Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Josh Marshall on AIG

Josh Marshall is simply riveting writing on the subject of AIG and the appropriate T-shirt for power elite social gatherings – especially when donned by the mop-up dude:


And AIG’s mega-bonuses?

If this gnat of a blogger knew of them months ago, how can Team Obama fail to have known?

Just shows to go: Disingenuity is alive and living in a white house in Washington DC.

4 Responses

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  1. It seems all is going according to plan to me.
    I keep being awed at the puzzle pieces fallling into place.
    Closing down organic food growers.
    Boy, why aren’t these the nightly headlines
    Why are the gatekeepers!
    Donna D


    Donna Davdison

    March 18, 2009 at 9:40 pm

    • Oh Donna, it does seem to trap is about to snap, doesn’t it?



      March 19, 2009 at 2:26 pm

  2. I’ve enjoyed your sites and especially the information you post.
    Considering the Global envelopment I was wondering if you have noticed the following story, especially since you are located in some good farm lands:


    article title is:
    Lose your property for growing food?
    Big Brother legislation could mean prosecution, fines up to $1 million.

    this is going on in congress now



    March 17, 2009 at 12:30 pm

    • Wow, Louis, thanks. This is so disturbing I wrote a brief shout-out to be certain the link was noticed!! jude ;p



      March 17, 2009 at 3:20 pm

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