Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘Natal Astrology

Astro-Notes on Jean-Jacques Rousseau

To read an astro-portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau you may want to check out today’s post at my general astrology blog, Jude Cowell Astrology. The novelist-philosopher of the European Enlightenment was very much a creative Moon-Neptune Conjunction sort of fellow, but the pairing can also denote major emotional problems, such as delusions and/or hallucinations.

Even the fact that his mother died in childbirth may be described by loss (Neptune) of the mother (Moon). So, if you’re curious, here’s a link to my freshly published post on Rousseau!


Written by Jude Cowell

July 5, 2022 at 11:11 pm

Poet Francis Thompson and a Foreshadowing Lunar Eclipse

In my recent article concerning poet Francis Thompson as a possible Jack the Ripper suspect, I included a speculative, symbolic natal horoscope for him, born December 16, 1859 in Preston, England. With no known birth hour for setting up a natal chart I used the exact moment that the Moon (often used as a timer in astrological work) opposed Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, a signature of paranoia, dreaminess, drugs, otherworldliness, the Collective, and deep creativity. The Moon represents, among other things: mother, family, women, emotions, childhood, the Unconscious, and the native’s ‘reigning need’ (Tyl.)

Francis Thompson’s reigning need is described by the sign of Mercury-ruled Virgo, the Virgin, with its purification, cleanliness, orderliness, and discernment issues.

Since posting the previous article, I am now reading Richard Patterson’s book Francis Thompson and the Ripper Paradox which is chocked full of information on the poet and on the Ripper cases thanks to Patterson’s 20 years of research. The book also cites and quotes several other sources and has informed me that Thompson’s occult interests (as mentioned in my previous article) also included the ancient art of Astrology.

I have also learned that Thompson’s mother, Mary Morton Thompson, died on the poet’s 21st birthday, a tragically lousy birthday gift for anyone to bear–having your mother ‘eclipsed’ from earthly life by an eclipse on that particular day. The image you see below is the Lunar Eclipse which manifested on Thompson’s 21st birthday.

>>Dec 5, 2015 Update: in my subsequent readings on Francis Thompson and the crimes of 1888 since posting this chart and article, I find that some sources give December 18, 1859 as the poet’s birth date. There may also be some conflict as to which date his mother actually died on–possibly the day after his birthday. None of the dates (within 2 or 3 days of one another) affect the influence of the Lunar Eclipse you see here–still a picture of a ‘mother’ ‘eclipsed’ by death. Thompson could still have been aware of the eclipse, its tragic meaning, and its degree at the time or later on.

Speaking as one whose mother also died under the auspices of a Lunar Eclipse which conjoined my natal Moon (which conjoined my mother’s natal Moon in Pisces!), I belatedly sympathize with the poet’s bereavement on that day and suspect that he was at some point completely aware of the Lunar (mother) Eclipse after, if not before, it occurred on December 16, 1880 @25Gemini08 which placed the Sun conjunct his natal Sun in Sagittarius since it was his birthday. Also note that the eclipse degree of 25Gemini squared Thompson’s natal Neptune @24Pisces (loss) and perhaps squared his natal Moon in Virgo if the two are within orb of opposition (180 degrees, a Full Moon of awareness, relationship, and culmination or ending) and which relates specifically to the poetic and mystical talents he inherited from his mother Mary via Moon-Neptune:

Gemini Lunar Eclipse Dec 16, 1880

Gemini Lunar Eclipse Dec 16, 1880

That the eclipse manifested in Gemini, sign of The Twins, seems significant as well since Francis had a twin who died at birth. Death doubled! You see the Moon rising in Preston with Luna’s own South Node, a Saturnian point of separation. His father Dr. Charles Thompson and he quarreled over what I’m learning was dad’s plan to remarry (Sun conjunct North Node, a Jupiterian point of encounters, new associations, and future direction.) Afterwards, Francis left the family home for London and a life of opiate use and homelessness on the city streets, suffering which abated in Autumn 1888 when some of his poems and essays were published in the magazine ‘Merry England’ — but then his prostitute ‘girlfriend’ broke off their relationship and used his expectant fame as a poet as justification, if memory serves correctly.

Now as I go further into Richard Patterson’s book (it’s quite long!) there will be discussion of the five Whitechapel murders of Autumn 1888 and their correlation with certain dates on the Catholic calendar; plus, the ancient concept of ‘Holy Ground’ seems to have applied as far as the killer was concerned. As a Protestant I shall have to depend on such sources in this but one thing I do know and plan to further investigate are correlations between planets and the dates of the murders (August 31 — November 9, 1888) beginning with the Lunar Eclipse you see here. Why? Because the Ripper’s first victim, Mary Ann Nichols (‘Polly’) was found at 3:40 am on August 31, 1888–with the Moon @25Gem14! Mother Mary and Mary murder victim–did astrology user Francis Thompson realize this precise correlation from the heavens to earth? I would say probably so for As Above, So Below is a first principle of the ancient art.

Additionally, Mary Ann Nichols was born on August 26, 1845 when the Moon was in Gemini and her Sun in early Virgo which echos her murder’s Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini blend of energies which describe the atmosphere of August 31, 1888. This Sun-Moon blend may tell us something about the crime and the killer. You may even agree that the following traits describe Francis Thompson, the eternal youth and puppet master who was never self-sufficient in his life!

Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini: a perennial student with mental ingenuity, a thinker; youthful; moody; analyser of minutiae; detached observer; nervous; a worrier; quick-witted; emotionally superficial and fickle; a romantic but not emotionally available; writer, linguist, teacher, journalist; shrewd and clever; critical; an organizer; a pessimist.

