Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Posts Tagged ‘science

Naturalist Alexander von Humboldt forgotten!

Consider my eyes opened! Most everyone has heard of naturalist Alexander von Humboldt–usually referred to as ‘Humboldt’–but if you’re like me you had no idea of his impact and that some people consider him more influential than Charles Darwin!

During his career Herr Humboldt (1769 – 1859, Berlin) met with two US presidents: Thomas Jefferson (a scientist himself) and James Madison. Wonder if there’s a record of what they discussed!

Brief bio of Alexander von Humboldt

Written by Jude Cowell

September 25, 2015 at 5:08 pm

Large Hadron Collider = Uranus to Aries Point

Early this morning edt, I awoke to news of the resumption of activity for the Large Hadron Collider buried underneath the Swiss Alps. Guess no volcano lurks nearby nor is triggering earthquakes a remote possibility, so I won’t fret over their outrageous tests as they monkey with life’s building blocks. Pluto in Capricorn has this deep need to de-structure, you see.

After all, what’s the worst that can happen? Seriously, don’t ask me for I’ve quite studiously stayed away from articles and opinions on the subject.

But today is a new day for the LHC.

And since in Astrology, unpredictable planet Uranus is known to act or trigger events earlier or later than one might expect, the planet’s approach to Aries Point (Sun’s position in the zodiac at Spring Equinox) alerts us to expect bright ideas, revolutionary activities, and, for our purposes here – peculiar or unusual discoveries and scientific breakthroughs.

And of course, the Cardinal Cross (00 degrees Ari/Lib and Can/Cap) is sensitive on a worldwide scale and when transited (visited) or aspected (with the conjunction -0 degr- being the strongest) by a passing planet or planets, events of global implications tend to manifest. It can be quite a timing device.

By way of empirical observation, astrologers have seen that when transiting Uranus reaches AP during its 84-year cycle (orbit) a time of ‘scientific breakthroughs’ is heralded so hold on to your large collider, Myrtle, Science has more wonders in store.

And Astrology should do pretty well, too. Speaking of Astrology and Uranus in Aries…

Do you know that the recent International Astrology Day Blogathon 2010 is not just a one-off online event for March 19 – 21, but a permanent collection of articles concerning the ongoing Cardinal T-Square of difficult energies between Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto as they square and oppose one another?

If you haven’t checked out C. J. Wright’s Uranus in Aries: Claiming a Self-Reliant Future, you may wish to do so. C.J.’s article premiered during the Blogathon on Sunday, March 21, 2010, and contains useful info on how to deal over the next few years with issues and disruptions brought to us by unpredictable genius Uranus in pioneering, innovating Aries.

Why, perhaps it’s time you patented your brilliant invention!

Jules Verne now hurtling into space!

During a spectacular night launch from somewhere in the South American jungle (Kourou), the European Space Agency has launched its 11-year-in-development orbital cargo ship toward the International Space Station (ISS.)

Nicknamed ‘Jules Verne’ the “huge space truck” will auto-dock bwo an advanced version of GPS and will attach to the platform on April 3. ISS astronauts will intervene only if they “sense danger,” Will Robinson, then they have a Red Button to push. What happens if they poke it, I don’t know, but if Jules, Father of Science Fiction, were here he could probably guess.

He did, after all, foresee spaceships, helicopters, submarines, guided missiles, and air conditioners.

Born Feb 8, 1828 (NS), 12:00 pm LMT, in Nantes, France, Jules Verne was son of a magistrate who as a young man studied law in Paris.

http://www.astrodatabank.com  ranks his birth data as an accurate AA and I couldn’t resist peeking at his natal chart when I heard he’s finally “making it” into space in order to see if any current planets were triggering his natal placements. Well, not “if” really, more like to see which ones!

BBC News has an article on the launch of the ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle) which will be able to transport fuel, eliminate waste, and eventually can de-orbit the space platform when it becomes necessary in a few years:


Now here are natal chart details for author Jules Verne with current links to March 9 planets:

ASC 15Gem37; Mc 15AQ05; Sun 18AQ46 conj Mercury 22AQ44–>March 9: Chiron 18AQ15 conj natal Sun, Mercury conj Mercury (I KNOW! His Mercury Return today in spacey, progressive, future-oriented AQ! Mercury = travel; Return = a new cycle in planning.)

Natal Venus 18Pis21–>March 9 Uranus…Uranus to Venus = establishing new but unpredictable joint ventures; unusual interactions; freedom for taking new directions.

Natal Neptune 17Cap04 is being conjoined by Jupiter 17Cap04–>inspired ideas and actions.

(Neptune was discovered during his lifetime–1846, which must have spurred his imagination tremendously.)

Natal Sun–Moon midpoint is conjuncted today by Pluto–>separation to start anew; critical time of development; new perspectives (at last, he’s off the earth!)

And Mars is opposite Sun–Moon, so we have: drive for fulfillment; the realization of joint objectives.

Now you might expect Verne’s natal Uranus to be in future-oriented AQ, but not so. It’s in Capricorn, a very mystical sign on its own terms, and one of the most ancient as the Sea-Goat.

His Uranus is, however, at a high-frequency 29th degree: 29Cap26 in 9th house of the Higher Mind. And being Direct, Uranus would have progressed into AQ at some point, perhaps in childhood (I’d have to calculate to be sure.)

Now those are the main links between 1828 and March 9, 2008 but here are the rest of  his natal positions:

Moon 14Sc35 conj Jupiter 13Sco45  indicating a sensitive nature that wants to understand its environment completely; Mars 00Sag33 (ruled by Jupiter) giving his action principle much enthusiam with a flair for the dramatic.

Pluto 4Ari51 is trine Mars giving courage, vast sources of spiritual energy, dedication to causes, and a desire to solve society’s problems, although detachment may result in one’s remaining an observer (good for writing.)

Chiron 25Ari05, sign of the Pioneer, and North Node 28Lib37–so Chiron is conj South Node, an indication that Verne had easy access to past knowledge which may have been expressed within mystic interests, and a good memory–usually a sign of a genius (as can be AQ placements, esp Mercury.)

And his Moon–Jupiter conj supports a heredity of mysticism as well since the Moon indicates inherited tendencies.

And then there’s Saturn 14Can27 Rx, which is conjunct US natal Sun, a description of the American public’s continued interest in the writings of Jules Verne for Saturn lends stability and long duration.

So I guess with this launch, the future of Jules Verne is now…or at least objects in his rearview mirror are closer than they appear.

And by the time of his death in 1905, Verne had written over 50 books, one of which, “From the Earth to the Moon” is now on its way to the ISS in first edition form.

The book will be returned to Earth on a space shuttle “at a later date” but, one supposes, not beyond its due date–and we can only hope that late fees don’t apply in space.


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