Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Obama-McCain debate 9.26.08 Taurus Rising

00 pm cdt

Obama-McCain debate 9.26.08 8:00 pm cdt

Thanks to a wonderful astrologer, Julie Demboski, I’m clued in that McCain is seeking to postpone the Friday debate whose astrological details follow.  You can read Julie’s comment and my reply on why McCain might wish to reschedule (Mercury Rx! Or as I said to Julie, McCain’s astrologer looked at the debate chart and said, “you should have consulted me first”?) You may also wish to read what Huffington Post is saying about it:


~:~ my original post begins here:

On the campus of the University of Mississippi, Oxford, on Friday evening, 8:00 pm CDT, Senators Obama and McCain will engage in their first presidential debate during an Hour of the Sun.

Rise and shine!

With money sign Taurus 2:28 rising, the current dire financial issues may come up early on with 20Cap02 at Midheaven, the Aspiration/WHY? Point of the chart. ’20Can/Cap’ are critical/crisis degrees, and disruptive Uranus 20Pis07 Rx resonates with them being at 20 degrees also and soon to leave the behind-the-scenes 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions such as government institutions, AIG, Lehman Bros, Fannie Mae, & Co., the Fed, NYSE, etc.

These economic issues have in a sense ‘disrupted’ the dialogues of both candidate’s campaigns.

Moon 6Vir14 is spotlighting McCain’s natal Sun 6Vir02, in debate’s 5th house and I believe this indicates that the public (Moon) is noticing McCain’s ability or inability to “shine” (Sun) but in the back of everyone’s minds (Moon) is the issue of McCain’s health (Vir) and vitality (Sun.)

Plus, old man Saturn 14Vir47 has passed McCain’s n Sun but remains in his Sun sign until the end of Oct 2009.

The debate’s Sun 4Lib18 is in 6th house of Health, Work, and Service. Healthcare and Medical plans will be on the menu here with Saturn’s restrictive quality in hardworking, health-conscious Virgo giving his serious tone to the subject.

The start time for this debate was found on the Ole Miss website, and at 8:00 pm there are three midpoint pictures formed with the Sun, and one with Pluto as focal planet (all mdpt pics from Ebertin and Tyl, and are as usual: any, none, or some combination.)

Mercury/Saturn = Sun: discipline pays off; getting down to work; knowing what’s got to be done; a person with retarded mental development; changes; separations; love of travel.

Mars/Saturn = Sun: weak vitality; inability to meet all demands or to master all situations; illness; breaking down under stress or strain; eking it out; possible threat to health or body.

Moon/Venus = Sun: actors or stage performers; marital love; gracefulness.

Venus/Neptune = Pluto: a painful renunciation; extremely emotional.

If you can view this chart well enough perhaps you can make out my highlights in Red for some of McCain’s and Obama’s natal placements around the chart. Angles, Sun, and Moon are in Yellow. 

McCain’s Sun is already mentioned conj Moon in Virgo, and North Node with its joining quality is conj Obama’s natal Ascendant (using his ‘7:24 pm’ chart which is the only natal chart I use for him now. You too?); NN (the public) is in his corner and it’s Obama’s to lose because it’s ‘his time.’

Plus, you know that 2009’s Inaugural Moon 29Sco+ is conj Obama’s natal Mc, the Career and Public Status Point (again, using his ‘7:24 pm’ natal chart.) Whether Rovian shenanigans will snatch his victory away and bestow where it isn’t earned is another matter.

But back to the Sept 26 ‘debate’ (and I use the word loosely based on past presentations which don’t resemble true debates, as we know – they just market them that way):

McCain’s natal Ascendant 17Lib+ is in cadent 6th house (again: Health, Work, Service) which is not as strong a placement for him as Obama’s ASC in 11th house which is on its way to the debate’s Midheaven and thus on display to the world. At 10:00 pm Mc will be 19AQ20, Asc will be 9Gem21 (with Aldebaran, Antares setting) so Obama’s Moon will rise during the debate (Moon 3Gem21 conj 2nd cusp at 8:00 pm with Pan and Midas in tow.

Chart-ruler Venus is in intense Scorpio and setting with asteroids Bacchus (substitution; how one manages uncomfortable emotions; how ecstasy is sought; addictions) and Arachne (entanglements; intrigue; perceptions of intricacy; the web; networking) hanging on Venus’ every word, esp words that concern the US and global economies, big business and greed (Scorpio.)

Well, as you know, Mercury, planet of debates, speeches, and announcements is Rx and along with Mars 25Lib12, encases two lovely Fixed Stars, Spica (‘the potential for brilliance’ – Brady) and Arcturus (‘success through patient work’ – A. Louis.) We’ll be reviewing this debate for weeks.

