Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘Saturn’ Category

Horoscope: Evangeline Adams

Natal Horoscope Feb 8, 1869

Natal Horoscope Feb 8, 1868

Image: Evangeline Adams February 8, 1868 8:30 am LMT Jersey city, New Jersey; please enlarge to read a few basic chart factors messily penned on.

Above you see the natal horoscope of famed American astrologer Evangeline Smith Adams. However, its accuracy is in question with a Rodden Rating of DD for ‘Dirty Data’ yet it is the data she herself gave in her book, The Bowl of Heaven and has been used by many astrologers through the years.

Since one of the books I am currently reading is Foreseeing the Future: Evangeline Adams and Astrology in America by Karen Christino, I naturally wanted a look at her natal chart and noticed that Evangeline Adams is in process of a Saturn Return! And with Saturn being the traditional ruler of the ancient art of Astrology, I wanted to post her chart as a tribute to her pioneering work of the 19th century when she reportedly served a client list of 100,000! Adams established herself as an independent woman of business when that sort of thing was very rarely done.

And even non-astrologers have heard the tale of one of her most famous clients (and students), J. P. Morgan, and his revealing quote that, “Millionaires don’t use Astrology, billionaires do.” One must assume that this remains the case for both Financial Markets and Astrology are based on cycles within cycles so why not pay heed to the excellent timing advantage one has through the use of astrological principles?

Well, this post is not meant to be a major study of the natal chart of Ms. Adams though more info may be published later. Let’s do make note of the three dates of her current Saturn Return/s–a ‘three-fer’ due to Saturn’s retrogradation though her natal Saturn @4Sag40 is Direct as you see which emphasizes the third and final conjunction of transiting Saturn to 4Sag40 (1. denial; 2. acceptance; 3. resolution):

1. February 25, 2015;
2. March 31, 2015; and
3. November 6, 2015
which is yet to come as of this posting.

Now her Mercury-North Node opposition denotes her Mercury conjunct South Node (ideas before her time; others pilfer and use her ideas without giving her credit) and the opposition points toward her natal Saturn in the 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, Higher Education, and Foreign Lands. Legal Matters may also be found in the 9th house expecially involving Higher Courts such as SCOTUS.

(Enlarge chart to read Mercury-NN = Saturn potentials, upper right.)

As the ruler of Capricorn (government, law, and business), Saturn is one of the karmic planets acting as our celestial time keeper and lesson bringer who demands that what is reaped must be sown (as a Saturnian astrologer I don’t ‘do’ past lives, just heredity and DNA). No one escapes this natural law–not even big bankers, Wall Street gentry, or government officials (with warmongers and mass murderers definitely included.)

So! Will the 2015 Saturn Return of Evangeline Adams affect current events (beyond this post!) in a karmic way? Perhaps not. But now that her chart and Return dates are noted and spotlighted we’ll have to see if the famous 19th century prognosticator of cycles somehow imprints upon current events once again.

For details on the life of Evangeline Adams astro.com is recommended.

Written by Jude Cowell

October 18, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Threat level up as Jupiter returns to 9/11/01 chart

August 2013: An Astro-Peek at Activations of the 9/11/01 Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

As you’ve heard, the US government is reporting an increase in terrorist “chatter” as the 12th anniversary of the WTC attacks of 9/11/01 approaches. This year marks the first Jupiter Return to the 9/11 horoscope for Jupiter’s cycle is 12 years in duration.

See Threats Against Embassies Very Reminiscent of Pre-9/11 Chatter.

On the morning of September 11, 2001 at 8:46 am edt NYC, monied Jupiter was posited in 9th house of Foreign Lands and Philosophy @11Can35 and carried the Sabian Symbol, “A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message”, a word picture I attempted to illustrate a few moons ago. View the image here if you wish.

Naturally the symbol’s reference to our creditor China and to a ‘message’ is intriguing especially since it attaches to 9/11’s position of Jupiter the Banker–in the 9th house of foreigners. This is not to leave out Middle Eastern or other actors on 9/11/01 but to focus on Jupiter since the Great Benefactor now returns to the natal position he held on that game-changing morning.

