Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Dost Thou Harken to Hillary?

Well, if you’re one of the two people who read this blog or Stars Over Washington, you already know what a ‘populist’ I am with America the only nag in any race as far as I’m concerned. No apologies for it either.

So when Hillary Clinton won Kentucky yesterday, and Barack Obama took Oregon, all as promised (or planned), I felt a lingering melancholy because I cannot seem to feel elated that a double-you-oh-em-ay-en may obtain the keys to White House at last. Paternalistic power morphs into maternalistic power. Big whoop, if my following misgivings for this country ensue.

You see, there’s this haunting lack of trust which Hillary engenders in me…call it Vince Fosteritis, if you wish, or call it a glop of concerns about her as cited in The Nation’s article of Nov 5, 2007, ‘Hillary’s Mystery Money Men’ which you will find online here:


And no, it isn’t just Hillary and Bill, it’s Rs, Ds, and in between.

Terry McAuliffe was a linchpin where Hillary was concerned, yet his seeming neutralization doesn’t solve her Bush-Harken, Alan Quasha, Hassan Nemazee, oil-and-insider-trading connections. Nor does it bode well for the American people because many of the politicians thought to be above this corruption are down in the vat with the rest and in process of leaving the American people simmering in a thick stew.

Perhaps it was always too much to ask that Washington not stink like the swamp it was built upon. Why build it upon a swamp? Location, location, location–the coordinates were desired by America’s Masonic founders, swamp be dam*ed. As you may already know, the spot aligned astrologically with London and Cairo. (Yes–Cairo!!)

Now our so-called Manifest Destiny is decreeing the end of America as we know it, economic collapse and all with the dollar in process of going buh-bye along with American borders, our Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, and our legislative and judicial systems.

By their dismantling of America, these social tinkerers, these self-imagined ‘world servers’ of the one-world government intend to give lie to the liberal and peaceful principles which have been at the base of America’s very founding.

Biblically speaking, I must think of Revelation’s beast with the lamblike horns which ‘spake as a dragon’ and exercised ‘all the power of the first beast’…which foretells quite plainly the development of the spirit of intolerance and persecution. This beast will enforce some observance which will pay homage to the papacy, the first beast.

Such action will be directly contrary to the principles of the US government as they were set up, to the genius of its free institutions, and to the direct and solemn avowals embedded within the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

All this even though our founders sought to guard against the use of secular power on the part of the church which results in the inevitable consequence of intolerance and persecution!

It is only by flagrant violation of these safeguards to our nation’s liberty that religious observance can be enforced by civil authority, yet I believe that this is the wider path upon which we have been set by globalists who masquerade as “American politicians.”

They have their world banking and royal bloodline enablers and cousins, of course, and the now-beginning economic collapse of US currency and sovereignty is on the agenda for their world revolution.

Since President Bush41 had called for the New World Order, did you imagine that Bush43 would NOT be a continuation of their world domination plans? Have you seen how much Shrub has accomplished these long years with the attacks of 9/11/01 as the pretext?

Bill Clinton’s presidency was part of the process as will be the next White House shill–Hillary’s touted “inevitability’ is evidence of this continued dynasty. Yet they always have their bases covered for McCain or Obama will dance to the NWO tune at our expense–especially once the initial honeymoon is over.

And part of the purposeful hubbub and confusion roiling the 2000 election bwo enabler Jeb’s Florida involvement…(he really delivered, in spite of what the film “Recount” may imply with its attractive thespianism)…was to further disenfranchise our voting system and the American electorate’s faith in its honesty. Then SCOTUS showed its hoofprints in order to seal the coup.

Yes, the symbol of “lamblike” horns of this beast is purposefully gentle and harmless like a little woolly lamb, isn’t it? For in order for the US to form an ‘image to the beast’ religious power must so control the civil government that state authority must be employed to accomplish the church’s ends…and probably perpetrated in the name of “security.”

Protestant churches have followed in Rome’s hoofprints by forming alliances with worldly powers and have shown us in recent years that an individual’s conscience may be thought to be legislatable…a fallacy if there ever were one. Once you tell a man what his conscience SHOULD tell him is right, you overstep a line and seek to negate and make mockery of what is obviously his personal conscience by definition.

So when Protestant churches seek more of their “world councils” of unity, beware.

And when the leading churches of the United States unite upon points of doctrine which they hold in common and influence government to enforce their decrees, you’ll know that Protestant America is forming an image of the Roman hierarchy–with infliction of civil penalties soon to follow. Yesiree bobtail, the melding of church with state is Always a bad idea for the common good.

Scripture says that in the last days men shall be lovers of their own selves…do you think we’re there yet?

Well, my lamentable habit of composing-at-keyboard has led to these sparse and browner pastures for sheep such as the American electorate to starve themselves upon. And it’s taking Democrats AND Republicans to implement the crimes and abominations mentioned above.

And while no politicians is exempt from my contempt on these and other issues, yet I will vote in November, for they can’t (as of yet) take that from me, even if my vote disappears down the rabbithole of Karl Rove’s political imagineering.

My slogan for today: US Politics–No Real Candidate for The People Need Apply.

And though it pains me to type it, if you’ve previously missed the above-linked article, please read it before November, for you’ll find the name of Barack Obama listed as well…and as I’ve stated previously on my astro-political blog, Stars Over Washington, NO ONE can be a US presidential candidate without being vetted from “on high.”

Thus the United States of America is no longer a qualified entrant. If so, then my nag in the race has already lost.


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