Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘George Bush’ Category

Over 53% of our tax dollars go to War

Tax Day, April 15, is upon us with a vengeance and it’s not comforting to know that most of our funds go to fighting perpetual war bwo the Pentagon.

Especially with US schools, post offices, and court rooms closing for lack of funds! Either we-the-people are mad as hatters or the US government is trying to drive us in that direction while totally clearing out the US Treasury in the process.

As I groused repeatedly about the Bush-Cheney regime’s invasion of Iraq in 2003: with Jupiter the General retrograde at the time, the war would be a bottomless pit in the money department…was I wrong?

Well, this is a definite case of ‘sometimes you just don’t want to be right’.

And I stand by my opinion: Bush-Cheney didn’t go to war in Iraq or in Afghanistan in order to end terrorism – they invaded the Middle East on a misguided mission to promote it. And we see years later how the entire world is paying the price.

Written by Jude Cowell

April 13, 2010 at 11:57 pm

Most still blame Bush for economic collapse

In a mild fit of clarity of vision, a new poll declares that a majority of Americans still blame Bush for the economic collapse of 2008.

This is as it should be.

Do you think the Bush-Cheney master heisting of our treasure as they wiggled out the White House door has anything to do with this clear perception?

It begs credulity to suggest that neither of them have major offshore accounts filled to the brim!

Written by Jude Cowell

February 13, 2010 at 4:25 am

9/11’s Complete Timeline

Here I sit before dashing out the door to motor into the city for appointments, and wondering if you’ve ever seen this Complete Timeline for 9/11 and before?

It’s an extensive list of Afghan/US/bin Laden/Taliban/terrorist information, with other links to details not to be forgotten or swept under the White House rug.

It appears we almost ‘lost’ George that morning, you know, when men showed up at Bush’s resort hotel in Florida saying they had a ‘poolside interview’ with the president. They were turned away…

Written by Jude Cowell

August 11, 2009 at 4:02 pm

Sibel Edmonds: US used Bin Laden up to 9.11.01

Having just found that whistleblower Sibel Edmonds is speaking out on the Bin Laden-US relationship and 9/11, I’m still clicking links, reading, and investigating it myself.

But I thought that you should have a chance to do the same, in case you haven’t heard of the recent revelations from Ms. Edmonds whose gag order must be treated gingerly.

Well, a cozy US-Bin Laden relationship would explain why Bush called off the hounds at Tora Bora in Dec 2001 when our trackers were ~thisclose~ to nabbing the tall, gaunt so-in-so.

Even at the time, I felt as if Bush never wanted to catch him. It seemed quite clear actually.

And do you remember my confession that at 1:00 pm edt on 9/11/01 I took a break from Astrology charts long enough to ask the Tarot: Who did this?

And the answer? “Ask the Sphinx.”

Which is, in itself, a very sphinx-like answer, is it not? But you know which Middle Eastern country came to mind, don’t you now?

I knew it was You, Bush

Remember in March 2004 the ‘thuggish’ strong-arming that occurred at the hospital bedside of then-Attorney-General John Ashcroft to get him to authorize the government’s illegal activities?

It was ordered by – gasp! – George Bush during his War Of Terror regime.

Written by Jude Cowell

July 10, 2009 at 10:14 pm

Insights on Mercury-Pluto

One of the more interesting planetary combinations of energies to me is the Mercury-Pluto pair which is associated with propaganda, indepth thinking, speaking, and probing, and is similar in nature to Mercury when posited in plutonian Scorpio.

Reinhold Ebertin, in his ‘The Combination of Stellar Influences’ gives Mercury-Pluto’s principle as: ‘the art of persuasion, suggestion.’

Psychologically, the pair gives restless thinking, a quick grasp of every situation, sharp criticism, good observation powers, intellectual triumph over others, slyness or cunning, crafty subtlety, and diplomacy (where one may use the other traits.

Wielding influence – especially over the masses through speaking or writing – is one the attributes of Mercury-Pluto and its power is invaluable to critics and demagogues everywhere.

