Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

The Job of H.G. Wells

Perhaps you’ve heard author H.G. Wells called the Father of Science Fiction due to his popular novels such as The Invisible Man and War of the Worlds, made frighteningly famous in 1938 by the voice of Orson Welles.

You see, last year I re-read The Invisible Man in a series of classics I’ve been revisiting via Kindle, novels not read since my school days. Enjoyable? Yes, especially with a different perspective after all these decades! I tend to like Sci-Fi rather well though my favorite all-time books of that particular genre would have to be Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein and Mary Shelley’s masterpiece, Frankenstein. But I digress…

Today I mention the name of H.G. Wells due to his job as mouthpiece for the power elite class of his day in such published material as The Open Conspiracy.

Was the book meant as a guideline or blueprint for the ruling class to follow? Propaganda to make its tenets seem inevitable to future generations? We see that certain things listed therein have been accomplished and others that are in process of occurring as I type. Therefore, it is my view that The Open Conspiracy is just that–a blueprint revealed, and we’re watching world government (aka, global government, or, a ‘new world order’) being implemented under our overly apathetic noses. Is it a centuries-long conspiracy too monstrous to be believed by the American people? Perhaps, and yet we all feel it, don’t we?

Actually, America’s much-touted ‘change of direction’ is due in part to the global government script Washington follows with two world wars under its Belt(way) already and a third war being purposefully stirred up. Tragically, this is what I believe and decry for its evil dimensions, cruelties, criminality, and destruction of freedom and democratic principles. Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Zionism, Capitalism, and many other oppressive -isms are part of the agenda, no matter what such systems are called–they all play their parts.

Speaking of my former residence of Washington DC, do you know that a statue in honor of Confederate General and World War Three promoter (and Scottish Rite grand boo-bah of his day) Albert Pike (a busy guy who apparently founded the Ku Klux Klan and ran the Knights of the Golden Circle)–a statue of this Luciferian dude still stands near Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Wonder why? But let’s get back to H.G. who promoted the same Weishauptian-Rothschildian agenda of world control, same as occultist Albert Pike:

Yes, it’s true that Herbert George Wells wrote about what an undistinguished fellow he was! A mild professor type, you know. If so, that turns out to be one blueprint for a man who undermines humanity by following instructions from a grasping power elite who used Wells’ writing talent to further their conspiratorial aims. Even his Sci-Fi works may be seen as part of the script with technological subtleties and futuristic propaganda that younger generations could appreciate and thus be influenced by. Wells made a perfect mouthpiece, knowingly or not.

So what can be said about the natal planets and personality of ‘NWO’ propagandist, economist, historian, futurist, socialist, and author H. G. Wells?

View his natal horoscope with a brief bio at astro.com, plus, his Wikipedia page adds biographical details if you’re curious.

First, an intriguing Sabian Symbol for the degree of his natal Sun (personality; essence; vitality; life purpose) may be of interest for when rounded up we find ’29 Virgo’: “A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge from an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading,” a past time very popular during the 19th century into which he was born on September 21, 1866 4:30 pm GMT Bromley, England. His birth data is gleaned from his birth certificate or birth record and thus has a Rodden Rating of AA for accuracy. A Sun-North Node conjunction assured him of contacts with the public and success along his solar path.

As for futurism, we don’t have to look far with Aquarius rising on the Ascendant (12:57) and Moon @21AQ05 which gave him plenty of futuristic, original, eccentric, and genius vibes of Aquarius but also some measure of psychic ability (Moon in 1st house). A secretive 12th house Jupiter in governmental Capricorn denotes metaphysical studies behind the scenes, plus, knowledge of Politics and the dissemination of political information through publishing.

A subversive, accident-prone Mars-Neptune square supports the secret, hidden, and probably metaphysical studies of the solar Sabian Symbol, above, and being born with the ‘New World Order’ planets, Uranus and Neptune, in aspect to one another (a square from Aries to Cancer) marks his generation as one of great social change and is notable for people who hold an ideal of how the world ‘could be’. Plus, his Mars (action, motivation, energy, testosterone) conjoins quirky Uranus in the 5th house of Creativity (and Romance, but that’s beyond the scope of this post!) so here are more eccentric vibes on display with his *reigning need–shown by the Moon’s sign of Uranus-ruled Aquarius–to spread his wealth of complex ideas to the general public (Moon). With both planets ruling his rising sign of Aquarius, a Saturn (past) and Uranus (future) trine suggests more otherworldly, futuristic vibes within his character and both planets relate to Astrology and to other occult (hidden) studies and interests. A protective Grand Trine

For Socialism we look to the Uranus-Neptune square, plus, his Saturn-Neptune inconjunction (150 degrees) with both planets well known for their link to such societal concepts as government, law, and business (Saturn) and the masses, the media, propaganda, and mystic pursuits (Neptune).