Actually, Jupiter’s retrograde in Cancer later this year creates a “three-fer” of returns to the 9/11 natal degree with the first return occurring on August 18, 2013, the second on February 7, 2014 (Rx), and the last return on April 2, 2014. This extended return period indicates a prolonged season of concerns involving terrorism with increased threat levels on into 2014, and it has Jupiterian financial implications as well though effects may be of a stop-go nature.

Raising the threat level makes sense and yet…will the “more chatter” situation be used in an attempt to justify intrusive NSA surveillance programs and leave them as they stand–even those used against the privacy of the American (and other) people who have nothing at all to do with terrorism? If we begin to hear politicians and pundits spouting such equivocations, perhaps we’ll be pardoned for having our suspicions if any attack/s occur–or are thwarted–by America’s total surveillance prowess.

Well, it’s somewhat confusing to hope (a Jupiter word!) that this is or isn’t the case since our
distrust of the US government
is also at high levels (or depths!) and this may cause any violent attacks relating to 9/11/01 or otherwise appear as much like a false flag op as the original event still seems to many who doubt the ‘official version’ of 9/11/01.

(And tell me again: exactly why was NORAD shut down the morning of 9/11/01?)

Another consideration with astrological Jupiter is that he expands and increases whatever he contacts or is involved with–positively or negatively–and the added challenge of transit Pluto in Capricorn opposing 9/11’s Jupiter (and the two planets combined = big bankers, influential politicians, those who mount large-scale projects, and/or powerful religious leaders)–and US natal Jupiter (5Can56)–denotes limiting conditions, commercial and/or trading difficulties, and a potential for travel interruptions occurring off and on.

Also, Jupiter loves freedom as does Uranus and right now, transit Uranus @12Ari07 Rx (a critical-crisis degree) squares (90 degr) 9/11’s Jupiter denoting rebelliousness against restrictions (one signature of Gitmo and other prison breaks, plus, political cat-herding in Washington), dissatisfaction with political views in or of society, and a distinct potential for erratic or misplaced generosity.

Add in the fact that transit Saturn now in early Scorpio (sign of Big Business, debt, surveillance, the occult, death and regeneration, transformation, betrayal, etc) will soon enter the 2nd house of Earning Ability and the National Treasury in the 9/11/01 horoscope–and eventually visit 9/11’s Pluto (@12Sag38, America’s natal Ascendant in the ‘Sibly’ chart) which happens to conjoin 9/11’s 3rd cusp of Communications and Short Trips. This transit denotes a time of power issues and the loss of control over situations which were just too big to begin with.

To me, Saturn-to-Pluto conjunct US natal ASC sounds rather like the gargantuan and rights-abusing US surveillance system with its frilly underpants recently yanked down a mite by former NSA employee Edward Snowden…that, and our corrupt-to-the-core financial system of Too Big To Fail banks, plus, the highly rigged casino we call, Wall Street.

Now isn’t wearing saggy pants now illegal in some states?

Oh, and one more thing: 9/11’s 2nd cusp mentioned above has an appropriate Sabian Symbol when its degree (11Sco28) is rounded up to ’12Sco”: “An Embassy Ball”.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

On 11.27.12 a Venus and Saturn rendevous

Perhaps you’ve heard of what promises to be a lovely cosmic display at dawn on Tuesday November 27, 2012 as Venus and Saturn rendevous in the heavens.

Plus, click for info on the tango of Venus-Saturn-Sun occurring on December 21, 2012 that ties in with the often-touted, much-heralded Winter Solstice 2012 which times a very rare galactic alignment.

Naturally, I had to check a Tropical horoscope to find the degree that Venus and Saturn meet at dawn on November 27th so that we may consider its *Sabian Symbol (word picture) for a few evolutionary details. Setting the chart for the White House (should old habits be forgot?), Venus clocks in at 6 Scorpio 44 at dawn while slower Saturn has reached 6Sco14 in the Zodiac.

