Astrology adds the negative expression of ‘7 Scorpio’ as: “fundamentally unsocial instincts and a resort to wholly absurd escapism.”

Seems to me our ‘survival of the fittest’ society already has way too many of those of a Social Darwinian mindset with ‘fundamentally unsocial instincts” toward their fellow man!

So, on that rather grumpious note, I’ll close with a Happy Thanksgiving to any and all in the US! And yes, let’s remember our displaced Hurricane Sandy victims by contributing if and all we can.

Did you know that Staten Island’s Dr. Atlas Foundation is a great way to donate? Here’s a link to the organization’s Twitter feed.

New Moon 23Tau09 May 13, 2010

Yes, a brief family vacation in Raleigh NC was wonderful and relaxing yet it’s good to be back and blogging on Politics through the lens of Astrology!

And since I tend to spontaneously compose at keyboard, this post is a brief heads-up to the New Moon chart with details now freshly published at Stars Over Washington, if you’re game.

Plain English is used so if you don’t speak astrologese, don’t fret, just click!

Yet one thing I neglected to mention in the post is the Sabian Symbol of the New Moon’s Midheaven (chart is set for Washington DC, edt); Mc is the Aspirations/Goal Point of any horoscope. This may be of interest to you especially if you happen to be in California or have connections there, so I shall add it here for your consideration, quoting from Dane Rudhyar’s ‘An Astrological Mandala’:

Mc ’20Virgo’ = “A Caravan of Cars Headed to the West Coast”…

Keynote: The need of cooperative effort in reaching any “New World” of experience.

…what seems to be clearly implied is a process in which a group of persons are journeying together–thus linking their consciousnesses and energies (the ‘car’ symbol)–in order to safely reach the goal of destiny. Here there is no longer any sense of competition, but an ofered and structured endeavor.

…the past is entirely left behind; men cooperate in the great ‘adventure in consciousness’ in a TOTALIZATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFORT.

Will the New Moon of May 13, 2010 mark a new phase of political activity and cooperation as it effects the establishment of a one-world-government, aka a ‘New World Order’?

Well, if we begin to hear of Democrats and Republicans entering a new phase of cooperation to ‘get things done’, I for one will be feeling that their masks are finally being dropped in public and the them-against-us reality of Politics is being outed because they assume they’re about to successfully implement such totalitarian plans over all opposition from we-the-people.

Or, perhaps May 13 will simply bring us a New Moon in Taurus!


The above-linked post contains basic details on the culminating Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 27, 2010, along with info on a Mutable T-Square between Jupiter/Saturn pointing to apex Venus in Gemini in the May 13 New Moon chart.

Of quakes, earth wobbles, shorter days, and Rangel

Here’s an article that explains what’s going on with last weekend’s massive 8.8 Chilean quake and its effect on earth’s wobble.

Shorter days are said to be a result of the quake in Chile and one may suppose that ethics-challenged Charlie Rangel’s stepping down from the Chairmanship of the Tax-Writing panel in Washington DC may result in shorter days for him as well.

This morning at 10:03 am est, I happened to have C-SPAN tuned in when Rangel’s brief resignation letter was read on the floor and immediately accepted.

A 29th ‘critical’ or ‘crisis’ degree was rising: 29Taurus18, making Venus, who loves to deal with valuable things, the letter’s chart-ruler.

Venus makes 4 applying aspects in the chart:

1. conjunct Uranus @ ’26Pis’ = “A New Moon That Divides Its Influence” (and influence is what congressional chairmanships are all about; the rest is mostly pocket-lining: US founded with natal Jupiter @ ‘6 Cancer’ = “Gamebirds Feathering Their Nests” which to me makes All congress members fair game for ridicule of and dissent against their greed and corruption – Venus/Uranus contacts suggest being erratic or extravant with money – in the case of Congress, that’s extravagance with Our money);

2. inconjunct Moon ’24Libra’ = “A Third Wing on the Left Side of a Butterfly” (Moon = the people; the public; inconjs are aspects showing that adjustments are needed);

3. trine Mars Rx 00Leo37, nearing at his Direct Station degree ‘1Leo’ = “A Case of Apoplexy” – Mars will seemingly stand still @ 00Leo18 and turn Direct on March 10, 2010 @ 12:08:44 pm est in Washington, DC;

4. opposite Saturn 2Lib41 Rx (Saturn traditionally signifies the Democratic Party, Jupiter the Republicans; the letter was read during a Jupiter Hour.)

