Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Biden idealizes Obama’s best traits 8.23.08

And Obama returns the favor!

As I’ve studied the planetary placements on this auspicious day for the Obama campaign with the events in Springfield, IL marking the kick-off of the Biden leg of the prez tour, I was struck by how complex the astrological picture is, from natal, progressed, and composite charts.

Interesting with my wizard’s hat in place, but difficult to write anything remotely resembling a unified and clear analysis without giving both my regular readers crossed eyes and headaches.

So I shall confine myself to a few observations, beginning with today’s Sabian Symbol for the Sun’s position, “1 Virgo”…”In a Portrait, a Man’s Best Features Are Idealized.”

Dane Rudhyar gives the Keynote of this degree as relating to the path of discipleship and the harvest season as the Sun leaves Leo and enters Virgo. Perhaps Obama may be said to have been Biden’s disciple? Biden has attempted to enter the White House and stay there before so it seems that Obama may be HIS ticket.

Now the Sun’s reaching the end of Leo/00Vir+ links to Egyptian star lore, the Sphinx, and to ancient mystery cults, plus, there are other indications between today’s chart, Obama’s and Biden’s natal and progressed charts, and their composite charts – indications of mystical influences and supernatural concerns.

Is Astrology Afoot Along with Biden’s “Firm Stand”? 

Timing today’s speech with the Moon’s position (29Tau+) because it’s opposite the Inaugural 2009’s Moon is a clue, as well as transit Sun today being conjunct Joe Biden’s natal NN…see above Sabian Symbol. Either there’s a campaign astrologer or two behind the woodpile in Lincoln’s land, or synchronicity times and wins the day along with some crumbling temple in Giza!

Now you may or may not think that this is (or will be) problematic for the Dem team, however, it is possible that if there are mystical associations, they may aid the Dems in their bid for the White House, or ‘White Lodge’ as I often think of it.

How benefit?

Besides support from abroad and from possible connections with secret organizations, these two grand egos, both of which are vying for the highest recognition and glory, must be able to consciously direct the sublimation of their personal egos on behalf of a higher cause and this will be the difference between success or failure.

What I can’t tell you astrologically – at least not yet – is whether their shared cause, mission, and goals are truly on behalf of the common good. A new direction for America away from the Bush policies? Yuh, sounds great! And sorely needed.

For we know that America always corrects course after too much of one Party’s ideology has run away with the day and overly fatigued us with its falsehoods and self-serving high-handedness.

Yes, the Obama-Biden team talks a good game of it, but we’ve been burned too many times by cynical politicians whose agendas are not remotely in tune with our own best interests. Yes, Barack and Joe sing a melodious tune, but who wrote the lyrics and for what ultimate political purpose?

But since the charts mentioned show a somewhat better story on the people’s behalf, I’ll try to muster a little faith in the Dem ticket’s duet because a vote for John McCain is like a vote for George Bush, and you know it.

And thennnn….?

Along the campaign trail will appear the anti-common-gooders who try to march off with the prize, and we’ll recognize them as neocon goose-steppers and enablers who hatchet the backs of the more popular contenders in order to continue the *Bush Doctrine and agenda and keep themselves top dogs.

But will the ‘old boss same as the new boss’ model take the cake?

What a Dem administration may do to scale back the constitutional weakening that Bush-Cheney have overseen will show how straightforwardly they intend to do the people’s business which has tragically been disregarded for too long – and to much ill effect for society’s sake, I may add.


*Link to chart image of Bush Doctrine but no grimey details added as of yet:


And here’s a Page I’ve added with a link to NPR’s audio player so you can listen to Joe Biden’s first speech as VP nom today in Springfield in which he idealizes Obama’s best traits…you’ll find a link to Obama’s speech today – in which he idealizes Biden’s best traits –  in the previous post:


4 Responses

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  1. Erosion/plumbing issues rain down, but seem resolved now – thanks for the hoping! ;p

    Sheesh! i can’t keep up with ya between here and Stars Over Washington…



    August 27, 2008 at 4:29 pm

  2. Hope Fay laid off you, and thanks!




    August 27, 2008 at 7:56 am

  3. Impressive work, max, thanks! ;p

    Am reading your info and looking more closely at This Week in Denver – all of which may be turned moot by Fay’s heaviness knocking off electricity and satellite dish going out from stormy weather at some point during the week.

    Hope not!

    Keep up the good work, jude



    August 25, 2008 at 3:47 pm

  4. Well, I rooted around for some time in your charts here, and the Bush doctrine one is really quite interesting. Antares is conjunct the Asc, and of course, it’s interesting how 8/9 Sag turn up in exciting places. (Most of the other planets in that chart are conjunct some nasty fixed star or another.) The interesting thing is that Aug. 1 eclipse fell on Jupiter there; and you mention in your discussion of McCain’s chart (I think) the effect would be of rescuing a desperate man in dire straights. Eclipse on Jupiter/8 opposite Moon/Neptune square Venus/11 suggests secret action.

    The other part, of course, is that the lunar eclipse hit that chart’s Uranus in the 3rd. Lying!

    I was off paying attention to the Georgian matter beforehand, and I was pretty suspicious that we (the US) egged Sashe into his idiot attack. But having looked at that chart, I would say that clinches it for me. They deliberately encouraged/egged on/demanded (?) Sasha attack, which is why the Georgians were standing around after it was all over demanding to know why the US didn’t help them.

    Besides the fact that it is disgusting to treat a putative ally that, and besides the fact that they seem to be trying to start WWIII, obviously the most disgusting thing of all was that they were willing to do all that to cheat at a presidential election.

    Anyways, Obama got hosed by those eclipse effects and in turn, that’s why he picked Joe Biden… and there we are.

    And also, I left a comment to Monica’s post:
    4. max – August 23, 2008

    Um, the joint progressed new moon [of Obama/Biden] occurs on September 30th. The joint Prog. chart has a close Jupiter-Neptune opposition that forms a loose t-square with Uranus in the fifth [Assuming 8:30 am Biden birth time]. Jupiter lights off that Uranus on October 12th or so. (My guess is that someone has been having an affair.) Then it closes on the opposition towards election day.

    The problem is, is that TVenus is conjunct Lillith and t-square the Uranus-Saturn opposition on election day. TVenus falls in the 12th of the regular composite. (Saturn is going to roll over the regular composite Venus on September 29th.) On its way to the 9th house of the composite. Meanwhile, around election day, Mars will oppose the moon from the 10th, and come to an exact square to Pluto late election night at the lip of the 11th. (Did I forget the TPluto is sitting just above the composite ASC?)

    Going back to the progressed composite, on election day, the Moon will be spending the day void in Cap, in the PrComp. 1th, and then will head into the 12th. At the same time, the moon will be in Obama’s natal twelfth all that night and the next day as well.

    Oh, did I mention that Saturn crosses the cusp of the Progressed 7th around the 2nd of September? Heh, also the lunar eclipse sat on Pluto/Node in the 6th with the moon in the twelfth, squaring the PrComp Venus/Mars.


    [‘We’re gonna get stuck with the maniac for four years.’]


    p.s. Offhand: in 1854, Antares was @ ~7Sag42, but of course, it has kept on keeping on – so Antares reached the 1854 R party Ascendent @ 1998, and it would be within a degree and a half of the Bush Doctrine ASC… and the Pluto would’ve crossed that point (9Sag47) around 11/18/98.



    August 25, 2008 at 9:06 am

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