Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for June 27th, 2008

Using asteroid archetypes in Political Astrology

Hoppin’ Hidalgo!

My friend, astrologer Alex D’Atria, has sent me an excellent link to her blog, ‘Modern Astrology’ with articles by and interviews with astrologer Mark Andrew Holmes.

Mark uses many more asteroids and other unusual points in his chart delineations than this particular and reluctant astrologer could ever have time for, but their keywords are certainly of interest for honing in on the meanings of planetary placements and indications in any chart.

Here’s Alex’s link: http://modern-astrology.blogspot.com

where you’ll find Mark’s take on the Nov 4, 2008 election and on candidate John McCain in his article, “McCain and the 2008 Presidential Election” (entry: June 24, 2008.) A few Sabian Symbols are given as well.

The several asteroids which Mark uses all have their keywords in tow so not to fret if you’ve not heard of them all…for instance, who knew there was a “Roachapproach”!!! (Keyword: repulsive.) Did you? ;p

Mark provides here an extensive list of asteroid meanings, if you’re interested in their keywords and phrases along with their zodiacal positions for the election.

Then scroll on down for a great 2006 interview with Mark on his use of these descriptive magnifiers–the whys and the wherefores–and his views on America’s political fortunes.

You’ll also find a Synastry (relationship) chart combo, the 2008 election chart, and McCain’s natal chart there as well, so check it out this astrological smorgasbord if you so desire!


Barack and Hillary rally in Unity

Unity, New Hampshire is the scene, political rally is the event, and promoting a Dem White House is the reason as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton join forces in a Dem rally this hour and kick off their Unity Tour with Moon/Mars at midheaven…

Moon/Mars = MC: self-promotion; getting things off the ground.

As you’ve heard, Barack Obama has written a personal check to start the Help Hillary Defray Her Campaign Debt fund, so you may feel inclined to write one, too. And while the subject may be on today’s agenda or at least merit a mention, looking at a horoscope for noon today, I think attacking John McCain’s Bushieness is the main task, as it must be.

McCain’s Cheney connection may also be of note–I hope it is as transiting Uranus now conjuncts Cheney’s natal Moon (family changes and possibly emotional upheaval; sudden illness)–and this same position of Uranus opposes Obama’s natal Mars, an indicator of danger in his environment (but I’m sure he knows that.)

Sun 6Can22, the leader in a national or mundane chart, conjuncts US n Venus (values; money; relationships) which describes Obama’s seeding of Clinton’s in-the-red campaign coffer as well as a highlighting of America’s Venusian issues of which we are all aware–esp with the ongoing opposition of moneybags Jupiter to America’s Cancerian Sun. This lack of resources will continue into October after which (hopefully) some of our debt/money/stock market woes will begin to improve as the New Year approaches.

Today Mars 1Vir58 and Saturn 4Vir53 are forming a midpoint picture of note with Dick Cheney’s natal Ascendant (his nibs himself)…Mars/Saturn = ASC: struggling for every step of advancement; possible health threat; illness; need for economizing; separation; obstacles caused by others.

As you know, the Mars/Saturn midpoint is perhaps the most difficult point in any chart and Virgo is the sign of health, work, and service.

But back to Hillary and Barack (I cheekily call them by their first names now, don’t you?)…Moon 21Ari15 niftily signifies Hillary today–Aries, sign of the pioneer, Moon = a woman, so there ya go…but Moon in Aries tends toward the “I Am the People” complex and it seems to me to be a large part of her psyche developed through the years of her public service, as she seldom fails to remind us. Moon is parallel Fixed Star Ras Alhague, which indicates a desire or need for balance and healing.

Since at noon the Moon was in 8th house and conjunct the 8th cups in Unity, I relate this to Hillary’s campaign debt problems and a need to balance her accounts.

For Barack we may look to the Sun (conjunct security-minded Ceres–‘grain-corn-nurturing’) so the floods of the midwest may be mentioned along with food supply, and Mars in Leo, sign of Barack’s natal Sun and Mercury, the Orator.

Hillary should be able to fire up the rally given Mercury’s Sabian Synbol: “A Woman Suffragist Haranguing”…INDIGNATION…

pos: an unswerving determination to expand every potential of being and take part in evey possible detail of worldwide reconstruction;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a bias forever exalting itself. (Jones’ ‘The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.’)

“Worldwide reconstruction”? Well, it’s becoming more necessary each day as the global elite’s long-range plan to Decontruct nations, economies, and social fabrics shows itself to be the gorilla of chaos in the airless room of one-world-government. Good ole Pluto in Capricorn.

The question is: which political thespian will be the next globalist mouthpiece spouting from the White House…based on who will serve the power elite’s purposes with more ease…Barack or John?


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