In fact, as the first of three, it represents them all, or the 2008 prez debate ‘season’ in an astrological sense.

Yet Mercury 22Lib24 is conjunct a star we seldom hear about – Foramen 22Lib09, whose keywords are rather varied: prosperity; indecision; leadership; shipwreck; eye and ear problems (A. Louis.) This star has a Jupiter/Saturn influence. (Jup/Saturn = Mercury: desire to make changes.)

At the Foundation/Ic of the debate chart we have the previously mentioned critical degree 20Can02 on its natural house cusp and signifying the housing crisis and sub-prime foreclosures which are much of the reason the economy is in turmoil, aided and abetted by Wall Sreet crookery.

And with rich man Jupiter, planet of professors and gurus everywhere,  – and symbol of the Republican Party – ruling 8th and 9th houses and wealthy stealthy Pluto, plus greedy, often intolerant Taurus rising (the Bull, Merril Lynch’s emblem)  we know what the evening holds – or should hold. Hank Paulson’s total control may be a fait accompli by Friday night.

Dumps and Humps!

So will McCain have a suspicious hump on his back to help him remember talking points, feed him answers, and give him the quick repartee he’ll surely need? Or will the hump be the haunting ectoplasm of an unmasked George Bush, whose White House tenure has taken America into more dumps than a talking point or a mere evening’s debate could ever address?

Will this first of three debates clear the air or give us a clearer picture of the presidential rivals’ viewpoints and plans?  

It may not last until 10:00 pm – although the attending commentary may depending on one’s TV channel or radio station with internet comments never-ending – but it’s interesting to see that a certain midpoint ‘goes angular’ at 10:00 pm…Mc, the Aspiration Point, will then have Neptune/NN upon it…

Neptune/NN = Mc: taking a position off the mainstream; needing the help of others to succeed.

Ebertin gives the Nep/NN combo as ‘anti-social elements, a lack of team-spirit or communal sense; exploiting, deceiving, and/or cheating others.’ And Neptune/NN is also ‘mass media.’

Yes, nebulous, filmy Neptune’s image-projection qualities tend to help public figures project what they want to project (NN = ‘the public’) and ‘illusions used to fool the masses’ often result. Of course, motive is everything (and this places Obama’s n ASC at Mc, too), so it’s possible instead that ‘ideals and intuitions make contact with the public’ and give us Neptunian hope.

Or this picture may represent the media spin we’ll have to endure as pundits and anchors busily tell us what to think about what we just heard with our very own ears!

4 Responses

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  1. Hi Julie thanks a bunch – you’re very kind!!

    McCain’s request may be prompted by the spector of his voting against a minimum wage increase 19 times, the Davis flap, so many things he wants to distance himself from. His health may be troubling him or at least his nerves…can you imagine such an important debate with his pro-corporate record – now of all times?

    Someone has counseled him that the American people are paying too much attention and are in no mood for fluffery on these issues. And perhaps…just perhaps…his astrologer looked at the chart and said, Oops! Obama’s gotcha!

    Wish I could join the live blogging brigade but am off to a family wedding for several days…will miss all three of my readers, blogging, etc…but sons don’t marry every day!

    Hope to read a few blogs while I’m there though…and thanks for asking, Julie!



    September 24, 2008 at 7:59 pm

  2. Hi Jude,

    Brilliant work, as always!

    Was wondering what you make of McCain’s recent request to delay/ re-schedule the upcoming debate “because of the financial crisis”–what is he imagining, that instead we’ll go out as a nation, scouring parking lots for pennies and aluminum cans that we can turn in and apply to the national debt? What would postponing accomplish?

    Was also wondering if you will be live blogging the debate–would love to see that!




    September 24, 2008 at 7:49 pm

  3. Hi Sasha! Probably.

    I was thinking of McC’s humble act (which may or may not be real) but mainly I meant that Obama’s Asc in 11th house is visible and is a better position esp since it will culminate while McCain’s Asc is headed toward the Ic.

    And we may be fairly certain McCain will mention his ‘service’ at some point…of the military kind. jude



    September 23, 2008 at 3:46 pm

  4. A thought popped into my head when you mentioned that McCain’s ascendant would be in the 6th house. I thought about Matthew 6 which talks about those who flaunt their actions as having their reward and advising others to give (serve) without drawing attention as it focuses on service for its own sake.

    I just wonder if it is necessarily a bad position for McCain’s ascendant since he has talked about service (“serving a cause greater than yourself”) – whether you accept his words or not. Wouldn’t it have looked worse were his ascendant playing out in the 2nd or the 8th house?



    September 23, 2008 at 1:57 pm

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