Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for March 17th, 2008

drawing: Princess of India

Have you seen this? Perhaps you have…it’s my homage to some of the beauties of India: moon, tree, royal peacock, and a lovely Princess of India:


How the Bush administration helped engineer current market tumble

Funny that Joe Wilson’s newspaper editorial got him in mega trouble with Bush-Cheney, and now it seems Eliot Spitzer’s February 14 WaPo article did the same for him:


Subtitled, ‘How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers’ Spitzer’s words remind me of the Attorneys General being fired to stop the cases they were working on…and the states’ attempts to stop predatory lending and subprime loans being given to people who obviously couldn’t afford them stems from 2003.

2003!  As I’ve groused before, the so-called experts saw this coming–and set up America’s and the world’s economies to fail. Now US taxpayers are bailing out a fatcat bank who was in on the whole scam, with other banks soon to be on the gimme-list, too with their bald-faced hubris.

Seems world domination doesn’t come cheap, does it?

Off and on, the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint has been triggering the NWO’s natal Sun 1Sco19 so we have this picture:

Saturn/Pluto = Sun: sparing no pains in one’s work; renunciation (Ebertin.)

Transiting Pluto/Chiron’s midpoint–the plutocracy; corporatism; oppression; racism duo–will be on the Midheaven (the Goal; Aspiration Point) of the Jan 20, 2009 inauguration chart set for Washington DC. Joy.

This says to me that whoever pretends to be the “leader of the free world” (aka globalist mouthpiece and propaganda catapulter) come 2009 is having the baton passed to him or her–and the political masquerade continues with pluocrats pulling all strings.

Plus, the Neptune/Pluto degree of conjunction which marks the Robber Baron chart (Generation of Materialism, 1892) has had an interesting visitor the last few years as well…asteroid, Midas, now at 7Gem17 (in the range of nuclear degrees.) We suffer with a plethora of Robber Baron spawn infesting the nooks and crannies of civilization.

Yes, gold-loving King Midas has his and is grasping more each day. And I’m ashamed of the part the late great America has played in the charade–not just bwo George Bush, but by the last several Oval Office denizens who’ve all played their parts so well…from “free trade” agreements, to the dollar’s meltdown, to the bogus “ownership society” of George Bush…well he didn’t say just who would do the owning.

In my little gnat’s book, They are the ones who should be ashamed, but what do you think the chances are of that?

You surely know that everyone ever born has what’s called a true condition before God. It takes a lot of self-deception and convincing to act on the assumption that you can cheat, lie, and commit fraud on the whole world and do just fine in the sweet bye’n’bye.

Yes, the World Bank and Wall Street gentry muckedy-mucks (and their cousins, the royal bloods of Europe) may have all this world’s terms slanted toward them for now, but the deal they’ll be pleading one day is one I’m glad to say I’ll be passing up.

Talk about subprime. 


Update Sep 3 2008: here’s interesting article by Tom Sales relating the current subprime mortgage meltdown to S&L failures of the late 80s-early 90s (thanks, Bush 41 and Reagan), 1990’s junk bond fiasco and the Asian market meltdown, Congress’ culpability, and more:


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