South Node (SN), a point of separation, is @ 19Can37 in the chart which points ahead to the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 (@ 3:40:17 pm edt, DC, in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Big Money, etc.)

The July 2010 Eclipse is in the 12 South Series which is the PE of America’s founding: ‘successful outcomes to long term worries or illness; issues at first seem worse, then clear.’ (paraphrasing Brady.)

Back to March 3, 2010 @ 10:03 am est, Capitol Building:

Here are the Sabian Symbols of the chart angles which answer 4 basic questions on the matter of the resignation letter’s reading:

The WHAT? of the chart: ASC ’30Tau’ = “A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn” – though perhaps not as proudly as before.

WHY? Mc ‘8AQ’ = “Beautifully Gowned Wax Figures” – as in a Capitol Hill tableaux or matinee? At Mc are two midpoints which form pictures:

Jupiter/Pluto = Mc: hardworking attainment of power position (well, yes, but ethical behavior is always helpful for keeping it);

Neptune/NN = Mc: taking a position off the mainstream of life (only when forced, it seems!) (midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin);

WHERE or WHERE TO? DESC ’30Scorpio’ = “The Halloween Jester” – you remember this degree from the 2009 Inauguration chart: ‘the people’ = the Moon in a national chart…2009 Inaugural Moon 29Sco45.

HOW? Ic ‘8Leo’ = “A Bolshevik Propagandist” – this is George Bush’s natal ASC degree/Symbol – but W couldn’t have anything to do with Rangel’s ethics, right? Wonder if the GOP is behind Rangel’s outing? It isn’t as if most of them don’t partake in similar scams, and the R Party’s natal Mercury is nearby @ ‘9Leo+.’ This may point back to the Solar Eclipse of August 1, 2008 @ 9Leo32 (the ‘Beijing Eclipse’ of the Olympics 2008) which heralded the financial crisis of 2008 (along with the August 16, 2008 Lunar Eclipse – see this blog’s sidebar of Pages) and is in the same Eclipse Series as the natal Series of John McCain and of the NYSE – 10 South.

10S’s flavor is one of ‘breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen to a more positive space containing many options; a long term worry will suddenly clear; the cosmos shows a solution that must be taken up immediately.’ (Brady’s ‘Predictive Astrology.’)

So…those in-the-know knew of our economic problems for years and to my way of thinking, they engineered things just how they wanted them so a ‘new economic and political order’ can be set up, they hope.

Therefore, 10S is the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series of the Obama Administration (Eclipse occurring pre-Jan 20, 2009) and can be said to describe the ‘rush back to Washington to save the financial system’ which both parties indulged themselves in during the 2008 campaign – a script written for our diversion and befuddlement.

(My motto: when politicians say, Look Here!, I look in the opposite direction to see what shenanigans our corrupt little magicians are up to. Massive bailouts then transferred wealth to those who were already wealthy – a neat hat trick courtesy of our ‘Halloween Jesters’ unless you’re one of their many victims. And who isn’t?)

The Sun Pisc/Moon Libr combo has two interesting ‘Images for Integration’ which affect the day’s activities.

This would include the memorial service now underway for Rep John Murtha, the first Vietnam veteran elected to serve in the US Congress, and himself fallen in recent years under his own challenged-ethics cloud. Yet Rep Murtha was a champion on behalf of our troops and I thank him sincerely for that. May he RIP.

March 3, 2010:

Sun Pisc/Moon Libr: “A theatrical music artist entertains his entourage of friends and fans…A team of writers create a masterpiece.” (‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign’ by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Well, I don’t know if it took a ‘team of writers’ to compose Rep Rangel’s letter of resignation (a step-down which is said to be “temporary”) since it was too brief to glean its brilliance readily but it’s a dance step that had to be taken by Mr. Rangel.

I hear Tom Delay’s former spot in the ‘Dancing with the Stars’ line-up of hoofers may be available. All parading peacocks with Taurean hoofs may wish to apply.

Full Moon in Scorpio May 9, 2009

In Washington, DC at 1 minute 22 seconds after Midnight edt, May 9, 2009 will perfect a Scorpio Full Moon 18Sco41 in 10th house.

