Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for June 7th, 2008

New ‘Dreamyfish Art’ portrait emerges!

Between Astrology, Politics, and the barndoor, it’s been a while since I completed and published a tropical fish portrait…until last evening.

“New Dreamyfish Art portrait emerges”…from the depths of my 12th house imagination, that is!

For those scientist types who prefer botanical drawings to most any other genre of Art, a warning must go out: my Dreamyfish Art fish portrait collection combines the realism of a rendering done as botanically correct as I can muster (with colored pencils on black paper, a Disney-esque effect, some say) with oceanic Neptune’s imaginative faculties, such as I may contain.

This is hopefully achieved by way of visionary, colorful surroundings for these deep-denizened creatures to wander about in…as if the viewer sees them surprised and ensnared within a dream…each fish’s own fondest dream.

Often these species are found at such depths, it’s a monchrome world for the brightly marked dearies, so I created Dreamyfish Art portaits to cater to their private dreams because after all: fish dream, too.

Astrologically this Saturn/Neptune mutuality has much significance within this artist’s psyche:

Saturnian form is supplied by my natal Saturn in Virgo (details; science) in 12th house of behind-the-scenes work (and often of research.) In my natal chart are four planets in Capricorn and thus they are ruled by Saturn. They are: Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars. The latter two are posited in the 5th house of Creativity, I am glad to say, with Sun and Jupiter conjunct in 4th; Sun/Jup trine Saturn in 12th.

Artistic and mystical Neptune is in mid-Libra (she said, dating herself) and sextiles a Sagittarian Venus, also in 4th house. I like to be and to work at home on projects, as you might imagine.

Also for art-lover Venus is a trine with Pluto in Leo. When Pluto came calling on natal Venus all through 2003, I noticed a deepening effect on my drawing and I tended to know how each piece would appear as they were begun. Dreams of scenes and themes became more accessible to my waking consciousness, a neat trick improved upon by Pluto’s transformative powers!

Plus, the sculpturist feel I had noticed when drawing on 2-dimensional black paper seemed to increase into a hyper-realism at times…something about bringing light out of darkness as opposed to loading up white or light paper with darker pigments.

Yet I do still use white paper for line illustrations, of course. Who doesn’t?

That’s the best I can do to describe how my drawing and experience of drawing changed internally during my Pluto-to-Venus transit. Sitting at my drafting table and staring at a blank sheet of paper, it sort of ‘washed over me’ the day of the first conjunction (of three.) And very obviously, too, for I had not been conscious of the date’s significance until it happened–but soon suspected what was ‘up’ with my natal chart’s transits…and the Pluto transit was the “biggie” for the year, exact on that day.

My Piscean Moon’s hope is that outer results artfully tell the tale in symbols rather than mere words can do as watery Neptune sloshes into Saturnian form, and I hope you’ll find the undersea realm half full at Dreamyfish Art:


And come on, world…Let’s Save Our Oceans!



Hillary’s noon rally June 7

Check my Pages list for ‘June 7: Hillary backs out at noon’ which contains a few astrological notes on Hillary Clinton’s noon rally in Washington DC today as she performs her version of a concession to Barack Obama’s superior mojo.

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