Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Manhattan: Feb 12, 1653 + 9.11.01

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Feb 12 1653 + 9.11.01

This is an image of the incorporation chart for Manhattan NYC, Feb 12, 1653, set for Noon LMT, with the chart of the first attack of 9.11.01 placed outside.

What we may consider as the deepest background influence between 1653 and 2001 is that 9.11’s Pluto 12Sag38 opposes 1653’s Pluto–this is the ‘no-compromise struggle between two great powers’ transit which mere human beings never have to face because we don’t live long enough for it. But Manhattan was incorporated 348 years prior to the attacks of 9.11.01.

You may click-to-enlarge the chart and hopefully see that 9.11’s Saturn, which conjuncts US natal Descendant of Partnerships/Open Enemies/Legal Affairs from the Sibly chart (July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia), but is here conjunct 1653’s ASC–and natal Pluto.

Saturn to Pluto is a time when there is loss of control due to situations too large to handle, and there is a struggle to understand current motivations and behavior that have developed as a result of the past; only time brings more control.

Saturn to ASC is a period when one is confronted with oneself, and past mistakes will be regretted. This is a worrisome time when extra responsibilities are taken on. The most positive outcomes of this transit are development of maturity and more efficient productivity.

Manhattan’s natal chart-ruler is Mercury in 9th house of Travel and Higher Education and conj Jupiter in early Aquarius–and they are near their positions in the upcoming 2009 Inaugural chart.

Airy Jupiter is quite happy and expansive with broadened horizons in his own 9th house, but you see that 9.11’s Neptune 6AQ21, had recently come a-calling and was at the Medina degree on 9.11.01.

9.11’s Mars 1Cap27 (and yes, we’re now in a Mars Return phase to 9.11’s Mars, the instigator) had had a visit himself–to 1653’s n Uranus 29Sag44 (which tr Pluto 2008 keeps triggering) and you know that the Mars–Uranus relates to explosions, war, and revolution.

9.11’s Chiron (the wound; the blind spot) at 23Sag03, is conj 1653’s Neptune 23Sag15. Chiron–Neptune has a ‘vortex’ connotation which I won’t discuss here. And Pluto has been triggering this degree for some time now…Pluto-Chiron = plutocracy; oppression; racism; violence; corporatism.

9.11’s Uranus, the disruptor, rebel, and revolutionary, has crossed Manhattan’s Midheaven, a time when sudden shifts change life’s direction, and freedom is in jeopardy as outside forces disrupt life and are out of any personal control.

Eclipse-trigger Venus is opposite Uranus, giving Manhattan’s n Mc/Ic axis (Public Status; Career) a link with Venus–Uranus, a pair which indicates erratic finances and instability.

In 2008, bankrupting America seems to be working a bit too well (as planned by radical reformers.)

Manhattan’s n Pluto–Chiron midpoint 18Leo46 was triggered by 9.11’s Venus, the main actor in the attacks as she stimulated the Solar Eclipse degree of August 11, 1999–Nostradamus’ “King of Alarm” or “King of Terror” Eclipse when the winds of war and strife were unleashed upon the Earth. (See this Eclipse in sidebar Pages list.)

1653’s Saturn 7Leo56 Rx, is conjunct George Bush’s natal ASC at the “A Bolshevik Propagandist” degree and 9.11’s Sun–Moon midpoint is there as well…8Leo23–actually conj Bush’s natal Mercury.

Manhattan’s incorporation occurred on a Full Moon day (exact at 5:16:56 am LMT, critical degree 20 Cap rising, with Venus at NWO degree “18Cap.”)

Speaking of the New World Order, you see that natally, Manhattan was created during another Uranus–Neptune conjunction period. (NWO = 1992-93’s Great Conj of Uranus and Neptune, “18Cap.”)

And with Pluto soon to slip back into the later degrees of Sagittarius, the Uranus–Neptune influences continue to be transformed right before our very eyes…

Uranus–Neptune = mysticism; psychical researchers; spiritual understandings; losses; idealism; religious problems; instability; inner vision and Illumination; art; subconscious forces.

Update: warm thoughts are with the good folks of NYC today, the 7th anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks. Some postings are up at Stars Over Washington because Mars today is conjunct 9/11’s Mercury/Asc:

negotiations; laying emphasis on one’s own thoughts; urge to attain success; successful transactions.

Stars Over Washington

Written by Jude Cowell

March 9, 2008 at 7:14 pm

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