Since images of charts display more clearly at my Stars Over Washington blog, I’ve placed it and quite a few notes there if you wish to peruse.

May 9’s Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend details have been plopped sassily upon my new blog Two Hours You’ll Never Get Back if you’d like to check it out (sassiness appreciated but not required.)

And what of the Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol? I hear you say rather crossly.

Let’s consider ’19Sco’ and the Sun’s position opposite ’19Tau’ which is the Illumination Point.

Usually I check out the opposite degree, the Illumination Point, to gather unconscious information, but since the Sun is considered conscious and the Moon unconscious, we’ll simply check them both as illuminators of one another, if it’s okay by you.

It’s part of the highlighting a Full Moon is famous for when hidden things, often begun at the previous New Moon and the dark (Balsamic) phase for the 3 days prior, may come to full light.

The following will be a blend of Sabian Symbol interpretations from Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar.

Moon ’19Sco’ (MEJ): “A Parrot Listening and Then Talking.’ CONVENTIONALITY.

positive expression: exceptional skill in bring the whole tenor of transient circumstances to the service of a personal aspiration;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: idle mimicry and self-gratifying pretense.

’19Sco’ (DR): ‘A Parrot Repeats the Conversation He Has Overheard.’


Keynote: The capacity to transmit transcendental knowledge.

Sun ’19Tau’ (MEJ): ‘A Newly Formed Continent.’ ORIGINALITY.

pos: a revolutionary potentiality by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset.

’19Tau’ (DR): ‘A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean.’

Keynote: The surge of new potentiality after a crisis. SPONTANEITY. #

The DR version above for ’19Tau’ describes reaching ‘a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor’ but for me it conjures the power elite’s striving for world domination. Ex: America as Francis Bacon’s ‘New Atlantis’ and Thomas More’s ‘Utopia.’

(Perhaps it’s simply a case of too much Political Astrology on my brain. Tiresome? Yes, I KNOW.)

Considering that the unconscous mind is always stronger than the conscious mind, it sounds to me as if the Scorpio Full Moon is in control here especially since Rudhyar explains the Moon’s ’19Sco’ degree as ‘a hint as to man’s capacity to attune himself to sources of higher wisdom if he can be sufficiently attentive and careful in channeling a “Higher Voice.”

The Symbol’s stress on unintelligent repetition in its word picture ‘is to use only one’s intellect. All birds in symbolism suggest spiritual faculties or forces. What is evoked is the possibility of learning from higher Intelligences.”

Well, to me it seems that higher thoughts and information from On High would improve this troubled world, yet I doubt Mr. Rudhar was speaking of going to see the new Star Trek film for “higher Intelligences.”

Or was he? ;p

Update May 19: just got a much-needed heads-up from Crystal Pomeroy at Daykeeper Journal concerning the lunation of May 9 and its esoteric clues to the current flu pandemic so you may wish to check out Crystal’s clear writing and her thoughts on the subject!

Sun Tau-Moon Libra 5.6.09

If you find yourself wondering about an important White House meeting today through the lens of Astrology have a gander at this post which will also link you to more info on today’s transits to the Inaugural 2009 chart which I’ve placed at my new blog and gives the Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s current retrograde station degree….it’s quite a doozy.

Rothschilds still rulers of the world

Whew! Glad to find this post on WordPress from Aftermath News concerning Baron David de Rothschild’s continuing influence on and string-pulling in world finance. 

It’s good to know that all my posting here and on Stars Over Washington where I grub against the NWO isn’t completely off in left field….or at least I have company.

Not that others haven’t sounded the alarm long before I began blogging in 2005, but only with the current economic crisis – and simultaneous remarks turning up in the news about a ‘new financial world order’ being “needed” – are more people than ever paying attention to what’s been under our noses for decades (or for centuries, if you look under enough rocks…ex: Albert Pike had a plan for a NWO in Jan, 1870 when Jupiter and Pluto were in Taurus, but the idea has been hatching for a very long time.)

Jupiter and Pluto’s last Great Conjunction – the cycle we are now in – occurred December 11, 2007 and is obviously involved in the economic crisis.

The pair of Jupiter-Pluto = ‘the desire for power; plutocrats’ and corresponds to ‘organisers handling large projects; pursuing fanatical aims; striving for spiritual or financial power; the desire to exploit the masses; an appreciation of the need for social or religious regeneration; professors of economy and law; participating in uprisings; qualities of leadership; squanderers and speculators; wastefulness.

