Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘YOD

Full Moon Jan 10, 2009

Just brief heads-up that I’ve just published the Full Moon chart of Jan 10, 2009 at Stars Over Washington, if you’d like to see it.

The chart has my usual chicken-scratch notes upon it along with more details in the text for you to read – click chart to enlarge.

This Full Moon should be especially lovely and occurs at 10:26:42 pm est in Washington, DC which is the location I’ve used in my astro-political role of grumpy American dissenter.

Yet as you’ll find, there’s a helpful Mystic Rectangle pattern which lays directly over a YOD formation, a configuration of fork-in-the-road dimensions.

This YOD, or ‘Finger of God’ is pointing toward Neptune, planet of gas, oil, other liquids including water, and is indicative of someone hiding in an ivory tower…you’ll see, so check it out, if you get a mo!

One thing I neglected to mention in the post is that the Full Moon is exact during a Mars Hour and Mars is out-of-bounds so he’ll be working on his own and may perform record feats – or merely anti-social ones.

And he’s at  ’11:11’…11Cap11…which may have karmic implications relating to Mars, the Warrior.

Are you familiar with the ’11:11′ phenomenon: seeing 11:11 everywhere you look? It began occurring years ago, and I am one of the 11:11-ers myself. There are books written on the subject (although their Uranian flavor prevents me from recommending one over the other – you decide. I’m just a  Saturnian astrologer with a hopeful eye on Eternal Life, and spreading info freely to the collective.)

Most simply, I believe ’11:11′ relates to a call to work on behalf of the collective, and to the lateness of the hour for mankind. But you may take that with a grain of salt, if you like – I wouldn’t if I were you – but it’s totally your call and your life!

For your convenience, here’s the link to the Full Moon chart and post although it should show up soon in my SO’W feed in the sidebar:


2009 Inauguration: YOD pattern forms 12:30 pm et

Venus Aphrodite

‘Venus Aphrodite’
Here’s a bit I wrote just now concerning the YOD pattern (‘Finger of God’) which forms around 12:30 pm ET on Inauguration Day 2009, and which points to America’s natal Venus (3Can06), and forms a YOD configuration even more closely with Barack Obama’s natal Venus (1Can34, using BHO’s ‘7:24 pm’ birth time.)


~:~ This one’s for You, Donna D, for kindly asking! ;p

Bush’s Rose Garden economy

Well, he can’t say ‘everything’s coming up roses’ anymore, so when George Bush spoke from the Rose Garden at the White House this morning, I looked at the Scorpio rising horoscope to find a YOD (Finger of God pattern – two planets sextile at base, both inconjunct a third, apex planet) which is a configuration of crisis or special task or purpose….a critical point where every action matters tremendously.

The YOD involves Moon, Uranus, and Mercury, and of course, Uranus often brings crises all by itself.

Moon 22Tau+ was also triggering the last Great Conjunction degree of societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) of May 28, 2000:

“23Tau” = “A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Jewels” so you know it isn’t the American people ‘racking up’ here. (Jupiter = Republicans, Saturn = Democrats.)

Uranus, another planet in the YOD pattern is Rx at “21Pis” = “A Little White Lamb, a Child, and a Chinese Servant.”

Mercury, planet of speeches and announcements, is at “22Libra” = ” A Child Giving Birds a Drink at a Fountain” – and the ‘fountain’ seems to be the public trough oink oink. “Child” is probably you and me, including in the Sabian Symbol mentioned below for Neptune.

The YOD as a midpoint picture?

Moon/Uranus = Mercury: suggestive thought power (Bush hopes): great mental activity (they’ve had their noggins together figuring out what to do and say); sudden cognition and perception; expecting a surprise; innovative ideas.

In a YOD, apex Mercury is the masterful communicator and social enlightener who can appear out-of-tune with the environment – kind of like Rx Mercury – and who may not be speaking in a clear, direct manner. There is a disjointed quality to his communication, perhaps indicated here by a lack of details concerning the ‘broad package’ and ‘new agency’ which the ‘experts’ are working on for next week’s delivery.

More socializing of private debt on the way as they ‘bail out’ their friends on Wall Street at the expense of Main Street. And with Mercury one degree from its Rx Station we’ll be hearing these themes again and again as economic issues are reviewed and rehashed. Mercury passes its shadow degree at the end of October and perhaps the discourse can move on then.

