Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Using Progr’d Moon phases to predict presidential elections

In The Astrological Journal, Sept/Oct 2000, vol 42, #5, J. Lee Lehman writes on two methods of predicting future election outcomes based on past election results. A president is, as she writes, a successful candidate. Lehman credits Busteed and Wergin for this work.

One of the methods is use of mundane charts such as ingresses, prior lunations, and election day charts along with candidates’ natal charts.

The other method is based on the Lunar phase at birth of each candidate in tandem with their progressed Lunar phase (angle of degrees between Sun and Moon) that is in effect as they enter office.

The technique works best, of course, with a verified hour of birth which we have for John McCain, and think we have for Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama’s birth time is in question (I’m now using 7:24 pm), but I have stated before that working with Progressions may yield some general details even without a correct time of birth–here:


Therefore, I shall include Senator Obama in this consideration.

Now if I understand the gist of Lehman’s article, it is that on the issue of electability, CHARACTER pops up in every election, and that with one exception, every US president since FDR was born in the PRIMARY phase–the first half of the cycle, or pre-180 degrees. This phase relates to character and to a character-building life.

The exception to this is none other than Bill Clinton (natal: Disseminating 264:18)–and you know how his terms in office became one long assault against his lack of character–from “day one” actually, and it was the catchphrase, “It’s the economy, stupid.” that got him in and made him popular with the American people.

The second half of the Sun/Moon phasal relationship is called, ANTITHETICAL, which allows time for fulfilling personal desires and results in a tendency to force issues based on principles.

The conclusion is that it’s best for the country if a president has a PRIMARY natal lunation phase and an ANTITHETICAL phase by Progression while in office for getting things done–but with character.

Do we have a perfect storm candidate for 2008–09?

Here’s the line-up with Primary = character, Antithetical = self-willed:

Clinton: natal Gibbous 146 degr; Progr Gibbous (Primary/Primary) (character/character);

McCain: natal Gibbous 141 degr; Progr 3rd quarter = Antithetical (character/self-willed)

Obama: natal 3rd quarter appr 284 degr (at sunrise)/ Progr 1st quarter ; (self-willed/character)

Hillary Clinton’s Primary/Primary indications may be part of her character issues and her constant reminders to voters of her experience (lest we forget) during the campaign, while a Barack Obama presidency could turn into one character assault after another…ad nauseum with little or nothing getting done and what does get done being co-opted by others unless he manages to outsmart them.

Advisors will and should play a key role for Obama in keeping vicious wolves from yapping successfully at his heels…they and a dependable Secret Service detail 24/7 and then some.

If we may successfully use this method of past elections to predict the outcome of 2008’s presidential race or at least to point to ‘electability,’ it pains me to say that John McCain fulfills the requirements more closely, so we may have to hold tight to our night goggles–the ones we bought on ebay–and birth more canon fodder children in order to continue the East vs West war toward world domination balance.

Continuing Saga?

East may be in process of gobbling up West (in the banking industry certainly), yet Moon cannot swallow Sun!

And you know that with the Middle East’s crisis-ridden Crescent Moon emblem, the past will always haunt them – and the West will never stop bedeviling them. Yet as a Scriptural believer, I have faith that all is working out according to a Higher Plan – it’s the earthly men who think God’s Kingdom should be a political one who disturb me most…for they are so terribly and tragically wrong.

8 Responses

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  1. Thanks a bunch, Loren–no I’m not trying to filter anything here but isp problems continue so tech gremlins are on my trail. ;-(

    I don’t appreicate smiley icons that show up unannounced but only seem to have this happen at WordPress.

    Will check our your Obama notes asap!!! jude



    April 23, 2008 at 5:00 pm

  2. More oops… I guess you are filtering out external links. Google for “obama busteed tiffany wergin”…


    Loren Amelang

    April 22, 2008 at 9:43 pm

  3. Oops… Your URI field doesn’t show in the comment. The page is at and that strange smiley smirk was only supposed to be a closing paren. Computers have gotten too creative – in too many different ways.


    Loren Amelang

    April 22, 2008 at 9:39 pm

  4. You might find my notes on Obama’s lunar phase (a bit past halfway down the page, “30 Mar 08” or search for “Obama”) interesting. I highly recommend the book, “Phases of the Moon” (Busteed, Tiffany, Wergin; Shambhala 1974). Their foray into predicting elections must have evolved later.


    Loren Amelang

    April 22, 2008 at 9:34 pm

  5. America’s unaspected Pluto–the secret hand–may have something to say about that!

    Where do you find most of the trolls you fight? Just wonderin’…



    April 20, 2008 at 10:53 pm

  6. Whoever howls at the moon the loudest is going to win.



    April 20, 2008 at 3:03 pm

  7. Ah HAH! That’s a good question, Patty, thanks.

    Will have to have a peek at Gore’s chart/s and post later on–company is coming in a few minutes! ;p



    April 19, 2008 at 4:56 pm

  8. Very interesting Jude.
    But where is Al Gore’s moon placement?
    I keep hearing him mentioned…as an alternative to this current dilemma.



    April 19, 2008 at 4:37 pm

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