And my favorite for Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini: a jack of all trades!


Astrology source: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey; Thompson source: Francis Thompson and the Ripper Paradox by Richard Patterson.

Updated Nov 30, 2015 9:15 pm est

Horoscope: Evangeline Adams

Natal Horoscope Feb 8, 1869

Natal Horoscope Feb 8, 1868

Image: Evangeline Adams February 8, 1868 8:30 am LMT Jersey city, New Jersey; please enlarge to read a few basic chart factors messily penned on.

Above you see the natal horoscope of famed American astrologer Evangeline Smith Adams. However, its accuracy is in question with a Rodden Rating of DD for ‘Dirty Data’ yet it is the data she herself gave in her book, The Bowl of Heaven and has been used by many astrologers through the years.

Since one of the books I am currently reading is Foreseeing the Future: Evangeline Adams and Astrology in America by Karen Christino, I naturally wanted a look at her natal chart and noticed that Evangeline Adams is in process of a Saturn Return! And with Saturn being the traditional ruler of the ancient art of Astrology, I wanted to post her chart as a tribute to her pioneering work of the 19th century when she reportedly served a client list of 100,000! Adams established herself as an independent woman of business when that sort of thing was very rarely done.

And even non-astrologers have heard the tale of one of her most famous clients (and students), J. P. Morgan, and his revealing quote that, “Millionaires don’t use Astrology, billionaires do.” One must assume that this remains the case for both Financial Markets and Astrology are based on cycles within cycles so why not pay heed to the excellent timing advantage one has through the use of astrological principles?

Well, this post is not meant to be a major study of the natal chart of Ms. Adams though more info may be published later. Let’s do make note of the three dates of her current Saturn Return/s–a ‘three-fer’ due to Saturn’s retrogradation though her natal Saturn @4Sag40 is Direct as you see which emphasizes the third and final conjunction of transiting Saturn to 4Sag40 (1. denial; 2. acceptance; 3. resolution):

1. February 25, 2015;
2. March 31, 2015; and
3. November 6, 2015
which is yet to come as of this posting.

Now her Mercury-North Node opposition denotes her Mercury conjunct South Node (ideas before her time; others pilfer and use her ideas without giving her credit) and the opposition points toward her natal Saturn in the 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, Higher Education, and Foreign Lands. Legal Matters may also be found in the 9th house expecially involving Higher Courts such as SCOTUS.

(Enlarge chart to read Mercury-NN = Saturn potentials, upper right.)

As the ruler of Capricorn (government, law, and business), Saturn is one of the karmic planets acting as our celestial time keeper and lesson bringer who demands that what is reaped must be sown (as a Saturnian astrologer I don’t ‘do’ past lives, just heredity and DNA). No one escapes this natural law–not even big bankers, Wall Street gentry, or government officials (with warmongers and mass murderers definitely included.)

So! Will the 2015 Saturn Return of Evangeline Adams affect current events (beyond this post!) in a karmic way? Perhaps not. But now that her chart and Return dates are noted and spotlighted we’ll have to see if the famous 19th century prognosticator of cycles somehow imprints upon current events once again.

For details on the life of Evangeline Adams astro.com is recommended.

Written by Jude Cowell

October 18, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Astro-Notes on Toulouse-Lautrec

Thanks to one of his favorite drinking clubs, the Moulin Rouge, the noble-born Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec found fame and renown through his posters featuring dancers, Paris’ ladies of the evening, and the gentlemen who were attracted to them. Here is one example of his work:

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 036

Painting by Toulouse-Lautrec; PD image

Born at Chateau du Bosc at Albi, France, Toulouse-Lautrec was the son of two first cousins and was unfortunate enough to be afflicted with dwarfism. Besides his short stature, extreme near-sightedness, drooling, and a lisp added to his misery as other people found his appearance distinctly unappealing. Eventually the social outcast discovered his drawing talent while recovering from a broken leg (fragile bones) at his childhood home, the castle of du Bosc.

The astrology of his birth tells an interesting tale with his genius (Uranus in Gemini) in a beneficial trine (120 degrees) with Saturn, planet of realism, form, and structure (canvasses).

If you wish, view a brief bio and his natal horoscope here.

You’ll find his Sun in early Sagittarius, sign of the Seeker, and natal Moon in Venus-ruled Libra, a sign of art, beauty, and social activities. Rising at his 6:00 am birth (LMT) on November 24, 1864 is Scorpio, a sign associated with health issues.

As for his personality, a Fire-Air Sun Sag-Moon Libra blend denotes one with an optimistic streak (Sagittarius ruled by jolly Jupiter), a social conscience, and a liking for entertainment. We see a combination of the underdog, the innocent child, and the eccentric artist within this blend.

Admiration is a requirement of this blend so that his recognition in the art world of Paris must have given him on a deep level some measure of satisfaction. Passionate and idealistic, Toulouse-Lautrec wanted to “share the grand journey” of life with someone yet we feel his disappointment in the romance department. Painting Can-Can dancers on stage or women bathing had to suffice with perhaps a bit of lovemaking tossed in–out of what?….pity?

Taking care of everyday responsibilities was not Henri’s strong suit with this personality blend and of course the heavy drinking made that conveniently impossible. Reliance upon luck would have been a tendency along with gullibility, a quick wit, and an over-expansive style. Night clubs such as the racy Moulin Rouge were the perfect environment for his ‘live wire’ Fire-Air personality with its abundance of ideas and love of fast pace living.