Sun “28Virgo” = “A Bald-headed Man Dominates a Gathering of Natonal Figures”…Paulson, it would seem…unless it’s Cheney!

And during Bush’s short Rose Garden presentation this morning, tr Neptune 21AQ58 Rx crossed the Ic in DC – the Foundation of the Matter, and not where you’d like dissolving, deceptive Neptune to be…

“22AQ” = “A Rug Placed on the Floor for Children to Play On”…as the lame duck prez attempts to put a bottom underneath the economic free fall which he, with his cohorts and enablers, created.


And here’s a nugget concerning one of Bush’s enablers, that deregulating John McCain who has a POW secret to hide:


Winter Solstice Dec 21, 2012: chart now up

If you’re interested, here’s a link to a freshly published Page concerning the Winter Solstice of 2012 which has received much press already due to its significance in the Mayan Calendar. You’ll find an image of the Solstice chart – set for Washington, DC, the White House – with some info on Fixed Stars, apex Jupiter Rx in a YOD pattern, and other details included:


If you get ready to discuss, do let me know!

Iraq War 2003 + March 28, 2008: composite chart with 3 YODs

Bush’s smirk 

With Iraq in eruption and crisis, and US airstrikes in progress, I have written an article on the Composite Davison chart (C/D) which averages two charts bwo time, date, and place and results in a third chart representing the blending of events/entities into a relationship chart.

A C/D chart is a good way to see how the present is affecting the past (or to see whatever time frame you wish to study blended with a chart of your choice) and some astrologers view them as having a karmic component. ‘Past affecting present’ definitely seems to apply to this ongoing struggle, so in this case, I’ve blended March 19, 2003 (at the White House where the order to invade was hatched) with March 28, 2008 in Baghdad:


And don’t fret if you’re not familiar with composite relationships charts–the midpoint pictures and the crisis-ridden YOD patterns formed are written out in English for anyone to read and recoil from.

As far as transits to the 2003 chart, the one that really stands out now esp since Mars is the ‘god of war’ is that Mars is opposite his position of March 2003, a time of constant attempts to cope with people whose purposes and actions are diametrically opposed to one’s own.

Physical efforts are of the “hitting one’s head against a brick wall” variety, and little or no ‘headway’ is made until this transit is out of orb. Many Mars folk–males between 25–36 years old, the military, police, etc–will wonder why this energy was expended in the first place and will feel it’s been wasted or misdirected (which it has. And with an opposition being a culmination or fulfillment point, will this attitude finally prevail over Dick Cheney’s “So?”)

~~And yes, transit Mars is still out-of-bounds–anti-socially lighting matches, setting fires, and hiding IEDs by roadsides, among other violent things~~

Shows of strength and aggression are met with equally determined force from others so that the focus should be on routine tasks quietly carried out–but somehow airstrikes don’t fall under this description, do they?

Sustaining controlled or stable physical efforts is difficult under a Mars–Mars opposition and so my prayers are with the people of Iraq and with the US soldiers who have been put unfairly and fraudulently into harm’s way–all for the sake of US imperialism and greed.

George Washington’s Solar Return 2008

On Feb 22, 2008, George Washington’s Solar Return (SR)–when the Sun returns to the degree of birth–occurs at 8:48:50 am LMT when set for his place of birth, modernly called Wakefield, VA.

In his 2008 Solar Return is a YOD (Finger of God) pattern indicating a crisis situation in need of adjustment between Neptune 22AQ09 and the SR ASC 22Ari34 which point to focal planet, the Moon 20Vir34, in the 6th house of Work, Service, and Health.

The combination of Neptune/ASC indicates much sensitivity, impressionability, and a tendency to lay oneself open to exploitation–thus serving as a willing tool for others’ interests. There is lack of resistance or stamina, moodiness, and a proneness to being easily influenced by others (and the current presidential campaign rhetoric comes to mind.)

The Moon (‘the People; the public’ in a national chart) influences the physical body, and is placed in Virgo, sign of health, in the 6th house of health. Of course, healthcare rhetoric and arguments abound now during the prez campaign, so hopefully that’s the inference here in this, the Solar Return chart of the Father of Our Country.

Worse may be imagined such as epidemics, this year’s flu innoculations aren’t covering enough of the strains we’re experiencing, so therefore many Americans are ill now. Yet hopefully this will be all that this sensitive YOD entails in the infection department.

