Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Moon Signs of the Dem Convention 2008

As we look at the *out-of-bounds Moon’s progress through the zodiac during this week’s Democratic National Convention we find that Luna’s emotional tone through the signs she traverses (Aug 25 to Aug 28) is displayed by way of the sign she ‘wears’ at any given moment.

Publicity, popularity, public relations, the public, the people, intuition, emotions and feelings are all Luna’s natural provinces, and her timing ability is well-known and oft-used in Astrology.

Here I’m using Denver, CO, ‘Aug 25 sunrise until Aug 28 midnight’ to get a full range of the Moon’s activities and influence. (And please pardon typos as this posting will be cut short at any moment by Fay’s stormy auspices.)

The Dem Conv begins with Moon in Gemini 22Gem56, with Gemini the sign of Obama’s natal Moon (3Gem+) yet tonight’s keynote speaker, Michelle Obama has no placements in Gemini, but has Uranus 9Vir36 Rx and Pluto 13Vir58 Rx which describes her speaking on behalf of her husband (tr Sun 2Vir – 7Vir for the week) rather than for herself…’Moon reflects Sun.’)

Looking at the **Democratic Party’s natal chart, there are several midpoints which will be triggered by Luna this week and I shall split them into two entries.

(As you know, midpoints bring planetary energies into action as a team and are the averaged position of the two bodies or points.)

Dem Party midpoints range from Venus/Uranus 22Gem54 to Mercury/Neptune 11Leo55 with a certain natal planet 15Leo04.

I will note when a sign change occurs since Luna’s instincts, moods, and feelings will show a marked change as she changes signs: Gem = communications; the Good News; oration~~Cancer = nurturing; emotional needs, intuitions, and security issues~~Leo = the hero’s journey, the need to lead, the natural or divine leader (Bush 43 falls into this category, not just Obama), and needs for applause, approval, and recognition.

Dem Party midpoints (since all are being triggered by the Moon, I shall omit ‘ = Moon’ to save my typing finger); as usual with midpoint pictures, it’s ‘all/any/none’ in play:

Venus/Uranus: new ideas for a new future; hysteria; sudden excitement in fulfilment of one’s needs.

Saturn/ASC: difficulty being accepted; disagreements; an oppressive environment; separation from a female (this may refer to Hillary’s delegate release and their strong feelings about it.)

Venus/ASC 00Can18 (Hillary’s natal ASC degree in the 8:02 pm chart I use for her Cancerian round face – also 00Can00 is a World Point of manifestation and was involved with 9/11 bwo of the June 2002 Solar Eclipse on that degree): an expression of affection; an engaging nature; motherliness; a show of emotions.

Sun/Uranus: the intense woman; demand for need fullfilment; emotionally excitability; nervous, agitated women;  impulsiveness or rashness.

Uranus/MC: a quick temper; sudden mood changes; easy upset; extraordinary state of excitement; prominent shift of direction for emotional fullfilment; a new bid for life advancement.

Mercury/Uranus: valid instincts about the situation; a correct grasp of a subject; logical thinking; practicality.

Mars/Saturn (one of the most difficult combos in any chart and since it links with health problems it may relate to Ted Kennedy but also to disgruntled Hillary supporters – and possibly to HC herself): illness; feelings about losing something; moodiness; depression.

Venus/Mars: maternal feelings.

Sun/ASC: feelings/needs become important esp with or through females; fruitful activity with others.

ASC/MC (‘Identity Awareness’): showing to others  just how one feels; life attitudes are governed by feelings; attitudes toward the female sex; associations with females.

Mercury/ASC; projection of emotions; a search for inner contact with others.

Saturn/NN (‘seeking contact with experienced people; lack of adaptibility ; inhibited associations’ – Ebertin):  a person standing alone in life; an orphan, widow, or widower (Biden has remarried but was a widower); showing precocious maturity; qualifying for responsibility; appealing to senior persons ( BHO’s VP choice of Biden is as much to garner the senior vote as for his foreign policy expertise – two political birds with one stone…stone = Saturn.)

Now the Moon reaches Dem Party’s natal Chiron 15Can06 and has moved 2 degrees beyond US natal Sun. Moon/Chiron contacts are the perceptual shield being completely open and spirituality may enter in either positively or negatively.

Read the rest of these midpoint/Moon pics here:



NPR reporting at 1:01 pm Aug 26: poll shows ‘only 43% of Hillary’s primary backers say now they’ll vote for Obama!’

And I report that this is part of a GOP ploy dubbed “OPERATION CHAOS” by Rush Limbaugh – Rs were roused to vote for Hillary in the primaries in hopes of causing trouble at the Dem Convention!!! The Dem’s UNITY theme is in danger, Will Robinson – and Rush’s hoofprints are all over it, in tandem with genuine Hillary supporters who are disgruntled by BHO’s eclipsing her. ~

* out-of-bounds of the earthly plane for the public’s Moon/public relations/publicity/needs beyond normal expectations indicates the out-of-this-world quality to Obama’s fawning press coverage (by those who participate so for whatever reasons), his high popularity,  and to the public’s excessive attraction to and hopes for Barack Obama as America’s next leader as we project dreamy notions upon one man. This is made easier by his natal Mars conjunct US natal Neptune…’rockstar status.’

** Democratic Party: May 13, 1792; 12:00 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA; Sun 23Tau31, Moon 28AQ30; Pluto 23AQ31 with tr Neptune 2008 conjunct…Neptune to n Pluto encourages the rise to power of those who bring a religious message and/or who favor use of spiritualism or psychic power; use of history analysis is a positive benefit of this transit.

However, treachery is in the wings, and use of poison or bio-weapons cannot be ruled out, along with religion-based attacks – by and against Dems.)

In spite of the religious right’s **attack on his faith -ex: his ‘Messiah complex’ – Obama IS using his religious faith in this campaign as a way to connect with church folk of any political stripe. It may work- he seems to be doing well with Catholics, another reason his VP choice was Joe Biden, a Roman Catholic.

The right’s ad: ‘he may be The One, but is he ready to lead?’ Is BHO the anti-Christ as they imply? Sheesh! I thought perhaps Bush41 and 43 had already fit that bill! The ‘Left Behind’ series is riddled with squirrelly Scriptural inaccuracies, but don’t get me started on that…

Cont’d just below…

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