Looking to Wells’ 8th house of Finances, Sex, Death, and the Occult, we see a Venus-Saturn conjunction (dissatisfaction in love or long-lasting relationships–he married twice and had other romances) which is opposed by powerful Pluto @14Taurus in the 2nd house of Values and Earning Ability. Actually, the Venus-Pluto opposition across the 2/8 money axis is exact to the degree (14/14) and denotes that partnership conflicts were usually money-related. I’ve never read a biography of H.G. Wells to confirm this, but that’s what his chart shows. The Saturn-Pluto opposition suggests that he may have been victimized by people who lusted for power.

Hopefully, he learned to be suspicious of enterprises that seemed “too good to be true” because they often were. But we see that power plays were part of his professional life and thus we find at least some evidence of such manipulation within the pages of his books. Wealthy Pluto does like to pull secret strings and make things happen, doesn’t he?

As for the writer’s planet, Mercury, we see the speedy one in book-writing Virgo (19:01) in the 7th house of Partnerships along with his Sun-NN conjunction of success. This trio in 7th h suggests that his professional endeavors were often aided or promoted by others in his life, plus, his creative ideas may have been purloined at times as denoted by a 1st house Neptune Rx in Aries in wide conjunction with the separative South Node, a point of inherited talent, but also a place where a draining of energy may occur. Add to the picture a Chiron-SN conjunction and you have a blind spot or a wound which he dealt with from a past generation or ancestor.

Well, there is much more to the complicated natal chart and character of H.G. Wells but we’ll have to close before this post becomes a novel! Yet perhaps you’d be curious about the Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius personality blend of global visionary H.G. Wells for it is quite descriptive; then we’ll end with a quote from the author himself:

Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius personalities tend to exhibit shrewd intelligence and keen observational skills–perfect traits for an author. Virgo is the book-writer and this blend describes a progressive thinker full of ideas and ideals. How Virgoan of him to want to organize society into a tidy, well-functioning system where messy emotions and sentimental ties must be extinguished. Science is another of Virgo’s interests so a double portion for Mr. Wells with his rising Moon in scientific, space traveling Aquarius.

Quiet humility (as he writes of himself as undistinguished, etc) and reformist tendencies entwine along with a matter-of-fact attitude added to the quirky sense of humor of The Critic, and may suggest a rather robotic side. Politics and international planning are possible areas of interest and we know in hindsight that they were, of course. Friendly yet aloof, Mr. Wells preferred alliances based on common interests (as do most people) though he may have had a bit of a monk-like air about him and was conscientiously dedicated to his work.

Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey gives the Virgo-Aquarius blend two ‘Images for Integration’ (which refers to the Sun/adult/conscious mind and the Moon/child/unconscious mind when they successfully work together to form a whole personality):

“Staring into a microscope, a scientist sees the past and future writ large…Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order.”

Yeah, ‘new and improved‘. Well, power-mad globalists then and now like to assume that their oh-so-rational Uranus-Neptune ideal of Utopianism is an “improvement.” They plan for the ‘order’ to come out of the societal chaos that they themselves create. It’s the devilish Hegelian Dialectic put into action: thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

Okay, I’ll hush for now and close with a few apt words from H.G. Wells:

“If the world does not please you, you can change it.”

Wonder if he thought that up all by himself?

*for reigning need of the Moon thanks go to the masterful work of astrologer, psychologist, and author Dr. Noel Tyl.

Note: for the sake of brevity I left mention of it out of this post but you may also wish to check out another of Wells’ futuristic writings, The Shape of Things to Come.

And here’s an enlightening New World Order timeline you may wish to peruse if you dare. You’ll find Mr. Wells therein.

3 Responses

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  1. multiple times I updated the title of this post to, ‘The Job and Planets of H. G. Wells’ but oddly WordPress would not cooperate!


    Jude Cowell

    June 15, 2016 at 1:30 am

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