Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Jupiter/Neptune: the speculators

The recent attempts of politicians on Capitol Hill to score politicial points for denigrating, or for subtly supporting, speculators in the market concerning the subprime pyramid schemes which Congress had to see coming from years away – puts this reluctant astrologer in mind of 2009’s Great Conjunction of expansive, idealistic Jupiter and nebulous, illusion-infused Neptune, a planet which also represents idealism as well in an Astrology chart…along with inflation and scandal.

Marking the early days of the next administration with High Hopes while indelibly staining the entire term either positively or negatively  (or some combination of both), this pairing has a cycle of approximately 13 years’ duration. They last met on Jan 9, 1997, 27Cap09, conj US natal Pluto.

This conj to natal Pluto may be viewed as Jupiter/Pluto = MC because it is conjunct US Inaugural Midheaven (noon, Jan 20, DC – relates to the presidency and its Goals) which benefited and described Bill Clinton’s second term in the Oval Office. This, our self-styled “first black president” was and is part of the Jupiter/Pluto plutocrats who strive for excessive power, including political power, and so we have:

Jupiter/Pluto = MC: ambition; assiduity and industriousness; advancement and promotion; great good fortune; hardworking attainment of power position. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

So what of speculating wastrels described by Jupiter/Neptune? When does their 13-year new cycle begin and at what degree?

Due to retrogradation, all of 2009 will be flavored with this visionary, fortune-hunting combo of planetary energies which may also signify spiritual things, rumors and scandals, and tricky legalisms – quite a catalyst if it aspects one’s – or a nation’s – chart.

1. May 27; 26AQ29;

2. July 18; 26AQ02;

3. Dec 21; 23AQ18, all of which positions are conjunct US natal Moon (the people) depending on which US natal chart you prefer – all for July 4, 1776 have Moon in the 24 to 28-degree range of Aquarius.

So this go-round we have:

Jupiter/Neptune = Moon: an emotional swoon; going with the wind; dreaminess; little sense of reality; losing oneself in plans; instability; wastefulness; becoming involved in speculation.

One may assume the last -becoming involved in speculation – concerns the housing bill passed yesterday with its re-mortgaging provisions and taxpayer bail-out for Fannie/Freddie; plus I assume a few things:

that more details will be coming out as the year goes on about Wall Street’s role in the meltdown and with subsequent legal proceedings for some traders, bankers, CEOs, etc, and what the Fed and Hank Paulson were really wanting through the passage of this bill can’t be hidden forever; that the honeymoon with the new prez will be brief for the dazed-with-corruption American public (the higher the ideal, the harder they fall), and that religion will continue to water itself down within the earthly halls of political power.

And there is the slight yet gleaming possibility of war crimes charges against Bush and the rest of the brethren for their political agenda of torture and for lying America into an illegal, preemptive war…macho macho men who are no better than the barbarism they say they’ve been fighting. Their “WOT” policies created and triggered more barbarism on purpose, more like.

FYI, here are some past years when Jupiter and Neptune were in conjunction: 1907, 1919/1920, 1932, 1945, 1958, 1971 (3X), and Jan 19, 1984 at the World Point 00Cap01, where Pluto will soon return and where big things tend to happen over the globe.

This relates our current days with 1984 when similar issues may turn up – easy enough considering George Orwell’s book and his prophecies – this is such a major trio, we may wish to check it out for future reference bwo midpoint pictures, and as usual, these pictures may be operate as ~all, some, or none~ depending on the triggering thereof and how people respond to it:

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: plans unreasonable beyond measure; far-reaching speculations; self-projection out of hand; major adjustment of life circumstances; a great loss.

And in February 2009, the Sun will conj this midpoint which gives:

Jupiter/Neptune = Sun: lack of self-control; deceiving or being deceived; SPECULATION; potentially misguided states; irresponsibility; squandering of physical strength; feeling the spirit; trying to capture the essence of things; following a dream.

And they say Barack Obama is “dreamy”…so what is John McCain? Ah yes! he used a very descriptive word himself…Seismic. Old ill-at-ease McCain with the seismic temper now masquerading in ill-fitting Republican clothing in order to prove he can shill the best of all the warmongers.

Then there’s Obama charading as a world politici–wait a minute–maybe he is that with his natal Jupiter in humanitarian Aquarius! So do one-world-government types love him, too? That’s way too dreamy.

Guess we’ve all got a lot of sobering up to do – but 2009 may not be the year for it unless the narrow path is trodden with much care and with a realistic appraisal of our true condition…tasks not made easier with Jupiter/Neptune infusing the scene with its glow.

But tricky legalisms aside, at least the collective may get some lovely Art of it!

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  1. pl see my blog :

    Inauspicious Time of oath by the next US President — Hindu …23 hours ago by Shridhar
    This blog is written by the author of book titled “ Hindu Electional Astrology”, the best selling compendium on Vedic / Hindu system of Muhurt astrology. Readers may log on to http://www.besttime-election.com for details.
    Hindu Electional Astrology – http://hinduelectionalastrology-shridhar.blogspot.com/


    Shridhar V K

    July 29, 2008 at 5:20 am

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