Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘2008 campaign’ Category

In US political campaign donors hedge bets and a Sag Lunar Eclipse 6-15-11

Well, maybe this tidbit which mainly describes the 2008 presidential campaign cycle isn’t something just uncovered by this week’s revealing Lunar Eclipse in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius but elite group of donors dole out campaign money among various candidates reminds me of how it’s done on a larger scale when for centuries global banking houses have supplied both sides of wars and revolutions which they themselves fomented from within their secret society chambers.

Perhaps one reason for them to pony up for ‘both sides’ is to establish a win-win situation for themselves by retaining influence over whichever candidate wins a nomination or an election.

Bets are hedged, allegiances are pledged, and they are not meant to protect or defend the US Constitution.

You’ll note that I snagged the article link above from the OpenSecrets site for it seemed appropriate as the Lunar Eclipse in the sign of The Seeker nears.

June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23.

Passionate for Palin in 2012?

If you’re one of the those Passionate for Palin People, Steve Schmidt, McCain’s campaign manager who helped choose Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate in 2008, has some tough love for you: Palin is talented but not a winning candidate for the GOP in 2012.

And I would add: nor in 2016, 2020, etc, etc, etc.

TV cameras like her though so that’s something especially if you like to watch very attractive train wrecks.

To paraphrase David Letterman last night about Palin’s new 400-page book, she wrote it herself and agonized over every word…and you will, too.

And of course, I can’t mention Dave today without also noting his confession last evening of sexual affairs with some of his show’s staff members (ladies, of course – no big surprise, imo) and the attempted extortion of an alleged $2 million by a CBS employee who has now been indicted.

Dave announced the ‘hinky’ situation with as much class as one could hope for and says he won’t be talking about it again. And that was quite a sustained amount of applause he got for discussing it as he did, too.

Just goes to show that negative traits or actions of human beings fare better for everyone concerned when they’re exposed to the light rather than hidden.

For as Richard Nixon taught us – yet Washington keeps forgetting – it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up that gets ya.

Actually with Nixon, I say it was the crime. But I lived in DC during Watergate and hated what tricky Dick did with the place – my favorite city!

President Obama as Freemason

Having just this minute joined AstroLuxx I discovered right off the bat a very interesting article on occult symbols as corporate logos which you may want to check out.

And be sure to read to the end where you’ll find a statement that President Obama is a Freemason as I speculated in my
Obama and 100,000 meet under the Masonic Arch post in October during the 2008 campaign.

Yes, I was only speculating then, but really: 100,00 people and a presidential candidate delivering a rousing speech under St. Louis’ Masonic Arch?

Rather obvious, don’t you think?

After all, through the centuries that’s how men catapulted into the top tiers of their societies and careers: by joining such organisations and if they’re really considered top-tier by groomers – by agreeing to be controlled by the Illuminati. (Some murder required to participate.)

2008 candidates Rats and Dragons!

Goldfish by Giant Kelp

Do everyone a favor including yourself and allow Margot the Mystic to explain McCain, Palin, Obama, and Biden to you using Chinese Astrology, a system of the ancient discipline that is archetypally informative and not familiar to this reluctant astrologer.

And since the candidates profess to represent the collective they should be understood on many levels because their decisions may even impact your goldfish in her bowl:


Non-voters may gain from Margot’s insights as well. Don’t stint yourself. Acquaint yourself with all the candidates as much as you can until it’s all an untidy jumble rattling round your pate.

~:~ image: Goldfish by Giant Kelp, drawing by Jude Cowell 2008.

You may wish to see the final version of this incomplete rendering by moseying to  http://dreamyfishart.blogspot.com

Obama and 100,000 meet under the Masonic Arch

By now you’ve heard of Barack Obama’s rally today in St. Louis, MO underneath the Gateway Arch which sits on the grounds of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial – 100,000 people, the largest outdoor turn-out for him, not counting Denver, DNC.

The Gateway Arch, conceived by architect Eero Saarinen in 1947, was built using the principles of Freemasonry’s concept of the Royal Arch of Heaven. Oh yes, it was.

But whether the exultant 100,000 people today appreciated what they were honoring by their presence, I don’t know. Freemasonry, Thomas Jefferson’s and America’s expansionist creed, Obama’s mojo over McCain’s Viagra – who knows what was in their noggins…a lot of varied impressions, I should think. But Obama-as-Freemason was probably not one them.

(I’m not accusing him of being a member, I’m just saying that one may be ‘affiliated’ without officially joining an organization, a tactic commonly used in politics. Actually I don’t really care if he is or isn’t…unless we’re seeing a Battle of the Secret Societies running underneath a surface presidential campaign, but I’ve had that feeling before with other elections. Maybe its a notion that will pass – but it’s been made difficult today with Obama speechifying under the Gateway Arch!)