Actually their astrological conjunction will be exact on November 26, 2012 at 8:19 pm est @ 6Sco11:07 during the Mercury Station Direct @ 18Sco10:13 which will occur 2 hours 31 minutes prior to the Venus-Saturn conjunction. As you know, ‘voting’ Mercury turned Rx on Election Day 2012 and we’ve seen several states with contested outcomes and recounts which should be completely settled very soon with Mercury moving forward.

Lovely Venus and Old Man Saturn

Now you either know or can easily find details of what a Venus-Saturn pairing means astrologically but since I tend to focus on Political Astrology, I’ll add here what expert astrologer Michael Munkasey says about the duo’s combined energies in Politics and Business according to the Hegelian Dialectic; my feeling is that, as with midpoint pictures, any, all, or none may apply at various times:

“Thesis: Restrictions on wealth or income; law enforcement avoiding difficult or cumbersome issues; changes forced on enterprise by new social, artistic, or musical values; building the value of the enterprise.

Antithesis: Restrictions on the way society is able to function; elderly people in the enterprise who have artistic tendencies; a law enforcement bureau which derives pleasure from restricting the movement of people.”

(Source: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Hmmm…let’s not get onto the level of the “fiscal cliff” or tax cuts expiring debate in Washington DC in this brief post but the above potential does makes me wonder if the Venus-Saturn rendevous has anything to do with current workers’ strikes in the US and the upper management that will most probably clamp down on them.

Ex: protests continue with Wal-Mart workers intent on striking on Black Friday, the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the US.

*Venus-Saturn’s ‘7 Scorpio’ = “Deep Sea Divers”; keyword: INVOLVEMENT. Themes include “a challenge to self-refinement” and “Self-fulfillment (is) through an ever-increasing interest in day-by-day problems.”

Marc Edmund Jones, in his book The Sabian Symbols in Astrology adds the negative expression of ‘7 Scorpio’ as: “fundamentally unsocial instincts and a resort to wholly absurd escapism.”

Seems to me our ‘survival of the fittest’ society already has way too many of those of a Social Darwinian mindset with ‘fundamentally unsocial instincts” toward their fellow man!

So, on that rather grumpious note, I’ll close with a Happy Thanksgiving to any and all in the US! And yes, let’s remember our displaced Hurricane Sandy victims by contributing if and all we can.

Did you know that Staten Island’s Dr. Atlas Foundation is a great way to donate? Here’s a link to the organization’s Twitter feed.

Saturn to US natal MC first conj Nov 6, 2009

Saturn’s tough medicine is on the way for our nation! And it’s the planetary ruler of Government, Law, and Business.

Today transiting Saturn has reached 00Libra00 near America’s
‘Sibly’ Midheaven (*00Lib53) of Public Status and Career. The opposite cusp, the IC 00Ari00 is also affected, of course, and relates to the Domestic Scene, Security, Real Estate, and our Psychological comfort.

These Cardinal Points – 00Ari/Lib and 00Can/Cap are World Points where big events tend to manifest – but that’s not my focus here.

Saturn to natal Midheaven should be a time when one receives what one deserves concerning recognition, success, and increased status in the world. Yet what is gained with Saturn-to-MC is most often accompanied by an increase or deepening of responsibilities but all works out well if one – or a nation – has taken its responsibilities seriously in the past. Mistakes of this nature may well come into view with this transit for the 10th house cusp (MC) is the most prominent and visible point in any horoscope.

Blaming others for one’s failures is not allowed by Old Man Saturn, however, and accountability may come to roost upon our government’s head (s) as the lesson-bringer hits our US natal MC three times:

1. Nov 6, 2009 – first minute that Saturn reaches 00Lib53 is @ 8:13 pm est in Washington, DC; ASC 7Can13 which is Fixed Star Mirzam’s position: ‘carrying a message; to have ones say’ = Beta Canis Major, aka Murzims; ‘Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars.’)