Now for his Sun Sag-Moon Libra Images for Integration brought to us by Charles and Suzi Harvey’s Sun Sign-Moon Sign:

“Amidst a whirl of gaiety, a writer sits in a coffee house taking notes, and a painter paints…The Dead Poets Society.”

A few famous folk who were also born under the influence of a Sun Sag-Moon Libra blend include: Jonathan Swift, Emily Dickinson, Jane Austen, Saki, Maria Callas, Betty Grable, Walt Disney, David Carradine, and Werner Heisenberg.

As you see, all but the last are in the entertainment or writing fields unless you consider physics to be an entertainment. My thought is that Toulouse-Lautrec possessed the ability to see beneath surfaces which informed his portrayals of human anatomy!

Written by Jude Cowell

March 25, 2015 at 4:55 pm

James Dean’s Fatal Car Crash: an Eclipse Triggered

Teen icon and “genius” actor James Dean was obsessed with speed and with doing things his own way, it is always noted, and his new Porsche Spyder convertible had little chance to give him joy or the racing victories he sought since production of his third film, Giant, had wrapped up. Instead, the 24-year-old’s new Spyder very soon acted as a method of death during a road trip to auto races in Salinas, California on September 30, 1955. At 5:45 pm near Chalome, California the driver of a heavier Ford Tudor coupe driven by student Donald Turnupseed made a left turn across the Y-shaped intersection directly into Dean’s path.

The officially declared “Year of the Teenager”–1956–had not yet dawned in September 1955 and archetypal teenager James Dean had already left the world stage forever.

Astrologers who use the YOD planetary configuration with its ‘crossroads; crisis; turning point; special task’ implications may instantly recognize the road conditions and actions on that day reflected in a YOD-like situation in addition to a transit of dangerous proportions for accident-prone Uranus was triggering Dean’s natal Mars in Leo!

In the car crash chart, a YOD formed as the Moon (physical body) rose @27Pis41 (conjunct Dean’s progressed Ascendant–@28Pis43 if we progress the natal chart to Chalome, CA). Moon opposes SP Moon @25Vir29 (in SP 6th house of Health) with racing Mars @22Vir04 nearing conjunction with SP Moon. So transiting Moon and tr Mars are Angular in Dean’s progressed chart. MC/IC Angles are at critical 29th degrees (MC 29Sag/IC 29Gem).

The car crash is timed by the rising Moon in late Pisces (had he smoked marijuana? He was known to) for at 5:45 pm Luna reached the apex of a YOD with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base–all three at 27 degrees which adds to the karmic or fated quality of the tragic event. And if we include the 28th degree Mercury in a sextile with deathly Pluto, the YOD condition becomes more complex and indicative of a crossroads/turning point event of life-changing importance made even more likely his purchase of a race car.

The Neptune-Pluto pair also hints at drug use along with otherworldiness, mysticism, and perhaps more to the point–crooks, swindlers, and organized crime. Separately, both planets are linked with end-of-life conditions and events with one of Pluto’s roles the god of Hades. And with a 12th house apex Moon in a YOD pattern with them we think of 12th house realms such as karma, self-undoing, hospitals, and secret enemies. Chances are, Dean had made quite a few enemies in Hollywood and New York with his rude, use-them-while-they-benefit-you behavior.

And this troublesome teen icon as leader of a generation of rebellious American kids? Uh-oh! Perhaps the Solar Eclipse Series of Dean’s death is of importance? That would be the 11 South which manifested in Jimmy’s natal 3rd house of Short Trips on June 20, 1955 @28Gemini–conjunct his progressed IC (End of Life, Separations). 11 South themes include system failures, old ideas or methods die and need replacing with new ways of handling issues, sudden reforms, and “any blocks may be violently or tragically removed” (Brady, ‘Predictive Astrology’.)

Now if you’ve studied James Dean’s natal horoscope (February 8, 1931 9:00 am CST Marion, IN), you know that this disruptive, conflicted rebel was born with electrical planet Uranus rising at critical degree: ASC 12Ari13, Uranus 12Ari26, a picture of coping ability, sudden crises, individuality, originality, and yes, genius. And of course, an Aries Ascendant makes racing Mars his chart-ruler, here posited in the 5th house of Risk-Taking and Creative Endeavors (such as theater and film acting) in the self-dramatizing, entertaining sign of Leo the Lion (@2:24 Rx). Plus, his natal Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries identifies him among such characters as anarchists, Utopians, and those with a zealous, cantankerous streak.

That his testy Mars was retrograde added to Dean’s tendency to do the unexpected thing and to go against the grain, and he often received criticism from colleagues for being difficult to work with. They never knew what sort of performance he would give until he gave it and he was super-sensitive to any and all criticism or direction–a sense of self-determination is a must for eccentric Uranus rising folk. Plus, a natal 7th house Moon in sensitive Scorpio (early death of Mother) squared Mars making for an emotionally touchy nature and explosive temper for this abandoned child who ended most of his personal relationships before others could break off with him (relating Jupiter Rx and square separative Uranus). This habit applied to relationships with guys and gals and there is a hint of sexual lack of follow through shown in the natal chart (Venus inconjunct Mars). Apparently, personal relationships were either emotionally satisfying to some degree (Venus ruled by Saturn) or were sexually so (Mars in Sun-ruled Leo.)

Now there are many other factors worth considering in the natal horoscope and psyche of James Dean yet this post is actually meant more for notating a certain cosmic condition operating on the day of his death and detailed, below, under ‘Dean’s Pre-Natal Eclipse Triggered’.

