Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘US economy’ Category

David Stockman, March 15, and the Debt Ceiling

With Congress set to vote March 15th on raising the US debt ceiling here are some unsettling words from former White House budget director under Ronald Reagan, David Stockman:

“There will not be Obamacare repeal and replace. There will be no tax cut. There will be no infrastructure stimulus. There will be just one giant fiscal bloodbath over a debt ceiling that has to be increased and no one wants to vote for.”

Mr. Stockman foresees a distinct potential for government shutdown on the near horizon, a Republican tactic I tend to assume is dress rehearsal for the real and final thing so that we’ll all say, oh please please set up global government, the chaos is way too big to handle by a government founded way back in 1776!

It’s the Hegelian Dialect in action. But this American is not saying, please please. Are you?

Even so, astrological Neptune often acts in insidious ways–like on March 12th, 3 days before the March 15th vote, when a culmination occurs under a Full Moon @22Vir13 – conjunct US natal Neptune (22Vir25) of 1776.

This trio forms an interesting midpoint picture – Sun-Moon = Neptune: ‘delusions about what you can do or how hard you will work to do it’ (Munkasey). The March 2017 Full Moon shines brightly upon America’s Neptune which squares our natal Mars in Gemini, a problematic square suggesting such issues as ‘the fog of war’ and misdirected or misguided energy. Plus, impulsively planned activities are a constant caution with a Mars-Neptune square along with confused perceptions that lead to mistakes.

And the Sun-Moon midpoint potentials of March 12th in relation to Politics and Business? ‘Taking the country into new directions, the international reputation of the country, and/or smears on the national reputation‘.

Sounds just like just what Republican politicians intend for America. Oh, and there’s another potential: reading the attitude of the people when making national policy.

Well, if that were the case (as it should be) we’d have a functioning republic that uses tax payer monies to fund the needs of the country we have instead of waging perpetual war on behalf of the futuristic Utopian global society the power elite is in process of forcing upon us.

Written by Jude Cowell

March 6, 2017 at 11:06 pm

How Do We End ‘Free Trade’ Deals? – video


Written by Jude Cowell

May 4, 2016 at 8:11 pm

Time to Fix the Economy and Congress

Written by Jude Cowell

February 25, 2014 at 3:44 pm

Posted in US Congress, US economy

Poll: Will Ds and Rs Reach Fiscal Deal by End of 2012?

What do you think?

Leave other on-topic ideas in a comment, if you wish!

Written by Jude Cowell

December 7, 2012 at 5:22 pm

Greider: “Still No End to ‘Too Big to Fail’ ” w 2010 Eclipses

In The Nation, William Greider writes on February 14, 2012 that there is “Still No End to Too Big to Fail” and with this, who can possibly disagree?

Now if you, dear reader, practice or follow Political Astrology at all and were reasonably cognizant ;p during Summer 2010 when the rather toothless financial boondoggle that Washington calls the Dodd-Frank Bill was haggled over and signed into law on July 21, 2010, you perhaps remember the two significant eclipses which occurred that summer–and they relate to our financial topic now, February 2012.

1. On June 26, 2010, a Lunar Eclipse manifested @ 5 Capricorn conjunct transiting Pluto, planet of wealth and stealth. Add evaluating Venus of small-amounts-of-money fame to Lord of the Underworld, spying Pluto, and we have such themes as extremes of wealth hidden in secret places, attracting organized crime (of course Washington did that years ago), and/or bankruptcy (Munkasey), for separately both the Venusian archetype and the Plutonian archetype contain ‘shadow sides’ with definite streaks of greed and covetousness running through them. These negative traits can lead or add to either expression of the combined energies of Venus-Pluto.

Plus, as one of the ‘wild cards’ of the Universe as all eclipses tend to be (‘wild’ in a fashion similar to disruptive, electrifying Uranus, the unexpected), the June 2010 Lunar Eclipse (Moon = the people) is ruled by austere, restrictive, loss-prone Saturn bwo Capricorn. As you know, his Too Big to Fail legislation and corporate welfare bailouts chose Wall Street over Main Street in President Obama’s Washington.

2. Then on July 11, 2010, a Solar Eclipse occurred @ 19 Cancer near the Twin Stars of Gemini, Castor and Pollux. I’ll allow you to draw your own conclusions about their contacts in an attempt to briefen up this post! (Click links provided below for my notes on both eclipses.)

The July 2010 Solar Eclipse fell into the 12 South Saros Series which is actually quite a positive influence: ‘successful outcomes to long-term worries (or illness); a draining issue will at first seem worse, then clear’ (papraphrasing Brady’s Predictive Astrology.)

12S happens to be the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of America’s founding which personalizes and focuses its effects within the US.