2. March 27, 2010 Rx;
3. July 31, 2010.

The chart for Nov 6, 2009 @ 8:13 pm est in Washington shows some interesting midpoint pictures (in transit) which may aid us in snagging a flavor of the evening – all given here are from Tyl and Ebertin:

Saturn/Pluto = Mercury: depression; stark realism.

Sun/Jupiter = Pluto: pursuit of fortune/acquiring wealth; success; fulfillment in a big way.

Mercury/Jupiter = Pluto: dramatic persuasion; the big proposal.

Still in effect (as today) is the Uranus/North Node (political reformist groups) with Neptune (veils, delusions, deceptions, underminings; ideals):

Uranus/NN = Neptune: being deceived by others; meeting with people off the beaten path; the undermining of associations; retirement of a partner from a joint venture; one who is easily impressed or influenced.

Perhaps more to the point of what’s occurring in the nation these days is a big honkin’ T-Square pointing to Saturn and thus to US n MC:

Pluto/ASC = Saturn: oppressive dealings with others; difficulties and losses; forcible suppression; using coercive measures with others.

Pluto/ASC = n MC: attainment of power and authority; career success; ego ascendancy.

In Mundane (Political) Astrology, as you know, Saturn on one level represents the Democratic Party and Pluto signifies many things: secret controllers, extremely wealthy people, the Dragon guarding the riches, spies, assassins, coping ability…the list goes on.

And since Mirzam is rising here (see the Star’s keywords above) we may say that Pluto’s ‘say’ is suppressing the Dems forcibly – on one level.

Of course, Saturn also generally represents authorities of all stripes including President Obama in his role of manager – here as manager of our nation’s place in the world (MC.)

If the ancient Exaltation factor in Astrology has anything to do with it, perhaps Saturn’s Exaltation in Libra will see us through what promises to be a difficult transit for America who has not always honored Saturn’s lessons. This transit may be fraught with learning (Saturn) to do just that – ‘the hard way’ which is Saturn’s way of doing things.

The fact that’s it’s drawn out into the second half of 2010 indicates our difficulties – and our government’s difficulties – in learning from our past mistakes and accepting the blame where it belongs – in Washington, Wall Street – and Main Street. Hopefully on or soon after conjunction #3, things will find resolution concerning these issues.

One thing an astrologer usually does with any transit is to look back to the last time it occurred for clues of its nature which in the case of Saturn-to-US-n-MC was only once, on Sept 28, 1980, the year of the campaign that installed Ronald Reagan in the White House.

And the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the Saturn/MC transit was the 19 North, a Solar Eclipse on August 10, 1980 @ ’18Leo’ (opposite Reagan’s natal Sun and conj the Nostradamus Eclipse degree of August 11, 1999.)

From Brady’s ‘Predictive Astrology’ we see that 19N = ‘realism; coming down to earth and becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is; a constructive time for tackling the truth.’

All these words are Saturnian! Let’s hope with the repeated transit for 2009/10 that President Obama heeds well Saturn’s call and honors our Exalted national Saturn in Libra, sign of balance.

Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse 26Cap

Yes, I have definitely ‘FlashForward’ed on the 12 North Eclipse which won’t manifest until Jan 15, 2010, but we may as well consider it ahead of time.

Ocurring near US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx in natal 2nd house in the America’s ‘Sibly’ chart) we may wish to think about the midpoint picture formed using Tyl and Ebertin as sources…

Sun/Moon = Pluto: biased attitudes or changed circumstances lead to critical phases of development or to separation from others; a soul torn by inner conflict; potential new perspectives in relationships; separation to start anew.

Then there’s the practical Earth-Earth Sun Cap-Moon Cap blend to think about with its clearheaded ways, so why not? We could use some o’that, couldn’t we?

The Cap-Cap combo is realistic and responsible; autocratic yet pragmatic; ambitious, serious, conscientious, self-controlled and sophisticated, yet may tend toward fearfulness.