So says Reinhold Ebertin, but I’ve smooshed them up into one paragraph for you. Any of it sound like anyone you know?

So the post is titled, ‘Baron David de Rothschild sees a New World Order in global banking governance’ and I’m certain he does. But it behooves me to add that he doesn’t simply ‘see’ it…he is helping to engineer and profit by it beyond all comprehension:


Remember the Sabian Symbol for the NWO degree – the degree of Oct 24, 2993’s Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune…’18Cap’?

“The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship”…POLITICAL POWER (Dane Rudhyar’s ‘An Astrological Mandala.’)

Since 1815, the Rothschild banking dynasty has been coming to the financial aid of Great Britain…do you suppose there are no strings attached? If so, then you know there’s some swampland in Florida I’d like to discuss with you…

TARP: helping or undermining markets?

Down this morning, now up a bit, the DOW and other markets continue their bouncing about the place as investors react in kneejerk fashion from moment to moment, and troubling reports are released continually with the media riding high on the ‘things are very very bad’ bandwagon.

As you know, Paulson’s about-face on the use of TARP monies this week isn’t helping one wit. Was that his intention?

So is it any wonder consumers aren’t spending? And of course my own tune remains the same: it’s all about jobs, loss of jobs, outsourcing of jobs, being underemployed, downsized, etc…that’s why people are missing payments and not shopping. Looks like Santa is on a diet for Christmas so save your doughnuts, cookies’n’milk – if you have any.

At the moment I’m working on another subject, while listening to Radiohead, but I did run across an article on George Washington’s Blog concerning Paulson, Bernanke, and governmental botching of the economic crisis which you may wish to check out for it’s full of linky richness:


And speaking astrologically, with all the financial bad news and lack of confidence in markets, a new meaning may have accrued to America’s progressed Mars retrograde and its Sabian Symbol for ’18Libra’…”Two Men Placed Under Arrest” – a sentiment some are expressing about Paulson and Bernanke.

In fact, if you read the above-linked article, you may find just that sentiment expressed.

Of course, nowadays most Americans can think of several men who should be placed under arrest, can’t we?

One controversial idea to make room for the culprits in our overcrowded prison system: release all non-violent weed lovers currently serving under draconian laws and we’ll have gracious plenty space for the bandits and criminals who have sold America down the tubes by undermining our and the world’s economies!

Suits me – how about you?

Obama-McCain 10.15.08 Mercury Direct Station

In New York Wednesday, Oct 15, 2008, Mercury, planet of communications such as speeches, negotiations, and debates turns Direct at 4:05:47 pm edt. At 9:00 pm edt and 10:30 pm edt, Mercury remains at the same degree and minute of Libra: 7:34…aka a Station.

And since Mercury is also the planet of thinking processes, there may be those who will make up their minds as to which candidate they’ll be voting for, independents and fence-sitters alike.

Now at 9:00 pm edt rising is 18Gem17; by 10:30 pm Cancer is rising 9:13. Also at 10:30 pm (and I’m assuming the debate may last an hour and a half) the Saturn-Uranus opposition is on the Mc-Ic axis of Career and Public Standing…Uranus conj Mc, Saturn conj Ic. That each candidate can be said to represent the establishment (Saturn) and since both say that they represent change (Uranus), my guess is that whoever shows himself to best advantage in this debate is…the Uranian.

Seriously, I suspect Obama will ‘show’ better yet there’s another method: which is more elevated, Jupiter (Republican) or Saturn (Democrat)? With that technique, Jupiter 14Cap44 begins in 8th house at 9:00 pm, and ends at 10:30 pm in 7th house; Saturn begins in 4th house and crosses the IC just prior to 10:30 pm, which is a Moon Hour.

Now there are other factors to consider: chart-ruler is Stationary Direct Mercury yet Mercury makes no applying aspects to other planets – are minds already made up? There is an applying sesquisquare (a semi-square within a square – 135 degr) from Mercury to 9:00 pm’s MC (0A33) which may be no more than ‘dynamic energy release in career matters and toward the public.’ This we would expect.

Barack Obama is more mercurial (and Uranian – he busted things up for Hillary!) than Saturnian McCain even though age-wise Obama’s just barely in the Mars range being in his mid-40s. But he’s known for his orating abilities while McCain is not, so I’ll have to “give” Mercury to Obama for this evening’s chart, so its Direct status is a good sign for the undecideds.