Of course, how can we know if what We the People think is the problem that needs clearing is what secretive politicians in Washington DC know is the problem. Is their
worry’ same as our ‘worry’? Will they ever be capable of setting aside political machinations and plutonian stealth tactics perpetrated in their own self-interests long enough to take the corrective actions our society truly needs?

Well, Pluto does have great capacities for regenerative self-healing, transformation, and coping ability! On this level, we might think of a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes, as the myth goes.

My former place of residence, Washington DC, as our nation’s capital, still matters to me and the success of our government is paramount in today’s oddly directed world. How unfortunate for those of us who prefer a sovereign, decently behaved America and a war-free world that the current crop of Machiavellians in Washington and in all other global capitals and nation-states, seem to practice only the darkest of Pluto’s political arts and are playing against their own populations a very deep game.


No edits have been done on either post, but if you wish to view the above mentioned Summer 2010 eclipses with horoscopes shown, try Lunar Eclipse June 26, 2010 and Solar Eclipse July 11, 2010 which also resonates with the 2007 conjunction of the Big-Banker duo of investing Jupiter and powerful Pluto.

Plus, here are a few astro-notes on the natal chart of Senator Chris Dodd written way before I realized what a dodgy character he is.


As you know, of late we’ve seen transiting Chiron at 00Pisces and Neptune, the higher octave planet of the mystical and murky sign Pisces, has been floating upon that very degree as well; America’s PE mentioned above occurred at 00Pis33 in 1776. 12S is also the PE of Nixon’s resignation and thus of Gerald Ford’s presidency–guess someone‘s ‘problem’ cleared when an unstable Tricky Dick exited the White House, and since I lived in DC during the ‘Watergate scandal’ I was more relieved than I can now express to see the vulturing varmint vamoose.

Are top Obama aides delinquent in taxes?

Perhaps you noted on Tuesday evening in his SOTU 2012 Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the nation that President Obama put quite an emphasis on the topic of paying one’s fair share of taxes.

Tres embarrasingly, it’s reported that several of Mr. Obama’s top aides haven’t gotten around to paying theirs and I cannot imagine that anyone who assists the president thinks that this irony–some might say, hyposcrisy–won’t be used by an opponent as Mr. Obama campaigns for re-election!

Why, even Mitt 1% Romney pays what he legally owes (and not a penny more)…well, except for taxes on any gold dubloons he may have tucked away in very secret places.

Oh, the ruling class. Aren’t they a caution?

Written by Jude Cowell

January 27, 2012 at 3:46 am

Howard Zinn on Income Equality in US

Income Inequality and the Solar Eclipses of 1911 Repeated in 2001

by Jude Cowell (coh’ wul)

The New Millennium psychopathic crowd attempts to return us to social conditions of 1911, as perhaps you’ve noticed.

“The rule of law does not do away with the unequal distribution of wealth and power, but reinforces that inequality with the authority of law. It allocates wealth and poverty in such calculated and indirect ways as to leave the victim bewildered.”

– activist and author Howard Zinn (1922–2010)

Read more… because it’s Labor Day 2011 Weekend and US workers are under attack from wolfish predatory forces.

And speaking of income inequality and such economic topics of a plutocracy persuasion, here’s a shout-out to 100 years ago, the year 1911, when the Carnegie Trust Company of New York was closed by banking authorities.

Actually, 1911 was a watershed year of transformation for Standard Oil and other monopoly break-ups, plus, it’s the first year that sales of gasoline outsold kerosene in the US.

Here are a few basic details on the Solar Eclipses of 1911–the 3 North Saros Series, and 3 South–which both repeated in 2001. Paraphrasing Bernadette Brady’s Predictive Astrology:

3N: ‘main theme is either worrying news involving young people or news that transforms a situation; obsession; large plans are undertaken which can be positive yet one shouldn’t get carried away’.

3N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the attacks of 9/11/01, the CIA, Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling, and John Quincy Adams.

3S: ‘sudden endings; traumatic transformation through news received or journeys taken’.

3S is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the Republic of China, occultist Aleister Crowley, Anton LaVey (Poppy Bush’s pal who formed the Church of Satan), and Hollywood’s Brad Pitt.

Aug 9 2011 Solar Flare, Tempers Flare, Bernanke speaks

Austerity cuts by the David Cameron government in the UK are part of youthful tempers stormily flaring in the streets, riots, and destruction and some astrologers (such as myself) relate the As Above, So Below tenet of Traditional Astrology to what’s occuring on Earth as reflected all around us in the celestial sphere:

Space Weather News for August 9, 2011

X-FLARE: This morning at 0805 UT, sunspot 1263 produced an X7-class solar flare–so far the most powerful flare of new Solar Cycle 24. The brunt of the explosion was not Earth directed. Even so, a minor solar proton storm is in progress around our planet, and the flare also created waves of ionization in Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Visit Space Weather News for images and more information.

