Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘America’ Category

Sept 2023 US Progressed Moon to Pluto

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Written by Jude Cowell

May 25, 2023 at 9:29 pm

Tucker Carlson may run in 2024

Just a quick publish of a bi-wheel of DC Horoscopes: Tucker Carlson‘s natal chart in center, and the 8:00 am est Election 2024 Horoscope, outer. Planetary contacts are circled, highlighted in color, and astro-notes are squooshed upon the charts for the curious reader and/or potential voter. Notably is Carlson’s Prenatal Solar Eclipse (‘PE’) in the 7 North Saros Series (27Pisces25 in his 9th house of Philosophy and Legal Affairs) which happens to be currently repeating (29Ari50) and under which energies he was canceled from his Fox News program over this past weekend with themes of: ‘lust, sensuality, long-hidden passion that catches people off-guard’ (paraphrasing B. Brady). I’ll let you decide how these energies may be playing out these days for Tucker Carlson:

Written by Jude Cowell

April 25, 2023 at 9:28 pm

Posted in America, Eclipses, GOP

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US Solar Return 2023


Chart details and horoscope linked, above.

You’ll note the YOD pattern (crisis-opportunity-turning-point-special-task) with the current Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base, the planetary pair of Underworld criminal elements, fantasy, and/or the supernatural. Neptune-Pluto points toward fighting planet of aggression, Mars @27Leo, in process of a perpetrating a Mars Return to the natal chart and rising Mars of one Donald J. Trump.

This suggests that the person at the apex of the YOD must act within an acute crisis situation which will lead to a new beginning for him, and he will be forced to respond. Anyone keeping up with Trump’s ongoing legal cases and depositions can see that these energies and conditions have already begun for him – and Mars Return charts last for approximately two years, the duration of a Mars orbit. The fact that the YOD-with-his-natal-Mars turns up in America’s Solar Return for 2023 (operative until July 2024) indicates what I’ve always had to reluctantly admit in my SO’W posts: that where Trump goes, so goes America – because for four years, the fellow played the role of POTUS on TV.

Written by Jude Cowell

April 14, 2023 at 9:56 pm

America’s Archetypal Presidency

Having just published a post concerning the US presidency to Stars Over Washington, I soon realized that I neglected to add notes concerning the conscious-unconscious Sun-Moon blend of the day that George Washington was first sworn into office on April 30, 1789. In such a mundane chart, the pair of lights symbolize leader-and-people and can reveal clues about the cosmic weather of the day and event:


The 1789 Inauguration‘s pragmatic earth-water Sun Taurus-Moon Cancer blend is, “The World Is My Family” combination, according to the Harveys’ Sun Sign-Moon Sign book. Its energies suggest one who is an ideal parent (George Washington, the ‘Father of Our Country’! and now we have Grandpa Biden), and one who brings out the best in others. A good counselor, he’s diplomatic, reliable, and of a domestic turn of mind. Plus, Sun Taurus-Moon Cancer exhibits an enduring loyalty yet can be sensitive to real or imagined slights or insults (but who isn’t?). After all, Moon-ruled Cancer is a very self-protective yet nurturing sign, and patriotic (but in a good way), while Venus-ruled Taurus is a fixed sign of stability.

Read more: America’s Archetypal Presidency Read more: America’s Archetypal Presidency

So, it seems most appropriate to me that in light of the current Republican model for oaths of office – undependable as they are with fingers crossed behind their backs – that the “Image for Integration” given for this blend by the Harveys is a credit to both President Washington and to President Biden so let’s close this post with it:

“A baker undertakes to feed an orphanage.” An orphanage! Hungry children!

Can you imagine the Republican Party of 2022 promoting and funding such a social and humanitarian benefit?

