Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Obama-McCain debate: high road vs low

If you reduce tonight’s presidential debate to high road vs low road, Senator Obama’s unruffled demeanor looked calm and collected as usual next to McCain’s huffing and puffing.

Looking petty was a danger for Mr. McCain and he lived down to the expectation.

My previous post must stand astrologically and the timing I used is quite close to reality – the show came on at 9:00 pm edt and the candidates began just after Bob Shieffer’s intro and they ended at 10:31 pm edt.

August 16’s (market paranoia) Lunar Eclipse began the evening at Midheaven 24AQ06, and progressive Uranus 19Pis27 Rx ended the debate near Midheaven 17Pis45. Interesting that the Sabian Symbol for ’18Pis’ is: “In A Huge Tent A Famous Revivalist Conducts His Meeting With A Spectacular Performance.”

Well, the spectacular part may be Barack Obama’s resisting the opportunity given him by the moderator to ‘go after’ Sarah Palin with the question about running mates and their qualifications. McCain, however, had some criticisms for Joe Biden, but that’s typical for those-who-run-behind.

One critique was that Biden voted against the first Gulf War. Perhaps voting against any war wouldn’t suit John McCain, but why the vote was supposedly a bad idea he didn’t say other than a mention of protecting the oil supply.

Well, yes. There is that. War to protect oil…hmmm…we export war, they export oil…yes, it Could work.

McCain also said that Biden “voted wrong” on some national security issues but it was more of a throw-away mumble so I’ll have to watch again and see if I can pick up what he meant.

And I’ll be searching the chart for Joe the Plumber who kept showing up and they had quite a tiff over whether Joe’s taxes are going up or not for when he buys the business he’s been working in for years. I’m not sure who cares the most about Joe’s situation based on this debate – but is Joe represented by Pluto, who rules pipes and tunnels? If so, he set during the debate from 7th house into 6th.

Obama’s conversation with Joe at, I assume, a campaign stop, was that “5 years ago, when you were in a position to buy the business, you needed a tax break then.” But McCain seems to think Joe’s current problems are Barack Obama’s fault now. It’s all a horrid nightmare but I’m fairly certain that it was Bush who was playing president 5 years ago.

Ben Stein is on ‘Tavis Smiley’ now saying that Obama’s long-term plans (for the economy) are excellent but that he didn’t have a short-term plan. Until the dust settles, I’m not sure who could.

Stein is “puzzled” that Obama didn’t repudiate John Lewis’ unfortunate remarks in a more forceful way.

Tavis is saying that the spin will be that McCain was whining about his feelings being hurt (by being ‘compared’ to George Wallis by Lewis, which I’m not sure is precisely what Lewis said.) 

He was whining, and as Obama said, the American people don’t care in this campaign if our feelings get hurt (paraphrased.) Now the Irish side of my family would call it whinging, know what I mean? Obama didn’t repudiate John Lewis (that would be daft) but he conceded the inappropriateness of Lewis’ remarks.

So altogether, McCain scored a few points but seemed to flail and whinge in a petty way, Obama was calm yet he did get annoyed about the ACORN accusations.

And, as stated in a post below, (at 10:31 pm actually – I pre-used 10:30 pm), Uranus ended at Midheaven with Saturn at Ic – but Uranus remained in 10th house of Career and Public Standing, while Saturn left the building by way of The Drain (Ic) – and I’m not sure if Joe the Plumber can help stop the leak.

Now If I can just figure out which candidate is Uranus and which is Saturn I might be on to something. Okay, so I think I know, but what do you think?

10 Responses

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  1. Wow thanks, Sasha. i really appreciate the article links and will follow them in a jiffy…

    Just now found your earlier comment on Reagan’s election 1980…the Reaganomics Eclipse Page needs additions and as usual i’m behind…thanks for adding info here – you’re grand!

    I agree that the 28 year/7 year Saturn relationship between 1980/2008 is definitely worth full consideration but am fretting that the election will be ‘had’ (in more ways than one) before i can get around to all i intend to study! jude :o(



    October 18, 2008 at 6:10 pm

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