Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘fascism

Project 2025 a Dystopian Blueprint

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On June 11, 2024, a task force was announced meant to Stop Project 2025, the barbaric far-right agenda intended to destroy America’s founding principles and hand a Republican president “supreme” power as if he’s a monarch. Task force members include Mark Pocan (D-WI) and constitutional scholar Jamie Raskin (D-MD).

Here’s a link if you’re curious: https://huffman.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congressional-leaders-form-task-force-to-counter-project-2025-and-defend-democracy

2017: Insurrectionist Trump in the White House

Astrologically, we can look back at year 2017 for clues such transiting Pluto, powerful planet of wealth and stealth, and how the 1993 Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune (The Enlightenment pair) at and about 18 Capricorn was “hit” by Pluto which transformed the pair’s potentials into something else – into something described by the midpoint picture the planetary trio formed:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: “The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise” (N. Tyl). In a broad sense, I believe this is the command that US politicians are pressurized by with primal Pluto symbolizing foreign manipulators (money and secrets involved, of course), and other ivory tower meddlers, ideologues, and control freaks, all enemies of America and determined to end our nation’s role as world leader – and take over the global helm. Plus, there’s another hat that mundane Pluto can wear: the Pope. Just sayin’.

Significantly, this degree contains a revealing Sabian Symbol (word picture) especially considering the Republican “war on women” of misogyny and control. Quoting from Dane Rudhyar, “18 Capricorn” = “The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship; Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. The ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers.” (An Astrological Mandala, D.R. #ad). Rudhyar continues: “Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving “law and order.” In his “Sabian Symbols in Astrology,” Marc Edmund Jones adds a negative expression of, “smug of strong-armed paternalism.”

And there we have it: the barbaric Project 2025 agenda of cruelty which Republicans want to force upon the American people, creating total chaos in US society, and thereby transforming America forever into an ethno-Christian-Nationalist police state as if old-time Naz*s live again.

The good news is that, although its lowdown precepts are etched upon their narrow-minded, hate-filled, greedy hearts, the GOP’s dystopian agenda is not written in stone, and its implementation is not inevitable!

For as a Southerner with CSA ancestry, I say that The Confederacy of 1861 Will Not Rise Again. It was a fascist state!

For a bit of background try https://www.starsoverwashington.com/2013/01/horoscope-confederacy-and-dark-vein-of.htmlIntolerance, a dark vein of intolerance.

Written by Jude Cowell

June 19, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Frets across America

If you’re anything like me you’re more than disturbed about the direction America has been sent toward in the last several years. Fearmongering has again been used to pass the massive ‘Bailout Bill’ which sets up a czar of finance to add to our other worries of abuse of power.

Just when events are pointing to the foolhardy ‘trickle down’ economics as obviously not working for our nation (or anyone else’s) Congress, crouched in fear and dread and threatened with martial law, has passed a bill that HONORS ‘trickle down’ vood-doo economics as if pouring gas on the flames will be of help to American families.

Of course, destroying American families is part of the plan to undermine all our anchors so we’ll be more easily coup’able and compliant.

In Astrology the Ascendant, which is the sign and degree rising at birth – how the native sees the world and how the world sees him/her – in the natal chart of George Bush is ‘8Leo’ and considering that the Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “A Bolshevik Propagandist” it’s as important as ever that We-The-People speak up for our republic, and that we pay attention to how the US has been led astray by power-grabbers and thieves.

At Stars Over Washington, where YouTube videos are easily embedded (can’t seem to figure out how to embedd them here on WordPress), you’ll discover the video of Naomi Wolf’s interview concerning the coup’ing of America and what must be done about it. Ms. Wolf is the author of, ‘Give Me Liberty.’

As we know, much damage has been done the last several years and there’s not much time to change course:


So even if you believe that Barack Obama (or John McCain) intend to ‘change the course’ of America – and have the determination to follow through – it’s really up to us to do so. After all, politicians make decisions based on their careers and on behalf of the causes they espouse (and for secret causes, too) so it is doubly important to speak up while we have a few weeks, months, or possibly even DAYS, to do so.

Our Founding Fathers expect it of us – otherwise all their work and sacrifices will be for nothing and we shall lose our Great Experiment to the cause of fascism.