There is a deep need for security and authority, and one finds a way to make certain one is immune to attack. Organizational talents, a resourceful intellect, and a love of material acquisition are often in evidence; there is a protective streak, especially toward loved ones, and a dislike of appearing weak or incompetent.

The Sun Cap-Moon Cap blend is shared natally by: Annie Lennox, Clara Barton (founder of the rosy Red Cross), actress Loretta Young, director Frederico Fellini, singer Donna Summer, and philosopher William James, who observed,

“To give up pretensions is as blessed a relief as to get them gratified.”

Spoken like a realistic Capricorn!

Sun Cap-Moon Cap’s ‘Image for Integration’ is: “A hoary old grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his seventh birthday – a first edition of Pilgrim’s Progress.’ (‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign’ by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

“Seventh birthday” is around the time we all experience our first Saturn-square-Saturn – and Saturn rules Capricorn, sign of the Old Man (senex); one of Cap’s body parts is the knee.

So there we go. But does the grandson appreciate the significance of the rare gift?

I suspect he will when he’s older, don’t you? After he has tucked a little ‘progress’, experience, and knowledge under his belt buckle.

Well, if you wish to read my freshly published notes with chart image included (chart set for Washington, DC), click here and check out the 12 North Solar Eclipse which last manifested on Jan 4, 1992…and you may feel some Health Care (Insurance) Reform coming on…or perhaps it’s only a head cold.

Old Saturn likes anything cold. ;p

Update 1.15.10: here’s a chart image of today’s Solar Eclipse splashed around the natal chart of the Pentagon, details included.

Carl Jung on spying and terror

“Whenever justice is uncertain and police spying and terror are at work, human beings fall into isolation, which, of course, is the aim and purpose of the dictator state, since it is based on the greatest possible accumulation of depotentiated social units.” 

Carl Gustav Jung – (1875-1961) Source: The Undiscovered Self, 1957

Quote compliments of Information Clearing House:



Psychologist Carl Jung was born July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland, 6:52 pm; Asc 00AQ54; Mc 28Sco47.

Sun 3Leo19, Moon 15Tau29 nearing conjunction with Pluto, planet of psychoanalysis. Sun is conjunct ‘dedicated’ asteroid Vesta.

Jung’s Fire-Earth blend of Sun Leo-Moon Taurus has these Images for Integration, a possibility he would have approved of, especially since the brilliant Dr. Jung studied the Astrology charts of his patience for better understanding!

In fact, integration of conscious Sun traits with unconscious Moon traits is the actualization he encouraged:

“Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he; he called for his wife and he called for his bowl and he called for his fiddlers three…Pygmalion:  ‘My Fair Lady’: Eliza Doolittle is transformed into a duchess…A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase.” (‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign’ by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And here’s a note on Old King Cole who was an early Celtic chieftan of the British Isles and from what I can find, was left in charge when the Romans appropriated the place. Actually, there seems to have been three of them – father, son, grandson, and all may have been rulers.

At least one of them (my guess would be the father) is thought by some historians to have been an astrologer – if so,  he lent his name to our modern Astrology charts by way of Medium Coeli/Immum Coeli. In Roman Britain his name was King Coelius or Coilius –  ‘Coel’ meaning ‘sky’ or ‘heaven.’

The current day Coil, Cole, Coel, Coal, Coile, Coyles, Kyle, Kile families may be descendants of his ancient clan. The above ditty uses ‘wife’ yet I’m more accustomed to ‘he called for his pipe and he called for his bowl’ .

In Britain there remain the towns of Coilsfield and Coylton which bear his ancient name and this particular ‘Cowell’ would like to visit there sometime!

Interestingly one of Old King Cole’s symbols of authority is the Caprington horn (photo below) which brings in the root word for Capricorn, the sign ruled by Old King Saturn.

And yes, I have four planets in Capricorn: Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars…and that’s plenty of Saturn for a Saturnian astrologer, don’t you think?!

Bush’s response to Katrina his legacy

Former aides to George Bush are telling a few tales and explaining his sorry presidential performances.