That some people since 1955 have proposed deliberate assassination of this budding Hollywood star (said to be bisexual and thus privy to certain other stars’ romantic secrets which if blurted out by the unpredictable Dean would ruin careers and devastate studio bottom lines) is also beyond the scope of this post though a small mention of such may be necessary, below. (Donald ‘Turnupseed’…’Turn Up Speed’?? Weird!)

Dean’s many obsessions and psychological complexes may be viewed within the gestalt of his natal chart, made obvious by an excruciatingly tragic childhood: his beloved, creative Mother died of cancer when he was 9 (or, 8, he said in an interview, linked below). Then his rigid, cold Dad packed his grieving son off to live with relatives in Fairmount, Indiana. In the heavens on his day and hour of birth, we see difficult configurations across the Parental-Security axis–the 4/10 houses and Cancer-Capricorn, a sad, depressive, restrictive Moon-Saturn signature which was lightened somewhat by a Moon-Jupiter trine and an imaginative Moon-Neptune sextile of opportunity. (While alive, his Mom always lifted his spirits with play-acting and such–‘the actor’ able to easily display for an audience a myriad of emotions across his expressive face! See a telling note concerning their marriage blend of Sun and Moon, below.)

And consider Dean’s Cancer-Capricorn planets! Jupiter @11Can36 Rx and powerful manipulator Pluto @19Can12 Rx in 4th house opposite old man Saturn @18Cap09, its own sign, and little boy Mercury @26Cap01 in 10th house. Except for Mercury, all are significators for Father and the authority Dean constantly rebelled against (well demonstrated in his second film, Rebel Without a Cause)…yet there in 10th house is small, ‘speedy’ Mercury with its well-structured mind that naturally tends toward the depressive side in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (a harsh Saturn-Pluto opposition–1A03–ouch!)

With rave reviews of his inspired performance in ‘East of Eden’ now to his credit, James Dean was approaching the verge of finding his inner authority when his life was cut short–and directing was his eventual career goal. Yet psychological improvement may have been far in the future considering his natal Sun-Neptune quindecile (165 degrees), an aspect suggesting a hidden or unknown personal identity (Sun) and may also denote actors who must hide behind masks to win approval and must work hard to define themselves–to themselves, most of all. You see, Father disapproved of a son he considered ‘effeminate’, a son whose Mother had him taking violin and tap dancing lessons.

So on September 30, 1955, the Aquarian Sun actor and developing matinee idol was glad to be free for a while to pursue his longtime love of car racing once Giant had wrapped. Soon he was off to Salinas on a beautiful autumn day with a Porsche car mechanic riding by his side and other of his team following in a vehicle behind. But then Turnupseed turned up at the Mercurial crossroad and the rest is legend.

Dean’s Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Triggered

James Dean was born into a difficult Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 4 South. A South Node eclipse denotes an out rushing of energy and has a Saturnian, separative undertone. (Getting swiped by the Tail of the Dragon is seldom if ever fun.)

4 South themes involve fated happenings in financial and relationship matters which feel out of control; blocked or frustrated emotions cause trouble, and there may be a sudden desire to end a relationship (Dean’s forte). Avoiding rash actions until things settle down is the best advice when 4 South is influencing matters (Brady) yet it’s doubtful James Dean would have listened if an astrologer had counseled caution at any point in his brief life, much less on a liberating day just made for racing a new Porsche. Perhaps getting the hay out of town while enjoying new vistas was his way of avoidance.

Yes, 4 South is merely a background influence in his life unless activated by transit or progression so what triggered or stimulated its themes at his death? Actually, there are two: Mercury, planet of travel and vehicles, was Stationary Retrograde at that moment @28Lib37 conjunct transiting Neptune @27Lib12, both in 8th house of Transformation and Death, and both conjoining Dean’s PE degree of 27Lib46–an exact double ‘hit’ to 4 South. Transiting Neptune brings a veiling, deceptive influence with a higher plane possibly in the mix as well (ex: death) and when applicable, may also supply the potential for assassination or murder. Certainly, Neptune, planet of the Unconscious, contributed to a loss of direction, or to taking the wrong path which may describe the events of this accident, if indeed it was that.

Meanwhile, speedy Mercury, strengthened by its Station, rules such things as communications, thinking processes, perceptions and impressions, hand-eye coordination, and the physical senses–including eyesight (Dean’s was not good so he wore glasses). But was the collision really Dean’s mistake?

Perhaps his last words to his passenger yelled into the rushing wind (Neptune) are telling of the fatal crash’s planetary implications including the confused, out-of-sync Mercury-Neptune conjunction (a restless, often deluded pair of energies when blended) as they conjoined Dean’s PE and thus may have affected his ill-advised bolt toward freedom on that day as he separated himself from others:

Dean’s Porsche had the right-of-way as Turnupseed’s Ford unexpectedly crossed the road and smashed into the actor who said as he accelerated, “That guy’s gotta see us–he’ll stop,” an unfortunate, tragic misperception of the other driver’s intentions since, occurring at dusk, Turnupseed may not have seen the gray, low-slung convertible at all as Dean assumed (his progressions show an SP opposition between Mercury in confused yet creative Pisces and Neptune Rx in Virgo–across the 6/12 Vir-Pis axis (victim-savior). Perhaps the collision was only Dean’s mistake.

James Dean was pronounced dead shortly after with internal injuries and a broken neck, jaw, and arms. His passenger, the Porsche mechanic, felt guilty for the rest of life, it is said, yet he survived the 1955 accident with injuries but perished in a car crash in 1981. Mr. Turnupseed suffered minor injuries in 1955 but basically ‘walked away’ leaving Dean’s Porsche a tangled, crushed mess of metal–and millions of fans bereft. No charges were brought against 23-year-old Turnupseed.