Forget ‘is he a Muslim’…is he a Mason?!

That most of the 100,000 knew not of the Arch’s (rather) secret history may be assumed, and many would not think it of importance if they found out. But astrologers know.

Be that as it may or may not, here’s a link to Ed Kohout’s work on the catenarian Gateway Arch – its origins and principles, along with photographs of the Arch and its environs.

With such a plethora of symbolisms abounding, all you have to do is imagine Senator Obama and the cheering 100,000 in the aerial views of this 1960s relic of Freemasonic America, the Gateway Arch of St. Louis. 



Socialism in America? Or keeping your brother?


Where ACORN gets its funding

ACORNs small from tall oaks grow with many branches doncha know:


Obama-McCain debate: high road vs low

If you reduce tonight’s presidential debate to high road vs low road, Senator Obama’s unruffled demeanor looked calm and collected as usual next to McCain’s huffing and puffing.

Looking petty was a danger for Mr. McCain and he lived down to the expectation.

My previous post must stand astrologically and the timing I used is quite close to reality – the show came on at 9:00 pm edt and the candidates began just after Bob Shieffer’s intro and they ended at 10:31 pm edt.

August 16’s (market paranoia) Lunar Eclipse began the evening at Midheaven 24AQ06, and progressive Uranus 19Pis27 Rx ended the debate near Midheaven 17Pis45. Interesting that the Sabian Symbol for ’18Pis’ is: “In A Huge Tent A Famous Revivalist Conducts His Meeting With A Spectacular Performance.”

Well, the spectacular part may be Barack Obama’s resisting the opportunity given him by the moderator to ‘go after’ Sarah Palin with the question about running mates and their qualifications. McCain, however, had some criticisms for Joe Biden, but that’s typical for those-who-run-behind.

One critique was that Biden voted against the first Gulf War. Perhaps voting against any war wouldn’t suit John McCain, but why the vote was supposedly a bad idea he didn’t say other than a mention of protecting the oil supply.

Well, yes. There is that. War to protect oil…hmmm…we export war, they export oil…yes, it Could work.

McCain also said that Biden “voted wrong” on some national security issues but it was more of a throw-away mumble so I’ll have to watch again and see if I can pick up what he meant.

And I’ll be searching the chart for Joe the Plumber who kept showing up and they had quite a tiff over whether Joe’s taxes are going up or not for when he buys the business he’s been working in for years. I’m not sure who cares the most about Joe’s situation based on this debate – but is Joe represented by Pluto, who rules pipes and tunnels? If so, he set during the debate from 7th house into 6th.

Obama’s conversation with Joe at, I assume, a campaign stop, was that “5 years ago, when you were in a position to buy the business, you needed a tax break then.” But McCain seems to think Joe’s current problems are Barack Obama’s fault now. It’s all a horrid nightmare but I’m fairly certain that it was Bush who was playing president 5 years ago.

Ben Stein is on ‘Tavis Smiley’ now saying that Obama’s long-term plans (for the economy) are excellent but that he didn’t have a short-term plan. Until the dust settles, I’m not sure who could.

Stein is “puzzled” that Obama didn’t repudiate John Lewis’ unfortunate remarks in a more forceful way.

Tavis is saying that the spin will be that McCain was whining about his feelings being hurt (by being ‘compared’ to George Wallis by Lewis, which I’m not sure is precisely what Lewis said.) 

He was whining, and as Obama said, the American people don’t care in this campaign if our feelings get hurt (paraphrased.) Now the Irish side of my family would call it whinging, know what I mean? Obama didn’t repudiate John Lewis (that would be daft) but he conceded the inappropriateness of Lewis’ remarks.

So altogether, McCain scored a few points but seemed to flail and whinge in a petty way, Obama was calm yet he did get annoyed about the ACORN accusations.

And, as stated in a post below, (at 10:31 pm actually – I pre-used 10:30 pm), Uranus ended at Midheaven with Saturn at Ic – but Uranus remained in 10th house of Career and Public Standing, while Saturn left the building by way of The Drain (Ic) – and I’m not sure if Joe the Plumber can help stop the leak.

Now If I can just figure out which candidate is Uranus and which is Saturn I might be on to something. Okay, so I think I know, but what do you think?

Election in November or not?

As the 2008 campaign endlessly grinds on I’m receiving more comments here and there (‘there’ being Stars Over Washington) that the US may not be having elections this November, the lastest from one of my favorite people,  Jilly.

And I’ve written on the possibility myself – October Surpise, false flag op, martial law – whatever it takes for Bush to stay in the White House (a horrid horrid thought, isn’t it?) if they think McCain can’t win; so when readers with intuitive abilities tell me that the Nov elections may be called off or disrupted beyond repair, it makes me think yet again that what has been worked toward for so long and at such price and effort will not be easily surrendered to the ‘other team’ – if at all.

