Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Archive for the ‘Food and Diet’ Category

An FDA gone nuts over walnuts?

Did you hear the one about the USFDA having a policing problem over the health toutings found on Diamond’s packages of delicious walnuts?

Once I heard that a country with many laws is a crooked country. And I do believe America’s founders were of the persuasion that our nation’s laws are not meant to be more important than the communities and individuals they protect in this hard-won, Bill of Rights nation.

Okay, so maybe I’m a bit biased because walnuts happen to be my favorite nut, all things considered, and they’re being bullied (rightly or wrongly) by a goliath of State. And I don’t appreciate in the least the coldhearted police-state direction America’s governing and banking families have now determined to be ‘necessary’ for we-the-people’s futures.

Now that would be a simmering crock! For its forced implementation advantages only the power elite, not the rest of us.

Plus, I must admit to being spotted now and then tossing a few walnut chunks atop a summer salad along with some tres-thin slices of
red globe radishes unless someone tries to stop me.

Oh, and this weekend while on a family visit I enjoyed a delightful meal of Pad Thai–click for a recipe of this rather complex dish and/or to view a Pad Thai cookery demonstration video.

It’s very cool!


Blog Note: my ‘debt crisis’/default August 2nd’ articles may be located at Stars Over Washington if you can stand to read even one more word about the gangs and gansters of Washington DC–as seen through the lens of Astrology. jc

GM bacteria created aspartame!

If genetically modified foods are on your diet’s no-no list for 2011, good luck, because Monsanto has been guinea pigging us with it for years. And you thought your Aunt Myrtle inherited all those health conditions! Well, maybe she did, but GM time bombs can trigger them.

Now it turns out that Dr. Monsanto Frankenstein has been busy promoting fake sugar for ‘losing weight’ with GM trojan horses attached: genetically modified bacteria was used to create aspartame, that pretend-sweet tool of the devil!

Not sure about you but for me this again brings the words ‘population control’ to mind. And “Saint Mountain” (Monsanto) could be a reference to Illuminati symbolism! A crazy idea? Don’t be too certain before you check out Millions Against Monsanto where you’ll find that even sugar made from sugar beets is genetically modified.

Perhaps we should all put down our cups of tea and coffee and back away slowly…

Is your food hexxed by hexane?

Levels of a dangerous neurotoxin, hexane are allowed at much higher rates in the US food supply than in the Eurozone’s foods, as with many other damaging chemicals and additives.

Yes, we Americans seem to be the food and chemical industries’ favorite guinea pigs through the years and apparently, we’ll eat anything as long as it’s charmingly or intriguingly marketed…and the more inexpensive the better.

Since soy sausage patties came on the US market over 30 years ago, my family and I have preferred them to meat sausages so it’s disturbing to find that we’ve been consuming dangerous levels of hexane all along. Canola oil was a staple in my kitchen for years but no longer for it too is contaminated with hexane.

Beginning several years ago, even my gynocologist said soy was good for me! Turns out our bodies need hexaned-soy like they need the other hormone disruptors our foods are laced with. That the US FDA is complicit in the scheme to weaken the American people’s health seems obvious to me. Plus, I’m lookin’ at You, healthcare industry and the AMA!

Horrible hexane is a petroleum by-product used in the process of extracting oil from seeds so it’s worth your time (if you chow down in the USA) to ferret out the products and manufacturers who use this cheap and readily available ingredient (since 1930!) in the foods you and your family consume and take whatever steps you can to avoid them as much as possible.

And perhaps ask your congress members and the President: why do you allow the American people to be poisoned into ill health on a daily basis?

At least, that’s my advice for the New Year!

Written by Jude Cowell

December 30, 2010 at 7:52 pm

Wonder what’s for dinner? Beef cloned from dead cows

Update August 24, 2010: just heard last evening I heard that someone is remaking Soylent Green the 1973 film that no one who ever saw it has forgotten yet. Considering what’s going on in the world now with population control methods such as genocides and letting people die without aid after natural disasters, etc, cascading environmental issues, genetically modified and cloned foods, and remote controlled wars of the NWO, I doubt I can stand to watch a new version of Soylent Green for its horror may be too close to the truth.

For then, forget the dead cows: What’s for dinner? may just be your Aunt Mabel.

Original post begins here:

Uranus to Aries Point = scientific breakthroughs, but this is awful:

Yum! The food industry just gets more innovative by the minute without the foggiest idea whether their Frankensteinian experiments adversely affect the health and lives of the world’s population.

Actually, I’m being generous. They know food additives and other toxins are making us ill but they don’t care, they intend it. And I don’t believe it’s only about profits or about stretching one cow further than any cow should go – beyond the natural laws of life and death.

Arrogance in the scientific realm is part of it, of course.

But mainly it’s about weakening people and exploiting their vulnerabilities because we’re easier to boss around that way. Bossy the Cow knows it but when her time came, she was powerless to keep from being slaughtered and cloned…and now we have to decide what we’re having for dinner.

Glad I gave up beef years ago. In fact, just make mine veggie!

Guess what? High Fructose Corn Syrup does indeed cause weight gain

Here’s an article that my friend Terry Burger has splashed onto FaceBook, and it details new studies which give lie to industry denials that high fructose corn syrup causes faster weight gain. So there, sassy food industry.

Now put down that syrup bottle, America! Easy to say, isn’t it?