Written by Jude Cowell

October 16, 2022 at 11:27 pm

9/11/01 and 9/11’s Solar Return 2021

September 7, 2021: Today on Stars Over Washington I published a bi-wheel of the September 11, 2001 WTC Attacks with the 9/11 Solar Return chart 2021 around the outside to serve as a transit chart. Follow the link, below, and you’ll see that transit Jupiter Rx has been conjoining the 9/11 position of shocking Uranus, and the ‘grim face of reality’ transit is in force via transit Saturn Rx conjunct 9/11 Neptune Rx (4th house):


Now let’s add here the cosmic flavors of each day for the sake of comparison:

September 11, 2001 = Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini (Airy double Mercury vibes, plus, planet Mercury in Libra rises and conjuncts US natal Saturn: restriction of info, seeking advice, and/or Mercurial air planes hit hard Saturnian surfaces); this a sociable, hospitable blend of conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) energies which relates to observance (of the act) and the collection of information or intel (which was lacking or ignored on, and previous to, that day). However, this blend can result in getting side-tracked by too many details and may tend to judge others.

Its ‘Image for Integration’: “A precision engineer develops new methods of communication.”

(Note: As you may remember pre-9/11, the FBI and CIA didn’t share intel between agencies and as far as I know, perhaps they still don’t.)

September 11, 2021 = Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio (an Earth-Water blend with intense Mercury-Mars-Pluto vibes; ASC 28Leo00 so Sun is chart-ruler and leads a Locomotive shape of planets denoting a highly placed executive with a ruthless determination toward success). This is the “loyal servant vs power-lusting tycoon” combination which can be vindictive when cornered yet is shrewd, rational, hardworking, and focused on duty. However, prejudices, probably long-held, are this blend’s Achilles heel.

There are two interesting ‘Images for Integration’ for Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio which of course may apply to current situations, conditions, and/or issues other than the 20th anniversary of 9/11/01:

“A zealous insect lover stands quietly in the bushes observing the mating habits of the praying mantis…An impassioned doctor contributes statistics and personal views at a forum for discussing anti-abortion laws.”

(For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Finally, you’ll note that at 8:46 am EDT on 9/11/01, Sun-MC midpoint (The Goal) = Venus: ‘molding or shaping global politics’ (M. Munkasey), and the Sun’s rounded up Sabian Symbol (19Virgo) = “A Swimming Race” with Keyword: “ELIMINATION.” Now in light of Venus and her ‘Swimming Race’, I’ll add my personal opinion that the “elimination” involved a variety of things such as people’s lives, plus, wealth, income, and freedom. But one potential that stands out to me – and one which is part of an ongoing process made crystal clear in recent years as democracy is under serious attack across the globe – is the elimination of the US from her global leadership role.

Disagree all you like, dear reader, but there it is.

Written by Jude Cowell

September 7, 2021 at 6:52 pm

Horoscopes: Jamestown Massacre and Its Solar Eclipse

Two Historical Horoscopes

My Genealogy studies in the last couple of years have inspired quite a few History investigations for the two studies seem to go hand in hand. In fat, it would be difficult to search one’s Genealogy and family ties without History pushing in!

Here is a dual image of both the Jamestown Massacre (aka, the Powhatan Uprising) of March 22, 1622 which left approximately 500 European settlers alive, and the attack’s Prenatal Solar Eclipse @21Sco26 in the 2 Old North Saros Series which manifested on November 13, 1621:


Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my notes and you’ll see that the Vertex @22Sco15 (VX = fated encounter; death) of the Massacre chart (set for the historically traditional “a few hours after sunrise”, or in this case, a little before noon when “5 Capricorn” was on the Partnership angle–“Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance” in the Sabian Symbols) points toward the degree of the November 1621 Solar Eclipse with its influential themes of: ‘unfortunate news concerning friends and/or relations; separations or endings of unions; but fast action can bring positive results’ (paraphrasing Brady’s Predictive Astrology).

The ‘positive results’ represent to me the ‘fast action’ taken during the night by ‘ancient planter’ Richard Pace who was forewarned by an Indian lad living in his household and who paddled the James River in order to warn as many planters and settlers as he could of the imminent attack meant to wipe them out and thus saving hundreds of lives of his friends and relations.