As for James Dean’s natal 1st house Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Blindspot, its natal degree and sign, 14Tau07, is a placement indicating a crisis concerning values and one’s physical incarnation on Earth (Clow); plus, Chiron conjoins difficult Fixed Star, Menkar, in constellation Cetus, the Whale–‘a victim of the unconscious’ indicator which supports Dean’s untimely Mercury-Neptune misperception and his tragic misreading of environmental conditions which led to fatality.

Now a word about the ‘shotgun wedding’ of James Dean’s parents, Winton and Mildred (who was 2 months pregnant.) Their early afternoon ceremony on July 26, 1930 (Marion, IN) shows Sun (male; husband) and Moon (female; wife) in Leo with the Moon conjoining Mercury @15Leo, the Lion Point. Mercury may be seen as James, her unborn child and this is supported by the blend’s apt ‘Image for Integration’ given by Charles and Suzi Harvey in ‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign’:

“A child in an Edenic paradise builds a beautiful sandcastle in the sunshine with all the creatures of nature in joyous attendance.”

Shades of play-acting with Mom, later with colleagues, and of the disruptive rebel whose unique, magnetic talent for acting stole the show in ‘East of Eden’!

As noted, James Dean’s natal horoscope is a fascinating study full of conflicted emotions and parental complexes if you haven’t checked it out and I recommend it to you, plus, there are many biographies of his life in print and now available on Kindle.

My primary source during preparation for this post is Donald Spoto’s ‘Rebel: The Life and Legend of James Dean’. Also recommended are the following related links, the first of which is an excellent article by master astrologer Tony Louis:

Mars and the Passion for Speed (includes interesting links to follow, plus, horoscopes.)

Here are a few notes from the History Channel: James Dean Dies in a Car Accident.

Plus, columnist Hedda Hopper’s famous interview with Dean published March 27, 1955: Keep Your Eye on James Dean, subtitled, “Indiana Farm Boy, 23, Scores a Smash Hit in His First Film” (‘East of Eden’, with its spun sandcastles upon a California beach.) The caption under his photo reads, “James Dean…wins “young genius” label” and reports that onscreen Dean has an “exciting tenseness and the gift for projecting ever-changing moods.”

Now is such a Scorpio Moon-drenched assessment of his talent Uranian enough for you?


Updated 12.01.14 with more YOD and progressed info. jc

Thomas Hardy’s Jude remains Obscure

Monday March 3, 2014: Any Cosmic News? Austere Saturn in forceful,secretive Scorpio turned Rx yesterday which will somehow affect events and actions in the Crimea via authoritarian leaders such as Vladimir Putin. Here I’ve posted Crimea’s natal horoscope with the Pisces New Moon of March 1, 2014.

On Saturday March 1, 2014, Mars turned Rx square US natal Pluto in Capricorn, a time of power struggles and revenge as past actions (Mars Rx) come to the fore. This is Not a good time to poke Great Bears like Russia for anger leads quickly to destruction and peril. Now I know that boys will be boys, but really, fellas. Calm down.

My tech troubles continue and there’s not much personal news except that I’ve been re-reading an old favorite author in the last few weeks when I get a chance at odd moments: Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure is first up. Wish I still had my old copy from school but I’m settling for a Kindle version.

The Olden Days of Jude and Sue and Thomas

Thomas Hardy was born in Dorchester England on June 2, 1840 at 8:00 am (astrodatabank has his bio and natal horoscope if you wish a peek. You’ll note that his natal 12th house Moon @10Can48 is again being transited by Jupiter Rx which will Station Direct on March 6, 2014–right upon Mr. Hardy’s natal Moon! If the author walked among us still this would be a happy time for him as any grand desires may be fulfilled during this transit. As it is, our natal horoscopes remain affected by posthumous transits so perhaps the Jupiter-to-Moon conjunction made stronger by Jupiter’s seeming to stand still while stationing will attract a few extra readers to his poems and novels and benefit his estate!

Now film critic Roger Ebert described Jude the Obscure (Jude must have been ‘born’ under somber Saturn’s rays!) as “bleak and shocking” in his review of the 1996 movie adaptation starring Christopher Eccleston and Kate Winslet.

Hmm…perhaps I should see the film particularly since in the world of politics it seems the far right in the US want to return American women to a regressive time of antiquity to endure many of the same prejudices and substandard treatment suffered by the ladies of Thomas Hardy, both real and imaginary.

Yet sprightly heroine Sue Bridehead did possess an independent streak to be sure and was educated in the Classics to a larger-than-usual degree for a woman of her day–she actually had an interest in them including Poetry, of course.Being a teacher was a natural career for her though it didn’t last due to changing social conditions. (I’m about 1/2 way through the book–don’t spoil it for me if she returns to teaching after her marriage!)

Of course the behavioral standards between men and women of 19th century were restrictive (Saturn) especially for such a Geminian free-ish spirit as Sue and we find the ‘eternal youth’/young girl role of Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, playing a major part in the novel’s plot line. Even Jude is described by the author as a “child” at one point though finagled into marriage by one Arabella then subsequently falling in love with changeable Cousin Sue whose true feelings he can seldom guess. Jude loves and adores Sue but an earlier guileless mistake makes…well, you know the tale, don’t you?

Okay, I’ll hush up for now for I didn’t intend to write about Jude the Obscure at this particular moment in time. But since it’s done, I’ll not delete.