Now at 9:00 pm, a Mercury Hour, the midpoint of Saturn and Uranus is rising…

Saturn-Uranus = ASC: the loner’s position is established; standing alone in the world; being placed in difficult circumstances; difficulties caused by others; sharing emotional suffering with others; bereavement. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Not nice, but there it is. Bush has pretty much managed to isolate our country even while pretending to scold people who want what he labels “protectionism.” It’s America who stands alone. However you look at it, this picture describes our nation a bit too well these days. (Yet of course as always with midpoint pictures, it can be ‘all, some, or none.’)

Also at 9:00 pm overhead are Sarah Palin’s Aquarian planets. I have no plans to discuss her in detail though so I’ll leave it to someone else if they have time and stomach for it. Suffice it to say that transiting Neptune is therefore at Midheaven as well, so the usual associations of Neptune will apply in the Aspiration department: ideals, dreams, spirituality, deceptions, veils, confusion, lies, subterfuge, fraud, the masses, mass media, photography and film…and again, it’s ‘all, some, or none.’

As mentioned, Uranus ends at MC at 10:30 pm which means that at some point during the debate, the midpoint of Uranus-Neptune tops the chart which gives what I’ve always thought is an intriguing picture…

Uranus-Neptune = MC: guidance is sought from other realms or never-before-tapped sources; a peculiar disposition and strange interests; lack of stamina; a nervous breakdown; dissolution; unconsciousness; inner vision.

(This picture sometimes occurs in ‘mysterious death’ charts – just thought I’d mention it. There’s a ‘mysticism’ and an ‘enlightenment’ vibe to the Uranus-Neptune pair.)

Of course, the audience might drift off from boredom, but since this debate (and I really dislike using that word esp since we never actually have them anymore – just what passes for them) is supposed to include more discussion of practical ideas concerning our wilted economy, so surely it’ll be more revved up than that.

Job loss and the creation of them would be my idea of the first place to start.

It drives me crazier than a bedbug to think that if jobs had not been outsourced, downsized, and just basically LOST and uncreated these last few years, a lot more Americans would’ve continuing paying their mortgages and then some. Guess the CEOs and their corporate bosses didn’t care about that – or they knew  perfectly well how things would pan out, but America’s collapse really IS the plan, as I keep grousing here and elsewhere, as do others.

Well, it would be easy to go on and on about the Oct 15 debate chart for Wednesday eve but it’s time for TV’s Craig Ferguson and The Late Late Show – and a larf would be lovely about now. Even Craig’s reruns are funnier than most people’s first-runs. He has Election Fever, y’know, but it’s advanced into Election Infection.

Perhaps I can add more tomorrow before evening rolls around but here are the Sabian Symbols for Mercury – it seems to me that both ‘7Libra’ and ‘8Libra’ are instructive since we’re looking at a planetary station and both seem to apply.

So ‘7″ is emphasized now with Mercury’s Direct Station, but ‘8’ is where we’re reaching…

‘7Lib’: ” A Woman Feeding Chickens And Protecting Them From the Hawks.” GUARDIANSHIP.

‘8Lib’: “A Blazing Fireplace In A Deserted Home.” HOPE.

Limp down Memory Lane: Inauguration 2001

If you’d like to take a stroll with me down pre-Memory Lane to George W. Bush’s first Inauguration 2001 which represents his entire tenure in my book, look in the sidebar for the feed from Stars Over Washington, or click here


where you’ll find 2001’s 8th house in the spotlight with its trio of Moon, Chiron, and Pluto, as well as two interlaced YODs (‘Finger of God’ patterns) telling of Bush’s special tasks as leader of the nation. ‘Leader of the Free World’ is up to the beholder for he’s pretty well undermined that title into oblivion along with the US economy and America’s credibility.

In the article, however, the three obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspects (165 degrees) have been neglected so I will type them for you here:

Sun (‘the leader’ in a national chart) QD North Node (the public; publicity): driven to feed one’s ego through the public persona; makes new contacts easily and has the ability to network within a ‘common cause’; may identitfy one’s self through one’s mother.