Negatively, plagiarism and fraudulent representations or misrepresentations may occur with aspects or other links to the Mercury-Pluto combo (such as Mercury in Scorpio, Scorpio on the 3rd or 6th cusp – houses naturally ruled by Mercury. Ex: George W. Bush has Mercury conj Pluto in Leo – in 1st house of Self, the ‘propaganda catapulter’ as he called himself.)

Overuse of Mercury-Pluto energies can result in disturbances or irritation in the nervous system through excessive zeal – so slow down, Mercury-Pluto, your fanatic side may be showing to your disadvantage!

In fact, hasty thinking followed by premature action, impatience, and overestimating one’s abilities are also dangers with this blend.

Positively there can be success through speaking or writing particularly with specialized subjects but pacing oneself is important for best results.

For more indepth information check out Chirotic Journal’s excellent article ‘Mercury Pluto: Insight or Inquisition?’ concerning this fascinating pair of planets.

Bad economy imperils Bush Library – awww!

Apparently George Bush’s retirement isn’t so laid-back after all.

The sorry economy is causing fundraising for the Bush Library to slow down to a trickle, and Bush, his dad, and former aides such as Karl Rove, are making phone calls personally on behalf of the Library’s overly optimistic $500-million goal.

Seems the  ‘trickle down economics’ concept isn’t doing the trick due to excessive trickling, so with the deadline for construction is 2013,  he’d better get cracking  because his handling of the economy for 8 years – aka, spendthrift ways – are catching up with his legacy of extravagance and over-optimism:


Or perhaps this article by Paul Bedard provides sparse cover and excuse for the fact that no one gives a flying crap where Bush puts his book of revisionist history!

Please take a moment to answer this poll:

Feb 18 Update: results are leaning toward the ‘Hades freezes over’ direction…83%. Record your vote now! jc

Bush’s last words: warning or threat?

The War on Terror is a Hoax

By Paul Craig Roberts

According to US government propaganda, terrorist cells are spread throughout America, making it necessary for the government to spy on all Americans and violate most other constitutional protections. Among President Bush’s last words as he left office was the warning that America would soon be struck again by Muslim terrorists.


Written by Jude Cowell

February 5, 2009 at 2:57 pm

Bush’s parting finger to the American people

Good Riddance to the Smirker-in-Chief

~Good Riddance to the Smirker-in-Chief!~
No, this may not be Bush’s last ‘parting finger’ extended toward the populace of the US – you know, the ones whose ‘business’ he was supposedly taking care of these 8 years (see: economy, see: US reputation in the world, see: Bill of Rights, see: Justice Dept, etc, etc), but it definitely qualifies for your consideration:


Bush’s Farewell Address tonight 1.15.09

Yes, America has limped through 8 years of George Bush and the neocons, shredded and bankrupt, but still (barely) here.

If you’d like a peek at the horoscope for tonight’s address scheduled for 8:00 pm est, check it out at:


where you’ll also find a link to the text of George Washington’s Farewell Address of Sept 17, 1796  – for comparison’s sake.  Or I should probably say, for contrast’s sake.


Well, that was quick! As it would have to be – how long can anyone, even a pathological liar and/or manic depressive, talk without an unconscious slip-up?

He always seems to me to make one or two though – like talking about other people who impose their value system on Other People and kill lots of folks in the process. This is the point where he is apparently incapable of looking himself in the mirror to say, Oops! I’m doing the same thing myself.

Hitler, Stalin – they all possessed that same ‘it’s them not me’ quality as they set about cleansing the world of those they considered  Unacceptable. And you know that’s one of Bush’s favorite bossy words.

And so, in the spirit of George W. Bush, soon to be past ‘president’ of the United States of America, that the man and the mission recognizable as G.W. Bush, is hereby pronounced officially ~unacceptable~ to this native American citizen, this child of the Revolution.

(Tar’n’Feather Fund’s cauldron still bubbling on the hob, if anyone’s interested in giving him and Cheney each their much-deserved fare-thee-wells on a thin rail.

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