And note that deceptive loss-bringer Neptune, planet of waters and oceans, is apex of a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point) and is positioned @16Libra with its Sabian Symbol of “A Boat Landing Washed Away.” To me this relates to boat landings on the James and other rivers, plus, the landings of ships in Chesapeake Bay (1607) upon which European settlers sailed in order to establish Jamestown Colony, a settlement which was indeed nearly ‘washed away’ by the March 22, 1622 Indian attack.

Written by Jude Cowell

October 6, 2017 at 8:13 pm

9.10.13 Obama on TV (Syria)

Just a brief heads-up in case you want to check out a little Astrology concerning tonight’s TV address from President Obama to the American and Syrian people (and whomever) which has been posted to Stars Over Washington:



Happy Fourth of July 2013! amazing Fireworks video

Dear America,

Below my celebratory gabfest there’s a celebration-gone-wild video and a little Astrology for your birthday this Thursday, so watch your Jupiterian step!

The brief video embedded below shows an event that some may call ‘a blast from our past’ and which on one level is described in America’s July 4, 1776 natal chart (5:10 pm LMT) as the Mars-ruled Immum Coeli (IC), at the bottom of the chart, a place where roots run deep and which shows that our ancestors, forefathers, and founders fought in and aided the American Revolution (and in earlier conflicts, and certainly later ones.)

US natal IC @00Aries53 is ruled by Mars and has the Aries Point upon it (IC = the HOW? sector of the chart) denoting times when events that may affect the masses tend to occur upon the world stage. The Aries Point (00Aries00:00) is a degree in the Zodiac of recognition, fame, and prominence along with the three other Cardinal Points where activity has been observed over the centuries to have manifested when Cardinal Points are triggered, catalyzed, or simply visited by planets in their courses.

(Progressions have a say, too.)

So upon our US natal IC is the me-first sign of Aries which allows the ruler of impulse-conflict-action and aka the archetypal ‘god of war’–Mars–to tell us about what drains our nation–what siffons off our energy, manpower, monetary resources, natural bounty, and more–and how America shall end (IC/4th house of Partings and Separations.) Which is not to say the ruling class hasn’t almost throttled the Collective into oblivion already. Yet a sigh escapes and we know it won’t help our common cause directed at maintaining America as a sovereign nation to ignore the fact that as a nation we have a violent streak at our roots, in our core, our very being–and with natal Chiron in Aries/4th house as well.

But at this moment (reminds Chiron!), none of this has to be a fatal condition for America, just a telling one.

So, Happy 237th Birthday, America!

A sincere wish from one of your many Children of the Revolution, Jude Cowell



Now if you’re a history buff, this might be interesting if you’ve not seen it – or as a review, if you have:

A Chronological List of Dates for US historical events for use in rectification work on the several versions of natal charts for America.

For How a Thing Ends Is in Its Beginning

Which is the truest, most descriptive birth chart for our nation? Can all be of use on some level (ex: our Scorpio Rising chart as a natal chart for secret agencies, spies, secret or invisible government, and such other arachnids as those?)

Astro-Note: if my schedule works as planned during the upcoming days, a Report (PDF) concerning America’s Jupiter Return of July 22, 2013 will be available for electronic delivery by mid-July! As you know, in our Sag Rising chart, Jupiter is chart-ruler making the adventurous planet very prominent in all US affairs.

Watch for an announcement via my Twitter feed (@judecowell), here on the Threshold, or at Stars Over Washington if and as you may, and visit there to order your copy of my US Solar Return 2013 Report from the sidebar, top. jc

Thanks, and don’t burn the grilled corn on the cob!


As president Reagan cut funds for Mental Health

Due to the current conversation about gun violence and mental health in America, I’m posting a link to a 2004 article concerning President Reagan’s cuts to funds for mental health programs and low cost housing, the after effects we now experience.

Wonder if a conversation is in progress over super-violent video games that innoculate our children? It isn’t the emotionally and psychologically stable ones I fret about–my concern is the unstable folk who imbibe the gun-and-violence culture while purveyors of certain industries ‘pander to the lowest common denominator in order to seek their fortunes’.