Jude, the Undeleting

Herman Cain’s natal chart: Saturn/Pluto = Mars

The Planets and Psyche of Herman Cain, GOP Pseudo-Candidate 2012

by Jude Cowell

Not wishing to use space on my Political Astrology blog Stars Over Washington for a man others besides myself consider to be a fringe candidate, I shall publish here for your consideration what I intend to be my only astro-peek at the natal planets and psyche of Herman Cain, Republican corporatist and inspirational speaker.

Is Cain a true contender for president? In his own mind, I’m quite certain he is though as some have said, higher speaking fees may be a primary motivation for Cain’s showing up at GOP ‘prez nom’ debates (or what passes for debates these days.)

A spur to his book sales? Sure but–funny thing–Jerry and Deborah Strober actually wrote Cain’s book, as recently detailed in The New Yorker.

Mr. Cain does like to talk a lot, however, as you may have noticed, and mostly about himself.

Chart shown is set for noon since a correct birth time for Mr. Cain is unknown; please click image for a closer view.

Herman Cain Dec 13, 1945 (noon) Memphis TN

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee on December 13, 1945. The closest applying aspect to his natal Sun in Sagittarius is one of opportunity–a sextile (60 degrees) to expansive Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra.

This aspect describes the basis of his personality and indicates talent in public relations and communications (motivational speaker, preacher), an outgoing nature, and theatrical and political skills. Cain’s Baptist ministry is also described by the sextile to Jupiter, the planet of codified religion.

Sun sextile Jupiter folk believe that routine crushes creativity; rigid schedules annoy them so how the rigidity of the Oval Office would suit him remains a mystery. Irritability would be the result of caging in his large personality in such a way but since he loves ‘the good life’, perhaps concessions would be made in exchange for the presidency’s high privileges.

Yes, Herman Cain is an ‘ideas person’ thanks to Sun/Jupiter and a conversationalist extraordinaire.

A Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in Libra indicates a “maverick with a superiority complex who listens very little to others” (Clow) which supports the Sun/Uranus aspect as detailed in this post.

The two societal planets, Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) are square (90 degr = blockages; blindspots) one another (Cancer to Libra) so we see that not all his business decisions have worked out due to faulty judgment. (One could argue that coming on to lady colleagues is a faulty way of doing business–expensive settlements may follow to quieten the ladies who complain!)

Jupiter/Saturn square folk tend to take on responsibilities with too little preparation (for the White House?) and this dynamic energy may lead to an interest in holding a government position; it may also indicate a tendency toward depression. This is an ‘overly conservative–too orthodox–super materialistic’ aspect which adds to his exalted ambitions.

A Charismatic Fellow?

So where in Cain’s natal horoscope is this charisma the media touts for him? Well, his Sun/Jupiter sextile is part of the dynamic yet I suspect the sparks that creative Uranus can bring figure into his live-wire personality as well with a quirky Sun/Uranus opposition, an aspect of one who is invested in being “different” from the rest. We’ve heard this loud and clear during his dramatic debate performances.

A spur to ambition due to early hardships, those born with a Sun/Uranus opposition are high-strung, irritable, and restless, with a need for regular relaxation or health will suffer.

Talent goes without saying yet self-sabotage may occur from lack of compromise with others–Herman doesn’t listen very well to others. This trait may be part of overstepping the line when making passes at women whom his massive ego assumes want his attentions. (See his overbearing Saturn/Pluto/Mars, below.)

He is very competitive in business (as we can tell: “Pizza will come,” said SNL–hilarious!) but less helpfully, this carries over into personal relationships and indicates sudden beginnings and endings which supports a wide Venus/Uranus aspect (which may also provide charisma.)

Cain presents himself in ways that are difficult or contradictory for others to understand–relationships are not easy with a Sun/Uranus individual, and the wide opposition between Venus (attraction principle) and Uranus (behavior) may intensify this.

A Sun/Uranus opposition indicates erratic behavior that can alienate others–which may describe Ms. Bialek’s statement yesterday of her experience with Mr. Cain whose Sun/Uranus aspect shows a potential for promiscuity–he refuses to be confined yet doesn’t mind confining others. Impatience and emotional outbursts can make him unwelcome in many circles.

Confused Emotions?

Another problematic aspect is a possible opposition between an Aries Moon (emotions; feelings; mother; women; family) and nebulous Neptune in Libra, sign of Partnerships. Moon remained in Aries for the 24-hour period of his birthdate with the Moon ranging from 1Ari01 to 15Ari11–therefore, natal Moon is either applying to or separating from, Neptune–or they are directly opposite one another.

If separating, the Neptunian energy is even more unconscious especially with Neptune and the Moon both relating to the Unconscious. Personal relationships suffer from all the illusions this aspect indicates, and Mother is implicated during childhood for she gave Herman incorrect ideas about herself, and therefore, about all women; feelings of loss are prevalent and I hope he didn’t lose his mother during childhood for as a mother myself, I certainly don’t wish to add to any sense of loss with my remarks here.

Anyway, Mom’s description of what a ‘good woman’ is gives a distorted image of women for the adult Mr. Cain and these are the sort of virgin-whore misconceptions that are difficult if not impossible to shake because of their unconscious nature.

A Moon/Neptune opposition indicates much creativity yet can show one who has trouble separating truth from fiction (which can make lies believable, at least to their promoter if not to the public.) Relationships can be disorderly or confused due to fantasies that are created about the self and others; an ‘escapist’ is indicated by this aspect, one who has trouble accepting emotional responsibility for his actions.

Plus, a tendency to feel abused is in evidence when lies or misconceptions are revealed (and I believe we’re seeing this now in his statements.)