Bush faults Congress for US fuel and food woes

Two things–one is Bush’s second press conference of the year from a White House garden this morning in which he performed his usual “it’s Congress, not me” routine in a very–may I say it–testy way as fighting Mars (now in bounds of the earthly plane and giving back under provocation) was rising 24Can36. 

Stung by criticism, Leo the Lion did roar from the White House this morning but with a pesky Lame Duck quacking from behind the podium.

You may wish to read my Stars Over Washington entry published as he spoke:


Today’s Sun Taurus/Moon Aquarius blend is worth considering for its tencious and proud qualities, and for two quotes from men who share this blend natally:

“When you’re down and out, something always turns up–and it’s usually the noses of your friends.” –Orson Wells

“May the Force be with you,”  –George Lucas, of ‘Stars Wars’ fame

Well, it’s true that the Force of secret government and the syndicate are with Bush, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to infest the Oval Office lo these many years (so for their purposes, he must be doing something right), and it’s apparent that America’s friends are getting fewer by the minute since Dubya took over.

Bush said that “it’s the isms that bother me–isolationism and protectism” yet he gave ‘corporatism,’ ‘fascism’ and ‘totalitarianism’ free passes on his botheration list.  He always does, of course, even with his natal Ascendant at the “A Bolshevik Propagandist” degree (8Leo)–and with the definition of fascism being a blending of state + corporate power. 

Goes to prove the old adage that what someone says they are is probably exactly what they aren’t, esp in Politics. Trustworthy men don’t have to resort to “trust me” assurances.

Besides, we wouldn’t want America to gain protection for the few jobs we have left, now would we? Not after so much has been done by our “representatives” to undermine our economy and to tear our social fabric into shreds.

Yes, the Amercian people can rightfully blame Congress and corporations for it all–in part. But the buck stops, Mr. Bush–it stops with your name on it. You ignored America’s growing problems for so long, methinks you revel in them now, you NWO promoter, you!

There’s only one Image for Integration for today’s Sun/Moon blend…see what you think:

“A country squire holds the summer fete in his garden; all monies raised are divided equally between three charities in the village–the Friendly Farmer’s Trust, the Local Artists’ Guild, and the Quakers’ Orphanage.” (‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign,’ Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

! ! !

The second thing is that today is the next-to-the-last day of National Poetry Month, and I have absolutely no plans to do anything appropriate about it, do you?

Well, if you’re planless like me, you could spontaneously mosey over to Lim’s Limericks and read a few groanworthy political rhymes if you wish: http://limslimericks.blogspot.com

No, I haven’t allowed the Political Poetry muse to land much of late, but you may also view kittycat photos there, so what are you waiting for? For George Bush to get a clue?




Change with a capital ‘C’: is this what Obama really means?

Tonight I’m back from a happy family celebration in time to dog Barack Obama like you knew I would…well, if this election is as important as everyone says it is, I may be forgiven. If it’s only an obscenely expensive beagle’n’pony show, we may as well face it–we’re being duped yet again…



Only one of  We the People

y’give me fever: behemoth sunspot growing


Look up!

Space Weather news for Dec. 7, 2007


SUNSPOT ALERT: The sun is near the lowest ebb of the 11-year solar cycle and, until now, 2007 has been a year of very few sunspots. Enter sunspot 978: It popped over the sun’s eastern limb yesterday and is quickly becoming a behemoth.

The rapidly growing sunspot group is more than five times wider than Earth, making it an easy target for properly-filtered backyard telescopes. So far sunspot 978 poses little threat for strong solar flares, but this could change if the active region’s development continues apace.#

Al Gore Weighs In:

Here’s this morning’s post on Al Gore in Stockholm and a few other things–including mention of my recent away-from-blogging-for-a-few-days holiday fun:


and no, this post’s title does NOT refer to Gore’s waistline which I had noticed decreasing of late. Perhaps only my imagination?

“The earth has a fever” says Gore–and the linked-above sunspot is scalding as well…plus, noted astrologer Sybil Leek said that fascism rises when the earth heats up.

Considering the state of the world these days, I’d say she got it right.

image: much fun was had! my reason for a holiday trip: a little girl I know…photo by Maya.


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