The re-writing of Bush-Cheney-maul-the-White-House has begun, but this article loosens the lid on the ususal spin thanks to former aides sharing their perspectives on the Bush presidency.

Tidbits include: Bush’s lack of handling of Hurricane Katrina was the ‘nail in the coffin’ and Cheney was VP before Bush ‘picked’ him…read more at:



Well, astrologically, Hurricane Katrina at the end of August, 2005, was Bush’s Saturn-to-natal-Ascendant transit, one of the more important transits which comes around approximately every 30 years – for everyone.

Now 30 years of life is time enough for most people to ‘get it’ in the Saturn department – responsibility, accountability, authority issues, that sort of thing. He was 59 years old then – did George Bush get it by August 2005 ?

Saturn to Ascendant  is a period of time when we are forced to face ourselves honestly, the more honestly the better. And being the Ascendant, self-image and how others view us are in for change – plus, something karmic may come along to up the stakes as past actions are revealed for what they really are.

Kind of a second chance for Bush to ‘be’ Saturn – the authority with clout, the one who accepts the buck when it stops at his desk – in his case, a presidential desk. This is a ‘moment of truth’ transit and the entire nation – indeed, the whole world – saw in stark relief how little Bush valued fellow citizens’ lives and property. They also saw how governmental offices that had worked admirably before were diverted by the Bush administration into keystone-cop-chaos.

To my eyes in 2005, it seemed that if class warfare were ever going to be noticed by the previously unaware, this would be the time, and in that department Bush did not disappoint – his racism was obvious, imo.  The haves vs the have-nots in need, and George bailed and failed.

Bush’s complicity in undermining the social fabric of America by letting down the people of the Gulf Coast unto death, and his dismantling  of our government was on-view during Katrina – we remember that Bush-Cheney insisted that FEMA be absorbed by Homeland Security Dept…absorbed and ruined in time for Katrina.

Perhaps Ronald Reagan, their touchstone, would have been proud. Newt Gingrich may have been impressed as the ‘Contract Against America’ played out. But few others were proud or impressed with Mr. Bush’s performance.

Saturn to Ascendant brings more responsibilities along and a chance to step up as events require that personal attention be paid.

Meanwhile, Bush was celebrating John McCain’s birthday by cutting the cake as the people of New Orleans drowned and the nation and world looked on in horror.

Saturn brings high rewards for correct actions and this transit is no exception – it embodies the higher lessons that Saturn insists we face in our lives – even George Bush with his natal 12th house Saturn in self-protective Cancer.

So he’d had a Saturn Return in summer 2005 indicating similar Saturnian themes. Saturn in 12th house is led to believe no responsibility is required, and being a Water house, the 12th house of the Unconscious and Karma tells the tale here of a weakened Saturn in need of many lessons. But it is the nation paying for them.

And while Saturn to Ascendant can result in an impressive display of maturity and finesse, it’s safe to say that George Bush at Katrina time was AWOL  just as he’s been before…and Saturn doesn’t like to be disappointed and let down like an old man (Saturn) left to drown in an attic or miserably stranded on a rooftop with no help in sight – while the fatcats play and wink.

Yes, Katrina highlighted Bush’s lack of compassion and showed where his heart would be if he had one for anyone but himself. Makes me want to throw an umbrella at his head if I’m ever unfortunate enough to see him pontificating from a podium about tacos or freedom.

Obama-Biden or McCain-Palin?

In a Freudian typo-slip, the title of this post was about to be ‘Obama-Biden or Palin-McCain?’ but it may not matter much longer according to an excellent post-with-predictions on the outcome of the November presidential election which Nancy has written at Starlight News:


McCain’s Palin ‘bump’ may be fading soon, and as many astrologers have observed before: John McCain’s health really IS an issue with transit Saturn opposite natal Saturn (in his 6th house of Health) on the menu.