If that’s the case, it’s too bad that America and the needs of the American people get lost in their egoistic, power-mad shuffle.

Today I’ve been looking at the Secondary Progressed midpoints (and charts) for the Democratic Party (born May 13, 1792 NS; 12:00 pm LMT; Philadelphia, PA) and the Republican Party (born July 6, 1854 NS; 5:00 pm LMT; Jackson, MI.)

Since tonight marks the last of the three presidential debates, I’m comparing today’s Seconday midpoints with those of Nov 4, 2008 and for Jan 20, 2009, and the only difference is in the Dem’s chart…the diffcult Saturn/Pluto duo rises by Nov 4…

Saturn/Pluto = ASC: placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation; bereavement.

Also the Saturn-Pluto midpoint in the Republican Party’s Progressions is conj Sec NN and will continue to be for some time: common suffering shared with others; the misery of the masses.

Now there are many more good indcations than the one negative one for both parties. The Dems’ Sec Sun is conj Sec Mc, for instance. But I looked for what changed between now and Jan20, 2009.

And it’s no weakness or lack in Astrology for Astrology describes the many levels of life we all contend with – good mixed with bad. Plus, motives always matter and sometimes things come seemingly from out of nowhere – at least we are unconscious of them until they actually occur, then it’s a Doh! Moment a la Homer Simpson, isn’t it? “Who saw that coming?” we ask incredulously.

Well, since I’m “under the weather” today and feeling somewhat puny, I’ll simply close with the current Secondary ‘Images for Integration’ for each party.  You might get a kick out of them – or perhaps a chill:

Democrats: Sun Sag-Moon Cap: “In the year 2999, a courageous explorer goes on a quest for knowledge of the past which opens up for man a hopeful future on another planet…With patient skill a rock climber scales a seemingly impossible mountain peak.”

Republicans: Sun Sag-Moon Cancer: “A homing pigeon…An evangelist offers a vision of personal salvation…An international nanny…Jimi Hendrix’s Woodstock rendition of ‘The Star Spangled Banner’…William Blake’s watercolour, ‘Teach These Souls to Fly’.” (Tate Gallery, London.)


(‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign’ by Chas & Suzy Harvey.) (midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin.)


Heads-Up Oct 15: check the Pages list in the sidebar column for a sprinkling of astrological notes on journalist Keith Olbermann (Jan 27, 1959) and a link to the text of his call yesterday for John McCain to suspend his campaign.

Also added: in the category list for ‘2008 campaign’ you’ll find “2008 Electopedia” which is a great resource I’m late finding but am glad I did…it has all sorts of info on Obama and McCain so you can compare and contrast – in no special order a few are: Biggest Lie, Worst Enemy, Best Debate Smackdown, Mentor, Superstitions, and more – all in one spot. Handy!

Should Obama-McCain tout Keynesian economics?

How to Save the US Economy

By Richard C. Cook

Everything being suggested by the Obama/McCain campaigns is based on the
failed Keynesian formula:




You can’t solve problems using the same thinking that caused the problems, to paraphrase Albert Einstein and Barack Obama but isn’t that what Obama has done concerning the engineered financial crisis?

Isn’t Keynesianism part of what was used to get the world into this mess? If so, shouldn’t McCain and Obama be tut-tutting Keynesianism rather than than touting it?

Tut-tut don’t tout!

Letterman on McCain’s campaign suspension

David Letterman just said that “you don’t suspend your campaign! McCain was to have guested on Letterman’s show tonight…now Keith Olbermann is the substitute. Good.

“If he suspends his campaign maybe in the White House he’d suspend being president.” And other similar words to that effect, including: this isn’t the way a hero acts.

He’s also asking why McCain doesn’t put Palin out to pinch hit for him. But you don’t suspend your campaign, Dave keeps repeating. You let your VP candidate carry on the campaign.

“So do you think he’ll ever come back?” Letterman asks.

“Not after the drubbing you just gave him, ” says Paul Shaeffer. (Laughter ensues.)

Dave says that this doesn’t “smell right.” It is rather odd, I agree. Suspend your campaign?

“Maybe because his poll numbers are sliding.”

Letterman is smarter than he lets on. Now it’s time for ‘Top 10 Questions’ – about the McCain campaign. If McCain has to rush back to fix the economy, Obama and Biden will have to, too, frets Dave.

Olbermann says that if one of the debates has to be cancelled (not delayed) it would be to McCain’s advantage that the VP debate is scratched from the schedule!

More from Olbermann: forget foreign policy – make Friday night’s debate “about the economy.”

Hey now – that’s way too common sensical to work for Out-of-his-depth McCain!

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