Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘Washington DC’ Category

June 8 2013 New Moon in Gemini: “A Large Archaic Volume”

If you use the Sabian Symbols much you probably recognize the one for Saturday June 8, 2013’s New Moon @18Gem01–“A Large Archaic Volume”–using the ’rounding up’ method which gives us’19Gemini’.

Sun Gem-Moon Gem is a double Air blend of intellect, reasonableness, and debate and watching Washington DC politics as I regularly do, I’m wondering when or if the ‘reasonableness’ will be apparent any time soon. Quick communications (ex: texting) and a talent for Mercurial mimicry are evident with this combination of energies so a lot of talking is on the weekend’s list of activities.

This personality blend is shared natally by an interesting cast of characters including famous thespian John Barrymore (“One of my chief regrets during my years in the theater is that I couldn’t sit in the audience and watch me.”) Well, yes. Self-absorb much? Still, I always thought his lion-esque appearance, imperious voice, and royal manner were perfect on the stage.

Double Gemini writer Dorothy Sayers had her time in the sun as well and how perfect in our day of spying on people’s private lives is this, one of her more famous verses?

“As I grow older and older

And totter towards the tomb

I find that I care less and less

Who goes to bed with whom.”


Too bad Washington’s political operatives can’t take such a sentiment to heart! Yet how would DC survive without blackmail?

But the double Gemini fellow whose famous quote I wish most to add here is that of economist John Maynard Keynes for it is my belief that his words lightly touch upon the more-visible-than-ever agenda of those who would rule the entire world if or as soon as they can manage it:

“Ideas shape the course of history.”

Well, yes. Yes, they do. It’s all in the planning, another function of Mercury. I only wish the ruling elite, both public and hidden, would have them some better ideas than what they’re attempting to forcefully implement from their large archaic volume.

Don’t you?

2012’s Friday the 13th with Mars Turning Direct

Today the long seige of a retrograde Mars ends as the planet of action, energy, and motivation begins a forward march. So if I were you (and I’m not last time I checked) I’d take some pertinent advice from my friend astrologer Julie Demboski on the matter!

Plus, if you’re not totally fed up with Politics, you may wish to visit my Political Astrology blog for a few astro-notes on the Mars Station Direct @ 3Vir40 in relation to Washington DC, my former place of residence. (Or maybe not. Wouldn’t blame you for being fed up with the varmints who now infest the land.)

While there be sure to scroll a smidgeon down Stars Over Washington’s sidebar for two considerations of the Astrology of DNC 2012 and RNC 2012 for that time draws near and more astro-notes will be forthcoming…

Either way, I hope today’s ‘Friday the 13th’ is going well for you and that all your ducks are lining up in neat rows, ready and eager to waddle forward!

DC’s Reagan Building has bedbugs!

NPR has just reported that the Reagan Building in Washington DC is infested with bedbugs which are being treated this weekend as I type.

Now that’s what I’ve been grousing about on Stars Over Washington for the last five years with my, “astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them.”

Have the bedbugs come home to roost for Mr. Reagan and the GOP? Perhaps so, but the itchy critters shouldn’t give the Dems a free pass!

Well, a new post is just published on SO’W which concerns the October 8, 2010 Venus Rx station and Venus Transits 2004/2012 along with an interesting video interview with Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) from the Dylan Ratigan Show, if you’re up for it.

The post does involve Political Astrology, yes, but is written in plain English, my first language.

Written by Jude Cowell

October 2, 2010 at 9:19 pm

New Moon 23Tau09 May 13, 2010

Yes, a brief family vacation in Raleigh NC was wonderful and relaxing yet it’s good to be back and blogging on Politics through the lens of Astrology!

And since I tend to spontaneously compose at keyboard, this post is a brief heads-up to the New Moon chart with details now freshly published at Stars Over Washington, if you’re game.

Plain English is used so if you don’t speak astrologese, don’t fret, just click!

Yet one thing I neglected to mention in the post is the Sabian Symbol of the New Moon’s Midheaven (chart is set for Washington DC, edt); Mc is the Aspirations/Goal Point of any horoscope. This may be of interest to you especially if you happen to be in California or have connections there, so I shall add it here for your consideration, quoting from Dane Rudhyar’s ‘An Astrological Mandala’:

Mc ’20Virgo’ = “A Caravan of Cars Headed to the West Coast”…

Keynote: The need of cooperative effort in reaching any “New World” of experience.

…what seems to be clearly implied is a process in which a group of persons are journeying together–thus linking their consciousnesses and energies (the ‘car’ symbol)–in order to safely reach the goal of destiny. Here there is no longer any sense of competition, but an ofered and structured endeavor.

…the past is entirely left behind; men cooperate in the great ‘adventure in consciousness’ in a TOTALIZATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFORT.

Will the New Moon of May 13, 2010 mark a new phase of political activity and cooperation as it effects the establishment of a one-world-government, aka a ‘New World Order’?