And it’s possible, depending on the Moon’s position, that Cain has a closed-circuit-of-energy Grand trine in Fire (Moon-Mercury/Venus-Pluto) which is very creative and inspirational but provides him with a ‘firewall’ against listening to others or letting them into his life in any genuine way.

Venus and The Ladies Return

How interesting that today times a Venus Return for Mr. Cain. The position of Venus @ 9Sag28 may be a little off since we’re using a noon chart but not by much–his current Venus Return times lady accusers returning to his life even though he presents himself as not remembering them. I’m certain he didn’t mean to say that he’s engaged in such behavior so often through the years, their names and faces have faded in his memory!

Plus, natal Venus conjoins fixed star Antares, keywords: a need to avoid obsession (Brady’s Predictive Astrology.) Sounds like he may be obsessed with Venusian ladies, doesn’t it?

Now for the massive trio you see above: Saturn/Pluto = Mars in lusty Leo.

This triple conjunction forms a midpoint picture of ruthlessness, defiance, the drive toward ambition, secret plans, and harsh judgments (as marked on the chart, lower right.) Assaults and violence may also be added to that difficult picture for Saturn/Pluto working together indicates cruelty and hardship but also tenacity and a capacity for very hard work.

The hardworking, running hot’n’cold conjunction between Mars and Saturn is wide (about 8 degrees) and out-of-sign which complicates things–Saturn is ruled by the Moon (8Lib04 at noon) and Mars is ruled by the Sun in the sign of The Seeker (Sag.)

Mars and Pluto are about 9 degrees apart, also a wide orb yet Mars in the middle brings it all together as noted in the midpoint picture above. The archetype of ‘the sex addict’ may be in evidence though perhaps I shouldn’t say so!

(His father’s example and influence are implicated in this–Saturn, the earthly father, is Rx, thus weak or absen, and in its detriment in Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of The Mother, which denotes early emotional lacks and family estrangements–he’s touchy! In adulthood, this creates a strong attachment to material possessions and ‘money = love’ confusions.)

Three other midpoint pictures (that do not depend on an exact birth time) are quite elucidating–one involves the Illuminati-Enlightenment planets of the New World Order, Uranus and Neptune, along with wealthy, powerful (secret backer) Pluto…

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: one who is easily impressed with or influenced by others; not taking a firm stand (?); abandoning resistance; great losses or calamities.

Venus/Pluto = Neptune: instability in relationships; an impressionable nature; seduction or being seduced; immorality.

Sun/Saturn = Neptune: inhibited mental development; inner peculiarities; a mental, emotional, or physical crisis.

(Midpoints: Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Another factor about Herman Cain–as you know, transiting Mercury, planet of announcements, press conferences, and debates–is about to turn retrograde on November 24, 2011, Thanksgiving Day (confirm your travel reservations and have your car checked out if driving far afield!)

Thing is, Herman Cain’s natal Mercury on or about 7Sag57 (Rx) will therefore receive three ‘hits’ during Mercury’s Rc phase. The dates of his three-fer Mercury Return to its noon position are as follows:

1. November 8, 2011 (yesterday, for Ms. Bialek’s statement as she ‘returned’ with old information (Mercury)

2. December 7, 2011 (Rx–he may resonate more with this conjunction since natal Mercury is Rx)

3. December 21, 2011

Will Herman Cain’s previous ‘paramours’ and one-offs with the ladies continue to be revealed until or beyond December 21, 2011?

This wouldn’t surprise me at all after studying the natal horoscope of Mr. Herman Cain, fringe candidate.

Progressions of Life
As for the presidency, I like to look at candidates’ Secondary Progressed lunations for the background ‘time of life’ they are in during campaigns and elections, if any. A correct birth time is helpful for this but not necessary though the exact date of a lunation may be off by a few days.

Mr. Cain is now in his Secondary Full Moon stage of life with Sec Full Moon occurring on or about May 21, 2010 @ 26Leo54, a position that links by opposition to US natal Moon–sometimes an indicator of presidential victories.

However, the Sec Full Moon phase shows that he has already extended into the world as far as he can go (as did America with her Sec Full Moon, December 2008) and is on ‘the downside’. Pulling in his ambitions, expansion, and desires will now be necessary as the months go on though he probably doesn’t yet recognize this. (Three years on, America is just now beginning to.)

If Cain doesn’t win the GOP nomination (and I suspect he should look in the Republican cabbage patch for his nomination enemies rather than amongst the Democrats–why would Barack Obama not want a politically uninformed egoist as an easy adversary?) then perhaps he will go with the ‘Full Moon flow’ (light dimming!) and set his sights on something more realistic and appropriate for this time in his life.

Your on-topic comments and opinions are appreciated as always!


Blog Note: it’s probably on my end, but for months WordPress blogging is difficult and frustrating for every time I type, the auto-save function returns the post field to its starting place which causes lots of jumping about. Therefore, please pardon any typos for I’ve tried to ‘catch’ them all but spellcheck doesn’t work and the rabbit just won’t stay still! Perhaps I can edit out typos later since for now I’m quite wumped out by typing and trying. jc

Update 5:33 pm est: you may also wish to check out Herman Cain’s Sun Sag-Moon Aries personality blend, just published.

No April Fools up in here! Just Cezanne 4.1.11

You may be feeling a little foolish today yet checking out Julie Demboski’s article on the Lunar aspects for April 1, 2011 is the smartest thing to do! Asteroid Juno (The Wife) is active today.

Julie’s post includes an image of a painting by my favorite artist, Paul Cezanne, Pierrot and Harlequin…perfect! Cezanne and I share the same Sun-Moon blend in our natal horoscopes though not artistic skills – Benjamin Franklin does as well and Ben was known for his doodling!