Mars QD Jupiter: driven by a ‘thirst for more’: may be extremely selfish and self-indulgent; physical energy requires an outlet; likes to ‘go for the gusto’; may take on too many things at once; prone to rushing to judgment and acts impulsively on beliefs and opinions; overly competitive.

Jupiter QD Pluto: driven by a need for power and success; overly manipulative, controlling, and ruthless; uses one’s belief system, opinions, or religion to coerce or manipulate others; a player within major societal changes and transformation of mass consciousness and perspectives. (Ricki Reeves, ‘The Quindecile.’)

Mars 16Sco17 is conjunct the Descendant in the Inauguration 2001 chart, which is the cusp of the 7th house of Partnerships, Legal Affairs, and Open Enemies. Oct 27, 2008 marks the Mars Return to this chart and thus to the Bush43 presidency.

And transiting Pluto will not leave the Bush presidency’s 8th house before W’s double term ends.

The above linked post has a large image of the Inauguration 2001 chart with my usual chickenscratch notes upon it, including the Sun AQ-Moon Sag blend’s Image for Integration (from Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

With Bush’s first swearing-in occurring during a Balsamic phase (the dark of the Moon), sneakiness has been the order of the day for this, our 43rd president, and his sidekick Cheney’s lurk on the ‘Dark Side’ has been well-documented.

The words, ‘shadow government’ have reached new depths under George W. Bush. Balsamic Moon phases are said to be good for sleeping and the American people were apparently in a sleepwalking state for this particular Oath of Office. Too bad the egg-tossers couldn’t connect with Bush’s limo that cold day in Washington…I hope he was told of their sentiments.

Well, you may not wish to take this sashay with me, and if not, I certainly understand for I’m as tired of him as anyone.

But my hope is that the article will represent a last farewell to this failed presidency which began in controversy and so will end the same as Astrology wisely tells us…that how a thing, event, or person begins is how it it or he/she will end.

And looking at the Jan 20, 2001 chart for 12:01 pm est, Capitol Building, I see that America’s natal Mercury-Pluto opposition are upon the MC/IC axis, with the IC being the End of the Matter. Ic ’27Cancer’ in Lynda Hill’s ‘360 Degrees of the Zodiac’ her book on the Sabian Symbols, may be instructive here in the Caution category, and I want to give you some of Lynda’s insights about this degree as well…

’27Can’: confrontations; domestic violence or violent reactions; social upheavals; wrongly believing you are in control of the uncontrollable; enjoyment of turmoil; whipping things up; stormfronts.

Lynda says that ’27Can’ (“A Violent Storm In A Residential Canyon Filled With Valuable Homes”) need not concern homes that are expensive, but which are valuable to their occupants; here they feel protected and safe, but somehow a ‘storm’ has raged through – exactly what will happen next is uncertain.

’27Can’ speaks of finding oneself much deeper in a situation than may have been imagined and now there’s a ‘caged in’ feeling and probably no immediate escape from the turbulence that is happening.

There may have been some forewarning that a ‘storm’ was coming, says Lynda, with pressure piling up and threatening to explode at any moment. No intention was made to provoke this ‘storm’ but it’s out of your hand in the environment now. The best thing to do is to wait and protect yourself and others.

Things need to blow themselves out naturally because trying to contain it may do more damage (and we’re hearing this again today after the Group of 15’s meeting in Paris. They are trying to ‘go to the heart of the problem’ so we’ll see as they “recapitalize banks” in exhange for an ownership stake. Basically it’s a similar solution to what the US is doing and will, they say, speed things up.

~NPR has just announced that Wells Fargo has been approved to buy Wachovia. Good.

Now back to ’27Can’…

A positive outcome may not come to light for awhile, but things WILL fall back where they are meant to be. Arguments and emotional confrontations erupt as many people are affected – yet it may end up being a blessing in disguise; rebuilding one’s community will be key.

Lynda always includes a few apt quotes for each degree’s Symbol and I’d like to close with 4 of them for ’27Can’ which seem most appropriate considering the mortgage and financial crises with which the Bush presidency is ending in a haze of gory:

“It is your business when the wall next door catches fire.” Horace

“Rain does not fall on one roof alone.” Cameroon Proverb

“A man is sometimes lost in the dust of his own raising.” David Ruggles

and in closing…

“You don’t develop courage by being happy in your relationships every day. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.” Barbara De Angelis


You may wish to visit Lynda here:


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