Plus, this Moon could be telling us something about the only female candidate in the race, for Virgo is also the sign of the dedicated worker–with a plan for improving healthcare!

~Often I do look at historical charts and ‘update’ them by progressions, Returns, transits and such, then sassily utilize the results as markers for what’s up with modern America, and that’s what you’ve fallen into here.~

Neptune/ASC = Moon: states of emotional disharmony; emotional suffering; a dependence on environmental influences; great sensitivity; open to hurt; easily deceived. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

In his “Dynamics of Aspect Analysis,” Bil Tierney gives some info on Moon as focal point in a YOD pattern:

inner emotional development is in need of sensitive adjustment;  can be caught up with disorganized, distorted impressions from the past that are in need of objective clarification;  potential emotional maladjustments are seldom evident on the surface and instinctual responses to impressions from the environment can be out-of-tune with normal expectations; an emotional trauma from the past (attacks of 9/11?) interferes with proper decoding of the emotional messages received from others.

This vulnerability makes it difficult to deal with security issues in the here and now because acting in a self-defeating way is triggered by faulty assimilation of these impressions from the current environment.

This focal Moon being in the Mutable sign of Virgo makes acting decisively all the more problematic, for Mutable signs are known for their tendency toward vacillation (and some recent polls have indicated voters changing their support between candidates, but during such a long campaign season that’s to be expected regardless. Perhaps this YOD merely highlights it.)

If wisely handled, this focal Moon can bring a destined change in life direction when a new path may open up which permits basic needs to be attended to–and I can’t think of a better outcome for the common good, and for America, my place of birth–and the only nag I’ve ever backed in the race.

Plus, Washington’s 2008 Solar Return occurs during a Moon Hour, too, so he may be expecting much publicity this week in honor of Presidents Day. He’ll probably get it, too.

Yet with transiting Saturn opposing his natal Sun during Saturn’s current retrograde period (off and on–and Saturn is in VIRGO), we know that failures to live up to promises or to accept responsibilities in the past may come back to haunt America–and, as representative of our nation–the current president, George Bush, whose leadership, honesty, and integrity will continue to be challenged and doubted.

This may also refer to any prez candidates whose records are now being more closely scanned for discrepancies between word and deed.

Saturn opposite Sun is a time when breaking rules (Saturn) or “doing whatever it takes” to gain “at any cost” can result in the loss (Saturn) of something more valuable in the end. Respect-for-the-rules Saturn frowns upon such Machiavellian behavior.

This particular transit may also bring along health concerns, since the Sun represents vitality and Saturn brings repression and may be a factor in cases of overwork and strain…like prez campaign junkets with their sore throats and under-eye bags packed for the next whistlestop’s speech.

Frustrations and delays are the flavors of the day with this Saturn transit, so as things slog along for the rest of 2008, don’t say George Washington didn’t try to caution you, oh politicians…for our first George was born during a Saturn Hour after all!

note: in my Sidebar you’ll find a Page with an image of Washington’s natal chart and a link to chart details at Stars Over Washington.

Solar Eclipse Series of the Bush presidency


Having just published an article-with-Eclipse-chart that reviews the days of the SCOTUS decision which handed the keys to George Bush, I thought you might like to revisit the beginnings of an administration which touts itself still “relevant” in our lives–at least until Jan 20, 2009, noon EST, if all goes well:


You’ll also find details on the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of George and Laura Bush which relates directly to the attacks of 9/11, believe it or not, as well as some descriptive Sabian Symbol word pictures relating to the Bush-Cheney administration.

And there’s a YOD (‘Finger of God’ = “special task”) pattern involved which continues to be “relevant” within the presidency of George W. Bush as his governing “style” is astrologically revealed!

blogging on the natal chart of Jesus

At last I did it–an article on the birth chart of Jesus of Nazareth using the date of Jupiter as Morning Star when the giant planet was occulted by the Moon in Aries on April 17, 6 B.C.


No one knows, of course, His actual birthdate–and if He’d wanted us to know, He would’ve made sure we knew–so I use this chart symbolically. One thing I do know–lambs are born in the Spring, not in mid-winter.

So check out the post, if you wish, for more details on the Star of Bethlehem, the Magi, the choice of Dec 25, and other related topics. Writing it has been a welcome respite for me today from the usual politics on Stars Over Washington!

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