Yet lack of fake syrup consumption is no cure-all because entirely deleting HFCS from one’s diet is made much more difficult by the abundant use of it in products and foods across the board as the industry sneaks in high fructose corn syrup in order to bump up flavors and cause (along with the inclusion of mace) irresistible food cravings.

Why, you’d almost think that the US food industry was Trying To Make Us Fat, now wouldn’t you?


On another note, today is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s birthday and given all that’s going on on Capitol Hill of late, you may wish to read a few astro-details concerning her natal chart and Sun Aries/Moon Scorpio blend.

Pass me a can of liquid diabetes

For years I’ve referred to carbonated beverages as cans or bottles of ‘liquid diabetes’ and I’ve usually managed to avoid drinking them.

High sodium levels in soda pops along with sugars (or worse, aspartame) and coloring additives of uncertain origin are not health-promoting and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Now, in a surreal move, the Corn Refiners Association says that high fructose corn syrup is ‘natural’ and totally innocent of packing on the pounds as it lurks in almost every product our supermarkets hawk. And what genetically modified foods do to trigger our genes, no one is admitting, with corn being the veritable matrix of the world’s DNA.

To hold that these frankesteinian formulae that are being surreptitiously added to our foods won’t hurt us in any way is to place a ludicrously naive amount of faith in a corrupt system bent on profits at all costs so please check out the article by Mike Adams.

And put down that can of soda!

Written by Jude Cowell

March 10, 2010 at 3:20 pm

Will US gov regulate organic farms?

Thanks go to Louis who provided the following link to a disturbing story of the US government’s new proposals for regulating family and organic farms — out of existence:


And why is it no surprise that Monsanto is the wizard behind the curtain on this one?

Written by Jude Cowell

March 17, 2009 at 3:16 pm

Thanksgiving Wishes and Steaming Dishes!


Yon turkey roasting in the pan

we simmer greens for Uncle Stan

got Aunt Belinda’s mac’n’cheese

and pumpkin pie that’s sure to please

sweet yellow corn is on the cob

those yams are bubbling on the hob

i got a chance and had to say

y’all have a fab Thanksgiving Day!



Above drawing is from my true-life Thanksgiving Tale which you may find by scrolling down the sidebar to: ‘Writers Write.’ It’s entitled, ‘Mysterious Tale of the Sleepwalking Turkey’ and will answer the burning question: Have You Seen This Turkey?  ;p

Blackwater in Alaska but why?

Spies and Pies!

Billions of dollars are being diverted into the wanky, sissy, never-gonna-work National Missile Defense ‘system’ and it’s been set up way up yonder in Alaska along with some Blackwater mercenaries sprinkled about who are scarier than the boondoggly installation they’re guarding.

Makes me wonder why Vladimir Putin took such exception (or pretended to, the minx!) to its set up in the Czech Republic and possibly in Poland considering that the system’s effectiveness as a “shield” is little more than a big joke on the American taxpayer.

Actually, We-the-Sheeple have been gifted with quite a comedy repertoire when you consider all the trillions spirited away from the fair use of those who paid them in taxes so that politicians, their colleagues, and friends could embezzle, grift, extort, steal, scam, rob, burgle, five-finger-discount, and then simply print themselves more bucks when coffers run out.

Oh well. On a more positive note, maybe the National Missile Defense system may aid our ever-watchful foreign policy expert, Gov. Sara Palin, in keeping those pesky Russians from stealing those just-baked pies from those Alaskan windowsills.

At least the system might good for something…for pie-lovers such as myself.


Well, if I had my way in this lackluster economic climate there would be a pie cooling on every windowsill, so please answer this poll question Before you wander into the kitchen (you’re really quite suggestible, y’know):

Poll Update Monday 11.17: okay, some joker ticked ‘Mincemeat’ as their favorite pie. Pies are a serious if flakey business and that’s not funny, Y’all.  ;p

Poll Update 11.20.08: Chocolate Cream pulls ahead! One vote was cast for ‘Other Pie’…anyone have a recipe for Other Pie?

And last I’ve heard, Blackwater minions haven’t stolen a single pie from Alaskan windowsills…but stay tuned…

G20 gang sips discount wine with tonight’s dinner

Tres symbolique!

Laura Bush says not to fret over tonight’s dinner wine being tres pricey.

It’s being savoringly sipped at the G20 economic summit’s dinner in Washington – but don’t stress – the White House gets a discount on all its fermented grape beverages. ‘Hillside Select’ Cabernet 2003 never sounded so delicious, rrright?

And there are some mighty good recipes in your future if you choose to recreate this evening’s fare.

My first choice must be the Thyme-roasted Rack of Lamb which reminds me of decades-long new economic world order plans and the way implementing them now requires roasting The Sheeple on the rack of loss and bankruptcy. That’s probably just me though. I would think that.

Besides, who am I to disgruntle the assembled ‘world leaders’ (or those figureheads who play the role) out of a decent meal with Lame W. Bush – at least their dinner doesn’t involve barbeque, tacos, ducks, or hamburgers. Not that there’s anything Wrong with those gastronomic temptations, no sirree bobtail. And I think the Fruitwood-smoked Quail tonight would attest to that (if he could.)

Yes, I’m quite willing to graciously allow our gastronomically pampered economic geniuses to have their after-dinner brandy as well if it will gird them for tomorrow’s summit which the media has promoted as having low expectations on the financial improvement front.

So check out the rest of tonight’s fancy menu while you put a Ramen packet in the microwave – unless you’ve already advanced to the vegetable course – fake-buttered popcorn?




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