Well, if we begin to hear of Democrats and Republicans entering a new phase of cooperation to ‘get things done’, I for one will be feeling that their masks are finally being dropped in public and the them-against-us reality of Politics is being outed because they assume they’re about to successfully implement such totalitarian plans over all opposition from we-the-people.

Or, perhaps May 13 will simply bring us a New Moon in Taurus!


The above-linked post contains basic details on the culminating Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 27, 2010, along with info on a Mutable T-Square between Jupiter/Saturn pointing to apex Venus in Gemini in the May 13 New Moon chart.

Passionate for Palin in 2012?

If you’re one of the those Passionate for Palin People, Steve Schmidt, McCain’s campaign manager who helped choose Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate in 2008, has some tough love for you: Palin is talented but not a winning candidate for the GOP in 2012.

And I would add: nor in 2016, 2020, etc, etc, etc.

TV cameras like her though so that’s something especially if you like to watch very attractive train wrecks.

To paraphrase David Letterman last night about Palin’s new 400-page book, she wrote it herself and agonized over every word…and you will, too.

And of course, I can’t mention Dave today without also noting his confession last evening of sexual affairs with some of his show’s staff members (ladies, of course – no big surprise, imo) and the attempted extortion of an alleged $2 million by a CBS employee who has now been indicted.

Dave announced the ‘hinky’ situation with as much class as one could hope for and says he won’t be talking about it again. And that was quite a sustained amount of applause he got for discussing it as he did, too.

Just goes to show that negative traits or actions of human beings fare better for everyone concerned when they’re exposed to the light rather than hidden.

For as Richard Nixon taught us – yet Washington keeps forgetting – it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up that gets ya.

Actually with Nixon, I say it was the crime. But I lived in DC during Watergate and hated what tricky Dick did with the place – my favorite city!

Sibel Edmonds on Washington’s bribes and blackmails

Huffington Post has a handy breakdown of Edmond’s recent testimony and assertions as explained by Brad Friedman concerning the bribes and blackmailings perpetrated by the Capitol Hill crowd we not-so-fondly call our “representatives” in Congress.

Now don’t bother looking for analyses of her testimony in the mainstream media – they’re ignoring it. Check with Brad.

And you know, this kind of activity by government officials once had certain descriptive names that meant something: high crimes and misdemeanors; or, for some of them, if you prefer: treason.

GOP’s new Energy Policy unveiled

The GOP has announced their new energy policy which is designed to ignore global warming.

This twisted pretzel of a policy is quite a political calculation and I don’t remember asking them, yet they will spout – if only to undermine a White House full of Democrats, and to keep we-the-people as divided and confused as possible!

Don’t fall for it. And yes, they’re all an infestation of Washington DC to me.

Adam Lambert sings Mad World: video link + National Archives security breach

Has your noggin ever run on two quite different levels at once? Of course it has for you’re a multi-leveled entity with lots of brain power.

Well, somehow I’ve smooshed Adam Lambert’s rather unexpected non-win of the American Idol crown Wednesday night with the story of the massive and possibly treasonous security breach at the National Archives.

One Possible Reason for the hard drive’s disappearance: if it was a theft (and how could it not be? it’s an unimaginably large amount of personal info, mostly from the Clinton administration days – Bill may have had it done!) – maybe someone is trying to undermine the Obama administration since this massive breach, the extent of which we may never know in this lifetime, has occurred ‘on his watch.’

Perhaps the hard drive will ‘turn up’ from behind the copier, all dusty and stale, but still mighty cute. Useful, too.

Well, DC apparently hides culprits under every rock, creek, and park so you may wish to check it out!

Press in the US

“The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing.”

— Henry Brooks Adams 1838 – 1918 (grandson of John Quincy Adams, great-grandson of John Adams)

Now we may take the above quote of journalist, novelist, academician, and historian Henry Adams at surface value – until we spend hours last evening researching Mr. Adams and find that he was an anti-semite who believed that Jews controlled politics, the financial world, and the press.

Well, that’s fairly demonstrable in our era, as it turns out, but I’m not of the persuasion of detesting an entire religious body of people because of a percentage of its adherents. (Hebrew is the race, Judaism is the religion.)

I point out Adams’ anti-semitism because it explains his “monied system” reference in the above quote.

That Zionists’ interests override public policy in the US is becoming more and more clear, imo, and there are many people who would agree.

On my Political Astrology blog, Stars Over Washington, I remember posting last year the YouTube video of VP Joe Biden calling himself a ‘Zionist’ and I thought, uh-oh – more war even WITH a President Obama. We’re seeing results playing out now so Mr. Adams was apparently on to something.

Yet I’m surprising myself by posting the following two quotes from Mr. Adams, quotes that further illuminate a part of his character as much as his prejudices:

“With communism I would exist tolerably well…but in a society of Jews and brokers, a world made of maniacs wild for gold, I have no place.”