Written by Jude Cowell

December 17, 2012 at 3:18 pm

Posted in America, Mental Health

Teddy Roosevelt on America’s Invisible Government

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”

Theodore Roosevelt, April 19, 1906

Well, the unholy alliance kept up its sorry fight these 105 years, didn’t it? Now we see how far the illuminized one-world-government/monarchist types have ‘advanced’ against We the People.

As you know, invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn) describes the fabled shadow or secret government of America which may be spied in our national horoscope by Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 (July 4, 1776.) In the Sibly version of the US chart (5:10 pm LMT), the Saturn/Neptune midpoint @ 3Lib37 crossed US natal Midheaven (the Goal/Aspiration/Public Status Point of any chart) about 3 years after 1776 by progression–during the American Revolution.

Is this when Britain took secret control of the US through the central banking system? I know what I believe but will allow you your own conclusions on the matter. Here’s the horoscope of Cornwallis’s Surrender which occurred at a time and date of Freemason George Washington’s choosing. (Planets of Inauguration 2009 are penned around the outside of the chart.)

An interesting midpoint picture forms:

Saturn/Neptune = MC: materialism v idealism; a peculiar character; losing courage quickly; using inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, complete work is needed; total capitulation to the demands of the environment.

Interestingly, America’s natal Uranus/Pluto midpoint @ 3Ari14 opposes its Saturn/Neptune midpoint, so with transit Uranus (planet of revolution, protests, strikes, upheavals, and explosions) now crosses and re-crosses our Uranus/Pluto midpoint which carries the revolution/protest vibes from their Great Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s in mid-Virgo (near US natal Neptune…new-age sciences; insecurity; unfulfilled wishes; fatigue; nervous conditions.)

So with tr Uranus triggering US natal Saturn/Neptune, what do we have? Excitability, inner unrest, a suddenly emerging weakness or illness, uncommon or unexpected recovery from weakness after a dormant period (okay!), indifference to decay in older buildings or structures (we know–the richest 1% would prefer more tax breaks, thanks.)

(Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl; any, all, or none may apply.)

Historical Horoscopes!

On April 19, 1906, some applicable transits to US natal planets were in process:

1. Pluto to US natal Mars @ 22Gem (Mars = motivation, energy, action, weapons, military, police; men between the ages of 25–35, give or take a year)) marked a time when greater control and power were sought, and there was a single-minded approach to revenge and physical efforts; issues involve secrecy, danger, agression, conservation, research/development, and competition.

2. Pluto square n Neptune indicates that financial and political changes and restricitons were at odds with society’s prevailing spiritual values and ideals.

3/4/5. Neptune conjunct Sun, Venus, and Jupiter–issues of confusion, muddled identity, eroded integrity, fanaticism, and misguided motivations and actions (Sun); murky alliances, deception, obsession and paranoia (Venus); illusion + extravagance, intellectual snobbery, and get rich quick schemes (Jupiter.) Meanwhile…

6. Uranus opposed Sun, Venus, and Jupiter, a time of forced separations, unpredictable directions caused by ego, and challenges to leadership (Sun); unstable or unpredictable reactions to others may cause separations, and legal matters may be reversed or temporary (Venus); optimism or generosity may be wildly misplaced, professional advancement may turn out unfavorably, economic expansion is subject to change and instability (Jupiter.)

7. Saturn squared n Uranus marks a period when authority, tradition, and experience clash with future plans, and those who seek a New Order have a difficult time selling it–unlike in 2011 with powerful subversive, wealthy Pluto, The Dragon, now opposing our natal Venus, Jupiter–and, before too many more US elections are stolen–Sun, which represents ‘leadership’ or ‘the leader’ in Mundane Astrology, describing a contest of wills/no-compromise conditions for the president whose power may be transformed or even discontinued due to impotency–what Washington politicians now work to achieve in their attempt to prove that the world ‘needs’ a new world order to ‘deal’ with earth’s massive, self-created problems.

And that the US government no longer ‘works’ at all.


Midpoint pictures from Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.

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