Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘Monsanto

GM bacteria created aspartame!

If genetically modified foods are on your diet’s no-no list for 2011, good luck, because Monsanto has been guinea pigging us with it for years. And you thought your Aunt Myrtle inherited all those health conditions! Well, maybe she did, but GM time bombs can trigger them.

Now it turns out that Dr. Monsanto Frankenstein has been busy promoting fake sugar for ‘losing weight’ with GM trojan horses attached: genetically modified bacteria was used to create aspartame, that pretend-sweet tool of the devil!

Not sure about you but for me this again brings the words ‘population control’ to mind. And “Saint Mountain” (Monsanto) could be a reference to Illuminati symbolism! A crazy idea? Don’t be too certain before you check out Millions Against Monsanto where you’ll find that even sugar made from sugar beets is genetically modified.

Perhaps we should all put down our cups of tea and coffee and back away slowly…

Will US gov regulate organic farms?

Thanks go to Louis who provided the following link to a disturbing story of the US government’s new proposals for regulating family and organic farms — out of existence:


And why is it no surprise that Monsanto is the wizard behind the curtain on this one?

Written by Jude Cowell

March 17, 2009 at 3:16 pm


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Jude's Threshold

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