Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Obama and 100,000 meet under the Masonic Arch

By now you’ve heard of Barack Obama’s rally today in St. Louis, MO underneath the Gateway Arch which sits on the grounds of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial – 100,000 people, the largest outdoor turn-out for him, not counting Denver, DNC.

The Gateway Arch, conceived by architect Eero Saarinen in 1947, was built using the principles of Freemasonry’s concept of the Royal Arch of Heaven. Oh yes, it was.

But whether the exultant 100,000 people today appreciated what they were honoring by their presence, I don’t know. Freemasonry, Thomas Jefferson’s and America’s expansionist creed, Obama’s mojo over McCain’s Viagra – who knows what was in their noggins…a lot of varied impressions, I should think. But Obama-as-Freemason was probably not one them.

(I’m not accusing him of being a member, I’m just saying that one may be ‘affiliated’ without officially joining an organization, a tactic commonly used in politics. Actually I don’t really care if he is or isn’t…unless we’re seeing a Battle of the Secret Societies running underneath a surface presidential campaign, but I’ve had that feeling before with other elections. Maybe its a notion that will pass – but it’s been made difficult today with Obama speechifying under the Gateway Arch!)

Forget ‘is he a Muslim’…is he a Mason?!

That most of the 100,000 knew not of the Arch’s (rather) secret history may be assumed, and many would not think it of importance if they found out. But astrologers know.

Be that as it may or may not, here’s a link to Ed Kohout’s work on the catenarian Gateway Arch – its origins and principles, along with photographs of the Arch and its environs.

With such a plethora of symbolisms abounding, all you have to do is imagine Senator Obama and the cheering 100,000 in the aerial views of this 1960s relic of Freemasonic America, the Gateway Arch of St. Louis. 



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