“I detest (the Jews) and everything connected with them, and I live only and solely with the hope of seeing their demise, with all their accursed Judaism.”

(There’s more to the last quote but I prefer to draw the line here at his vitriole. I do not promote such rhetoric normally but stay with me – there may be a point to all this.)

Before I continue on this track, how about a calmer bit of wisdom from the brilliant Henry?

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

Can this be said of bloggers, too (especially considering the abandonment of the public trust by the mainstream media)?!

But let’s get back to prejudices and monied systems…

Best known for his book, ‘The Education of Henry Adams’ the man lived a seemingly charmed life in his home on LaFayette Square across from the White House, enjoying social and political connections of the exalted kind of his day. His wife Clovis Hooper, daughter of a very wealthy Bostonian, interrupted the flow, however, by committing suicide on Dec 6, 1885.

Something of an auto-biography, ‘The Education of Henry Adams’ left out his marriage years entirely! The book, awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1919, concerns the ‘birth of forces’ that he saw as ‘replacing Christianity.’

Considering his many travels to Europe – including a Grand Tour after graduating Harvard in 1858 and serving as private secretary to his father who was sent to London by Pres. Lincoln as minister (ambassador) to the UK – my intuition says that Mr. Adams came in contact with the Freemasonry-Illuminati-Rosicrucian crowd/s that permeated the upper classes in which they moved in Europe (as did Franklin, Madison, and Jefferson.)

In fact, the works of John Stuart Mill were described by Adams to have convinced him of “the necessity of an enlightened, moral, and intelligent elite to provide leadership to a government elected by masses and subject to demagogery, ignorance, and corruption.” Just like America’s founders, especially Jefferson and Madison whose presidencies he chronicled so well.

And we know of Jefferson’s high regard for The Enlightenment in Europe and the French Revolution’s early principles: Voltaire and the gang. ‘Reason’ exalting the ‘Morals’ of man, however, never live up to their idealization. My own belief is that God knows best and that we’d be nowhere without Him and the Ten Commandments. Guess I’m no humanist – look what de-regulation of the markets has wrought as Wall Street had all controls dissolved. Even forgetting celestial precepts, where were human ‘morals’ then?)

Now showing! one of my own biases when reading of anyone and anything relating to politics – the word ‘enlightenment’ always seems an ‘Illuminati’ reference to me – and their stated mission is to destroy Christianity (and all other religions), governments, and the very fabric of society so that they can build it back – or let it grow wild as a destructured ‘Utopia’ where all men are ‘free’ – aka left to their own devices – but actually to be bossed around by a select few elites at the top of the pyramid!

So does man need God’s laws in order to thrive? Or can we regulate ourselves with manmade laws and devices?

Did you know that the Ten Commandments can be read as promises as well as limits?

For example: for those who love and serve God, “Thou shall not kill” is a promise easily kept without any trouble at all, if you love and serve our Creator!

And any parent raising small children knows how things will go if they give their beloved children No Limits to go by whatsoever. It makes them not very pleasant to be around besides setting them up for a shock when others don’t find their unbridled sassiness nearly as charming as their parent may.

Well, what is my point about Henry Brooks Adams?

That no one – even the famous, well-connected, and exalted – is perfect, yet we may still learn something valuable from them when it comes to what’s going on below the surface of politics…and now one of his most famous quotes, one of my personal favorites because it is so very instructive for modern times:

“Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organisation of hatreds.”

As it remains today, Professor Adams.


A few astrology notes on Henry Brooks Adams are available at Stars Over Washington if you dare. They’re written in English so you should be okay.

Apr 15 2009: Moon conjunct Pluto

Group energy is raging today as the feeling Moon and intense Pluto meet at 4 Capricorn triggering the degree of Dec 25, 2000’s Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Series.

Even today’s Venus position mimics 2 South’s Initial Eclipse (April 17, 991 *OS) when Venus was at 00Ari19.

The flavor of 2S is all about unusual
groups and one’s involvement with them (ex: Tax Day Tea Parties today) when sudden notice is taken resulting in a desire to join in. One feels (Moon) that one may gain a great deal (Pluto) through this involvement.

(Brady’s ‘Predictive Astrology.’)

And Moon-Pluto as a pair relate to mass media, propaganda, zeal, upheavals, and emotional outbursts, even hysteria.

And guess what? The Sabian Symbol for ‘4 Cap’ is:

‘A Group of People Outfitting a Large Canoe at the Start of a Journey by Water’…GROUP ACTIVITY…

Keynote: The ability to use natural resources and basic skills in order to achieve a group purpose. (Rudhyar.)

2S is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of Noam Chomsky, Pres. Woodrow Wilson, and Bush’s first term in the Oval Office.

Well, all this group activity today is making me crave a cup of my old favorite, a tea I first discovered many Moons ago when I lived in Washington, DC – Constant Comment, a term which now reminds me of blogging!

*OS = Old Style, the Julian Calendar.

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