SOLAR FLARE ALERTS: Did you miss the eruption? Next time get a solar flare alert by text or voice.

Additionally, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke is scheduled to speak today at 2:15 pm edt and you may be interested in my astro-notes (sans horoscope image) now published at Stars Over Washington for your consideration. Hint: Mercury Rx (announcements, etc) opposes inspired or fraudulent Neptune with both at critical-crisis 29th degrees.

Senator Bernie Sanders downgrades S&P

Though you’ve probably heard or read this quote before today concerning Friday’s S&P downgrade of America’s credit rating to AA+, I wanted to post it somewhere and since I’ve already published this morning to my Political Astrology site Stats Over Washington, it fits here snugly. Plus, this way I can find it easily whenever I want since truth coming out of Washington DC is often sparse and far between:

“I find it interesting to see S&P so vigilant now in downgrading the US credit rating. Where were they four years ago when they, and other credit rating agencies, helped cause this horrendous recession by providing AAA ratings to worthless sub-prime mortgage securities on behalf of Wall Street investment firms? Where were they last December when Congress and the White House drove up the national debt by $700 billion by extending Bush’s tax breaks for the rich?” – Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders

Yes, where were S&P and other credit raters as they played their role in the engineered, well-timed, long-planned Financial Collapse 2008? To the senator’s words I must add a hearty Amen!

Time for Civil Disobedience in the US?

Thoughts of America in November 2011

by Jude Cowell

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is the numbers of people all over the world who have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves…[and] the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

– Howard Zinn


If you’ve ever read my Political Astrology articles you know that on one level I’ve been describing rebellious Uranus now in Mars-ruled Aries as ‘Utopians’ because that’s one expression of Uranus in Aries according to Reinhold Ebertin in his midpoint directory, The Combination of Stellar Influences.

And if you follow Astrology much at all, you know that in 2010, transit Uranus entered feisty Aries by crossing the Aries Point, one of the four World Points of Manifestation which historically times important events which tend to affect the entire world.

So if you’re familiar with the Sibly version of America’s natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising), then you know that America’s IC (4th cusp, The Foundation or End of the Matter, aka, The Drain in any horoscope, and denoting Domestic Scene and Homeland) has been accosted by Uranus in Aries as the planet of revolution and uprisings hits the Aries Point (AP.)

My point, ill-made though it be, is that the Utopians have arrived and their intent to shake up our nation and rearrange all the furniture so that we cannot recognize where to lay our heads–is on disply with the current ‘debt-deal’ drama and the bill that has issued from it.

Holding hostages is typical behavior for radical reformers of the Uranian kind and they don’t care who gets hurt or damaged as long as their ‘vision’ is fulfilled…it’s a strain of the ‘success at any cost’ model of Machiavellian politics.

The hurt, however, is yet to be fully appreciated by the majority of the American people. The Uranian invasion and government coup has been ramped up and as I’ve typed many times before these last 6 years of blogging—these people play for keeps.

And come November 2011, when there will manifest in early Sagittarius a Solar Eclipse with sinister undertones and the ‘cuts’ are to be decided upon by the newly created “Super Congress” of 12 (like a special “council of wise men”?) we may see what the US government has been up to behind closed doors as the power of the US Congress is superceded–usurped–by an elite group of those who were in on the sky-is-falling game all along.

Yet with the energies described by Astrology working naturally in an AC-DC manner, the Utopian activism now throttling Washington DC can be turned around by the rest of us who Do Not want American to crash and be reinstituted like a phoenix rising from ashes.

Is it time for (peaceful) civil disobedience in America? the current Uranus/Pluto square says, Yes! For the mid-1960s saw the Great Conjunction/s of the revolutionary combo of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo and their cyclic square now times a point of crisis when similar issues from the 1960s resurface–such as Civil Rights, disenfranchisement, and other anti-societal ills.

Uranus reached US natal IC (00Ari53, slightly past the AP) in 2010 and will continue to do so, thanks to quirky Uranus’ retrogradation, into January 2012.

But November 2011 isn’t left out of Uranus’ radical schedule for one of the conjunctions to US natal IC occurs on November 16, 2011, with the difficult Solar Eclipse manifesting on November 25, 2011 in the 14 North Series (“A peculiar turn of events”–Brady) @ ‘2 Sag’–opposite President Obama’s natal Moon in Gemini–and the mini-me Congress of 12 power elite is set to divulge their recommendations for further cuts on November 23!

For more on this topic which has come home to America to roost, you may wish to try Coercive Utopians.

Plus, there’s always the excellent Thom Hartmann and his progressive views on and about America!

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