Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Pisces New Moon conjunct Uranus: March 7

It’s all happening in the 10th house of Public Status and Career when Friday’s New Moon chart is set for the White House zoo:

http://starsoverwashington.blogspot.com/2008/03/march-7-pisces-new-moon.html or, in a wider sense, for Washington DC and for the nation itself.

Having tech difficulties again so the above article is my 2nd attempt–the first and more informative post got swallowed whole by Blogger Gremlins. Tiring.

New Moons are the beginning of a cycle of activity; plus, Sun and Moon pairings always relate to relationships….Sun being the male principle, Moon the feminine. The Sun’s consciousness and the Moon’s unconsciousness meet and blend at the New Moon and come to fruition at the Full.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon’s degree “18Pis” is: “In a huge tent a famous revivalist conducts his meeting.” Sounds primarily like Barack Obama, but since Astrology describes many levels simultaneously, we’ll see if it signifies only Obama in the next two weeks (until the next Full Moon, the culmination or fulfillment stage of this New Moon. Still, his ‘tent’ seems to be the happening place, doesn’t it?)

Plus, the next Full Moon occcurs on ‘Good Friday’ and this New Moon’s Midheaven degree, “17Pis” is: “An Easter promenade. ”

This picture relates to spiritual unity, joy, and forgiveness, yet somehow I think more dirty tricks concerning Senator Obama’s religious leanings are being prepared for use against him…and it’s not as if politicians aren’t known for their cynical use of religion when it suits (paragons of virtue that they pretend to be.)

One thing I didn’t mention at Stars Over Washington though which I will mention here: the transiting Uranus-Neptune midpoint 5Pis35 is conj Hillary Clinton’s natal Midheaven (Career/Aspirations Point) which gives her this picture:

Uran-Neptune = Mc: guidance is sought from other realms or never-before-tapped sources; supernatural concerns come into play.

Obama’s natal Chiron is conj Clinton’s Mc and as you know, Chiron represents the Christ archetype in Astrology…and “supernatural concerns” could relate to religious issues as well as to associations with unusual or secret groups.

Uranus-Neptune hooked up to enable the New World Order plans of Bush Sr and his colleagues in 1992-93, and tr Jupiter will be reaching the NWO degree “18Cap” a few days after the Pisces New Moon. And Senator Clinton is one of the ‘seed people’ intent on ‘impregnating’ the New Millennium with the “smug and strong-armed paternalism” of the “18Cap” degree. Or in her case–and this may be part of the transition into the 21st century–it will wear a maternal face.

Yet somehow, I do think Senator Clinton has “tapped” these sources before. Are her usual donors tapped out? Or have they decided to back the Obama horse because the public will be less rowdy due to the American people’s tendency toward idol worship?

And yes, I have blurbed before about Hillary’s giving up the race (with great anger–the IC of the New Moon chart, the Foundation or Basis of the matter, is “17Vir”: “A volcano in eruption.” Hopefully there will be no tectonic activity issuing from this Uranian New Moon in unstable, changeable Pisces.)

Follow the above link where you’ll find astrologer Lynda Hill’s article link on this New Moon for more campaign info especially in relation to the Sabian Symbols, Lynda’s specialty, for political activities are all over Friday’s New Moon chart.

Lynda and I agree that McCain’s stamina could be a problem for him as 2008 grinds on, but see what you think.

Well, the Sun and Moon only make one applying aspect (applying = how things proceed–Moon is the chart’s ruler, and Sun = leadership) which will be their conjunction with rebellious, disruptive Uranus (1A04.)

And you know technological savvy is one of the specialties of Uranus so hacking into voting machines or perpetrating other dirty tricks to tilt the wheel may soon be back on the front burner, or should be.

The Images for Integration for the Sun Pisc-Moon Pisc blend may be instructive here, especially in a New Millenium/NWO sense:

“Adrift at sea…the stars and the ocean together create One World, no horizon…the sunset beckons.” (‘Sun Sign–Moon Sign,’ Chas & Suzi Harvey; my caps.)

The perfecting time of the New Moon on Friday is 12:14:12 pm est at the White House, a Mars Hour with activist Mars still traveling out-of-bounds and likely to  ‘run off’ with the New Moon chart if Uranus doesn’t do so first. Perhaps they’re in cahoots.

Yes, the testy ‘god of war’ won’t be leaving his shadow period (moving beyond his Rx degree of 12Can27) until the first half of April, so hold on to your donkey’s ears or your elephant-trunk caps or both–it’s going to be a contentious, fire-filled season as Mars in Cancer, sign of the home, runs amok with the matches.

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