Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘political thespians

Top Jobs for Obama Financial Supporters

Though I’m not surprised and consider this tit-for-tat arrangement to be as old as America herself (as is the obvious hypocrisy involved), I present this article to you in a spirit of keeping a squinty and dissenting eye upon the inhabitants of the White House, no matter their party:

Spoils Of Victory: Obama Financial Suporters Get Top Jobs

By Fred Schulte, John Aloysius Farrell and Jeremy Borden

More than two years after President Obama took office vowing to banish “special interests” from his administration, nearly 200 of his biggest donors have landed plum government jobs and advisory posts, won federal contracts worth millions of dollars for their business interests.

As they say, old boss same as the new!

Plus, you may be interested in reading my brief astro-peek at Michele Bachmann’s natal horoscope published today over at Stars Over Washington.

George Bush has ‘self-awareness of a bison’

With former cheerleader and bullhorn handler George W. Bush appearing everywhere these days to promote his rewrite-history book, there are some folk who feel sorry for his dim-wittedness and lack of self-awareness.

Matthew Norman’s How Did This Wastrel Ever Find His Way to the White House? has an interesting point of view.

My own p.o.v. on Dubya is not as generous since Bush, a cog in the Bush Dynastry syndicate, was installed in the White House by a complicit Supreme Court and served at the behest and enabling of the global power elite who used him for 8 years as a “propaganda catapulter”, as Bush described himself while in office.

If he hadn’t pleased them by making ‘decisions’ with few, if any, known facts and by his actions, he would have somehow been de-presidented with a newer, more accomodating model put in place.

In his interview with Matt Lauer, I did hear Bush admit to remembering that the financial crash and TARP both occurred under his watch. I see Financial Collapse 2008 as a crescendo at the end of the Bush Years of Wastrelhood, don’t you?

Newt Gingrich: no lapdance a 2nd time

As a Georgia native, I am always quick to point out that Newt Gingrich isn’t ~really~ a Georgia native and with this jaw-dropper news tidbit, he’s done nothing but continue to live down to my usual expectations of him.

The affair may be completely innocent but it looks awfully odd to me. See what you think.

Written by Jude Cowell

September 30, 2009 at 9:16 pm

Palin knocks Alaska snow off boots 7.26.09

If you care a wit about Sarah Palin leaving office today, click to read an eye witness account published by The Washington Independent.

And here’s a Republican view that Sarah Palin is another Huckabee, a reference to her political prospects, one may assume.

Cindy Sheehan calls out Obama

Obama, More Polished Than the Last Puppet

By Cindy Sheehan

Okay, so the United States of America has had a new puppet regime for six months now. I was never so much into giving Obama a “chance” and I think it’s way past time to call Obama and his supporters out, like we called Bush and his supporters out. Our Presidents are merely puppets for the Robber Class and Obama is no exception. #

You know that’s basically what I’ve been saying: Barack Obama is in the pocket of the monied class otherwise, he’d never have scored a term in the Oval Office!

Wonder if she means, Robber ‘Baron’ class?

Well, it’s all political theater, after all, and I tend to call them ‘political thespians’ – it’s the invisible government’s aims and plans that run the show.

Huckabee on Palin’s cut and run

Is it even possible to be “hounded from an opportunity”?

I’ve heard of losing them, or of having them pass by, fall through, or lead to nought, but “hounded from”??

There is a hound barking in this bizarre story but it isn’t Palin’s opportunity.

And I think this is where President Harry Truman sits up and says, “If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.”

Astrology notes on Governor Sanford

Here’s an excellently informative post with Astrology details on Gov. Mark Sanford if you’d like a wider view of the fellow who was a big Impeachment Freak against President Clinton for much the same sort of shenanigans he’s indulged in himself, as it awkwardly turns out.


Update July 3, 2009:

i have received a message asking if i’ll be posting on Sanford’s chart myself and the short answer is: not if i can help it.

Others subjects are higher on my posting agenda but that’s only part of the reason, the other being that whenever Washington politicians make a big deal out of a sex scandal – as with Clinton – i always ask myself what they’re diverting attention from in another direction for there must be Something important we Should Be Paying Attention To that they may be actively veiling from our gazes. (Timing is often a clue.)