(See below for Cezanne’s birth data.)

Now April 1st always reminds me (and perhaps you) of The Fool card in the Tarot deck, a card of innocence and new beginnings as The Fool begins his mystical journey. Green, the color of growth, is associated with The Fool and with curiosity.

The new light of the Spring 2011 season suffuses this picture with faith in the future, one of the joys of traveling on The Fool’s path of enlightenment. Not overanalyzing things and avoiding malice are preferrable for this new journey and being ‘as a child’ without trying to anticipate events makes the journey an exciting yet Zen-like adventure!


Paul Cezanne born Jan 19, 1839 (NS) in Aix-en-Provence France at 1:00 am LMT (Rodden rating AA, from BC); ASC 2Sco46, Mc 10Leo13; 3rd house Sun 28Cap19, 4th house Moon 12Pis56 (conj 5th cusp of Creativity); Hour Jupiter 18Lib23 in 12th house, conjunct Pallas and Juno; the Art planets, Venus and Neptune, conjoin in Aquarius, and Moon conjoins Uranus 10Pis04, planet of newness, the future, and originality.

Kucinich to force Afghan w/drawal vote

As you’ve heard, The Hill is reporting that Rep Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) plans an attempt to force a vote to remove US troops from Afghanistan now that President Obama has drifted from his July 2011 intention.

Dennis John Kucinich was born in Cleveland, Ohio on October 8, 1946 at 5:53 pm est, the eldest of seven children in a Roman Catholic family, his father of Croatian ancestry. If I remember correctly, Mr. Kucinich has shared his correct birth time for the benefit of astrological study.

The excellent Daykeeper Journal shows Mr. Kucinich’s natal chart
here, if you wish a view – you’ll see his realistic and dedicated Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Leo (6-degree orb) along with 14Aries56 rising. With Mars as chart-ruler, some of the following factors may be mitigated by the activist planet of determination.

Let’s take a brief look at his misty, ethereal Air-Water combination of Sun Libra-Moon Pisces: adaptable and sensitive, this blend of energies provides a perceptive intellect, sociability, and idealism. A genteel diplomacy makes for one of the nicest people around but with a detective’s mind and an air of mystery about him.

Here is a natural worker on the behalf of other people who can both fit in with the larger plans of others and/or initiate plans of his own. This charming guy is endearing to others due to his compassion, sense of fairness, listening ability, and non-judgmental attitude.

Relationships are central to this combination, which is supported by his natal Sun in Libra conjunct natal Descendant (Partnerships) – he may, perhaps, ‘give too much away’ of himself in relationships; plus, Venus in sexy Scorpio is out-of-bounds in his horoscope suggesting a deep insecurity concerning relationships, love, or romance (he’s in his 3rd marriage now.)

Two cautions for the Libra-Pisces blend are a tendency to vacillate at crucial crossroads, and to identify with too many points of view which leads to confusion or to a lack of conviction.

“Image for Integration: The curtain comes down, the actor takes off his mask and, in privacy, looks into his mirror to find himself a child of six with his imaginary friend.”

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Sounds rather lovely and childlike so I want to add three midpoint pictures which may give us a fuller idea of Rep. Kucinich, for US natal Neptune 22Vir25 is apex planet in three of his natal midpoints…yet we remember that Astrology is an AC-DC affair which describes energies flowing in either or both directions, at once or alternately. These pictures are more personalized for Rep. Kucinich because he serves (Virgo) the masses (Neptune) within the US government…

n Mercury/Pluto = US Neptune: pursuit of peculiar plans; cunning; falsehood; slander, libel, and defamation; overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one’s welcome; mystical insights; using deception and concealing information; an inefficient researcher.

n Mars/Saturn = US Neptune: pretenses or cover-ups about the state of preparedness of self or others; inefficient use of energy; a weakening of well-prepared plans; confusion; feeling threatened; self-torment; insufficient power to tackle obstacles; a grievous loss.

n Jupiter/Pluto = US Neptune: suffering damage or loss through others without being aware of it; cheating, deceiving, or seducing others; a general disappointment; unclear goals in life; being drawn to mystical religions and abstract ideas; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into one’s own format (politics! and of course, congressmen work with surveillance issues and secret data all the time – jc.)

Also, Kucinich’s natal Jupiter 2Sco46 is focal planet with his Venus/Neptune midpoint – the Venus/Neptune pair relates to the Vatican, and ‘3Sco’ = “A House Raising.”

As in, House of Representatives? (Imho, 99% of the borry sastards could use some raising – of ethics and integrity.)

n Venus/Neptune = n Jupiter: luxury consciousness; love of comfort; keeping up a good front; a rich imagination; a tendency to revel in illusion; artistic receptivity; religious deceptions as a form of holiness; excessive use of deceptive practices in financial endeavors.

Now you know that any, all, or none of the above factors may apply and that natal midpoints are subject to stimulation by transits and progressions. The above midpoint pictures are a mix of info gleaned from Noel Tyl, Reinhold Ebertin, and Michael Munkasey.

More astro-analysis of Amy Winehouse

Some time ago I posted in brief on the natal chart of Amy Winehouse but with the singer’s birth time unknown.

Now it’s Marina to the rescue! For today I’ve discovered a more in-depth analysis of Winehouse’s chart including info on her relationship with Blake at Funk Astrology which I highly recommend to you.

Marina has spent the time and worked up a terrific rectification of the singer’s natal chart so that an astro-picture of Amy Winehouse is more in focus, and you may just wish to check out her revised chart details which use timed events in the singer’s life.

Kings and Queens

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