If That transit doesn’t have health implications for a previous cancer patient of his advanced years, I’ll have to eat my ephemeris, won’t I? And of course, Saturn rules skin, and the August 1 Solar Eclipse is in McCain’s Pre-natal Eclipse Series making this a banner year for him in one way or another.

Eclipses, if they ‘bring’ anything at all, usually bring to light what one least expects so it’s impossible to pre-judge how they will act upon a native, but given McCain’s prominence within the collective, I should expect that “his” Eclipse will manifest noticeably as an event or events.

Then there’s Barack Obama:

One thing about Obama’s campaign that I’ve not had time to delve into as I’d like this week is his recent trip to Iraq and the hay the GOP will be making of it – whether they spin it out of whack or not, apparently Senator Obama ‘had speaks’ about a troop withdrawal date (and postponing it until the new administration comes in), which gives the Rovians lots of ammunition to manipulate into a big political problem for the Democratic candidate – even if he was well-intentioned.

Plus, tonight I’m officially in count down mode because this Friday evening is the Craig Ferguson comedy performance we’ve been pining for and I can hardly wait.

You’ve probably heard by now that Craig was feeling unwell and had to visit his doctor the other day and he’s been diagnosed with…..election fever!

Oh, and Happy 221st birthday to the US Constitution today! You’re a little gray around the muzzle and under constant attack – in shreds actually – but the majority of we-the-people still love ya!

Wednesday, Sept 17 was marked by a ceremony at Montpelier, home of the Architect of the Constitution (and the Bill of Rights), President James Madison, because the renovations have been completed returning Montpelier to its original state and size.

The du Pont family’s wings have been removed reducing the house’s size from 36,000 square feet to 12,261 square feet. ‘Madison’s Temple’ is still on the premises, of course.

In attendance were Jim Lehrer and Chief Justice John Roberts, some muckety-muck politicians, along with Madison’s descendants, and descendants of the slaves he kept. With Madison elected president in 1809, the plantation has been restored to the time period 1809 – 1836, the year of his death.

And if you find yourself in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains you may wish to have a visit there yourself – snag more info here:


And speaking of Founding Fathers, Tuesday I posted a bit on John Adams’ natal chart with a very interesting quote from the man himself – a quote which the current gaggle of Washington politicians, world bankers, and court justices could apply to themselves any time they see fit and the whole world would be much better off if the ‘power elitists’ would take a good look at themselves in John Adams’ mirror:


Some notes on Sept 11’s 7th anniversary 2008

At Stars Over Washington the US natal chart (Sibly version, July 4, 1776; 5:10 pm LMT; Philadelphia) has been published with September 2008’s transits to the chart, including a bit about tomorrow’s 7th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11/01:


You’ll find financial indications and the Fed part of the September transit picture as well.

In Astrology we first think ‘Saturn square Saturn’ when we hear the words, ‘7 years’ – but the square of transiting Saturn to 9/11’s Saturn is actually not until Sept 26.

Generally when Saturn squares its natal position, there is little flexibility in current circumstances, and people and situations are busy imposing rules, restrictions, and formalities – exercising authority, as it were…plus, fear and seriousness are definitely part of this time frame – no one needs Astrology to tell them that.

(Everyone has a first Saturn-SQ-Saturn to their natal charts – around age 7 when our baby teeth are lost and we become more mature with our adult teeth.)

But the good news is: all this is temporary, for Saturn is the ruler of Time and the promoter of facing reality and responsibilities as karmic debts must be paid off eventually. In fact, the more devotedly we cooperate with Saturn, the more the Old Man likes it. He may even give a helping hand to those who learn his lessons well – especially when there are long-term endeavors involved and a good understanding of what’s at stake.

Therefore, the more individuals wisely cooperating with Saturn, the better it is for the collective as a whole.

But getting all the facts from our government – now that’s the deal-breaker and the tooth-puller, isn’t it?

Laura Bush and Cindy McCain speak tonight at RNC

Jude’s News Update:

Putting a caring, feminine hand upon the wheel this evening at the Gustav-flavored Republican National Convention 2008, Laura Bush and Cindy McCain are the guest speakers while their husbands stay away in deference to the hurricane victims which they have a reputation for dissing 2005.