So j’refuse to rubberneck their hypocrisies in the ‘hot romance’ department – how very very boring. jc

Senator Specter betrays US workers – et tu, Obama?

If your eyes glaze over – or if they don’t – every time the subject of ‘card check’, unionizing, lost jobs, and the political power-and-money games surrounding them come up, please read Maria Cocco’s clearly written article:


Yes, it is typical of a politician that they morph from their candidate phase into something quite different once they’re in office.

But with Pres. Obama working so diligently on (supposedly) saving the US economy and on ‘creating  jobs’ one must wonder if the jobs to be created have a purpose other than paying wages.

And the paradox of the situation seems odd to me since corporate greed has become a headline, the president says he’s “angry, too”, and yet Mr. Obama doesn’t seem to support improvements for laid off workers and others whose wages have fallen through the greedy machinations of corporate gorillas afraid that union organization might cost them their next two or three Lexus payments.

One could suppose that overpaid CEOs, if financially strapped by paying decent wages to the people who make their wealth possible,  could choose to rent out the extra bedrooms in their cushy penthouses – perhaps not a perfect solution since no decent person would want to live with them.

Not coming from a region of the country that has had the advantages (and disadvantages) of unionized labor, it isn’t always possible for me to follow the script on the subject of  ‘card check’ changes, other union labor disputes, and congressional legislation to ‘fix’ things that always seem to make matters worse for the little guy, and thereby plusher for corporate fatcats.

Yes,  Ms. Cocco’s article has given me a boost in understanding what’s up with Arlen Specter on the subject of lost jobs, fallen wages, and lack of negotiating power for the common man  – predictable, but disturbing nonetheless especially considering the economic climate we face.

Duh Moment Occurs:

So let’s see if I have this right: Congress (with its self-voting ability to raise its own pay)  sides with corporations against US workers and their rights.

Yes, I think I ‘get it’ now. And it wasn’t so difficult for a southeast-born simpleton after all.

AIG bonuses? Bush and Paulson did it

Regardless of the Obama critiques making the rounds of late concerning AIG bonus payments, the following information is more in line with my own memory from November 2008 concerning the Bush-Paulson Bailout Bill and CEO retention payments.

May all GOPers and their promoters take their ginkgo biloba on schedule so they can remember just Who Was Playing President way back in November 2008:


Sometimes I think there’s no end to how stupid politicians think we are.  That’s when they bring out the usual, tiresome tactics – lying, obfuscating matters, and providing ‘hot-button’ diversionary issues – with the media’s help – like the AIG bonuses which pale in comparison to their ultimate mega-payday compliments of US taxpayers.

My usual guide is this: when a politician or political party says, LOOK HERE at this stew, always look ‘over there’ to see what they have bubbling on the back burner that works against our interests.

It will be much more substantial and long-range than the tacky sideshows and pot-boilers they promote to keep us divided against one another.

Ronald Reagan, tax raiser

Poor old Republicans!

David Brooks gave them a tiny spotlight this morning on ABC’s ‘This Week’ with George Stephanopoulos – video included:


That the tiny spotlight might lead to their facing reality (instead of waving the glowy Reagan flag of how they wish he’d been) is a dim possibility for the proud and arrogant Republican Party.

Yet it is difficult to avert a downward spiral when you refuse honest  measurement or admit the true path of your trajectory.

And the wacky 3-D glasses of party partisanship further distort issues.

Well, if the GOP needs it, several manufacturers bottle ginkgo biloba for memory loss, even of the most virulent politically expedient variety.

If I were one of the GOP, I’d take a minimum of 3 bottles’ worth of ginko biloba before even thinking of reading the next Reagan biography make-over or dream-infested  manifesto of Reaganomics.

But that’s only what I would do – especially since it’s difficult to believe that Ronald Reagan or his ghost can help them now.


You may wish to see sidebar of Pages for the horoscope chart of the ‘Reaganomics Eclipse.’

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