Rudy Guiliani may still give the keynote speech, thousands of protestors interrupted access to the building, and NPR’s Robert Siegal is reporting very few arrests. Hmmm…? Siegal prefaced this with the intell that he’d “been inside all day” so is this a side-scuttling, NPR?

Puts me in mind of their news feature, “Voices in the News” on the weekend of the first massive peace protest where Cindy Sheehan spoke for the first time to a large crowd in DC. That morning I awoke with a sense of urgency and excitement and fully expecting that NPR would give Sheehan’s words at least a small shout-out as one of the current “Voices in the News,” my favorite part of Weekend Edition.

I don’t remember what ‘voices’ I heard that day, but oddly Cindy Sheehan’s was NOT one of them even though NPR had reported all week that the peace protest would be assembled in Washington that weekend to demand withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

If the voice of a grieving mother demanding her government act straight up wasn’t a ‘voice in the news’ that day, whose was?

Well, this evening the RNC is having two ladies’ voices in the news and I’ll be interested to hear what they have to say for themselves and for their out-of-touch Party of ‘pretty minds.’ This is their shout-out on behalf of the needy.

Pardon me if their displays of sensitivity toward Gulf Coast folk seems a sham played for the GOP’s benefit. In a word, puh!

Somehow it seems that if they could, they’d turn a cold shoulder this time, too, but for timing reasons they have to scale back the spectacle and mouthe platitudes of compassion. I’d like to think I’m wrong about them, but they wore out their welcome with me years ago so McCain’s lowered ‘sheepish’ tone and Bush’s mock chastened one rings hollow as Hillary’s reptilian tears.

Then there’s VP nom Sara Palin whose 17-year old daughter is expecting. I refuse to believe that this is fair fodder for political cannons. Leave the babies alone! This is a good example of why legislators don’t belong in a doctor’s office because medical and spiritual decisions of this type should remain private, most assuredly as topics during political campaigns.

Palin has hired, it is now learned, a private attorney in the ‘Troopergate” investigation with the probe’s results due handily just before November elections and now (8:30 pm edt) I’m reading here and there (Talking Points Memo is one source) that her VP nomination is having a “slo-mo meltdown” compliments of, and described astrologically by, dissolving Neptune to her natal Sun, then Mars.


Now on a lighter note, I’ve run across an announcement from the Asheville Art Museum:

‘Life’s Rich Pageant: A Centennial Celebration of the Eight’ will open Friday Sept 12, 2008, and will mark the 100th anniversary year of the original opening at the MacBeth Gallery on Feb 4, 1908 of eight anti-academia artists who, though they only held one exhibit, became known as The Eight.

The number 8 in the news again!

Though the 1908 (8!) exhibition lacked stylistic cohesion, it spotlighted American Art and helped paved the way for Modernism in painting. These painters were young realists (Saturn) who differed radically (Uranus) from the established academicians (Saturn) of the early 20th century.

And with the upcoming Saturn/Uranus opposition the collective finds itself dealing once again with tradition vs progress/old methods vs new techniques while Saturn (who may also bring changes of his own) and Uranus morph one into the other and back again.

Digital TV is coming Feb 2009, too with analog = Saturn, digital = Uranus, being a perfect example of this tension – across the great divide…split.

Even the current weather situation may fall into this category – old methods ( or Saturnian lack of them) during Katrina have been traded in for new approaches (Uranus) as almost two million people have been evacuated from New Orleans.

Fortunately, New Orleans has avoided a direct hit, so if levees continue to hold (Saturn = boundaries, walls, time) and residents are imminently expected (Uranus) to return home (Moon), may their exodus back to the Crescent City (Crescent = Moon’s phase of crisis) be peaceful and well-managed (Saturn), and may electrical power (Uranus) be restored to the millions as soon as possible.

Check out ‘Life’s Rich Pageant: A Centennial Celebration of the Eight’ here:


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