Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Saturn-Uranus opposition exact Sep 15, 2009

Update April 26, 2010: yes, Saturn and Uranus are facing off this very day @ 28Vir46 Rx (Sat) vs 28Pis46 Direct (Uranus)…in fact, at the moment of this typing!

(You may notice a smidge of repetition from my original post in this Update…sorry, but some things bear repeating!) Now back to Saturn opposing Uranus:

Their next exact (partile) opposition will be on or about July 26, 2010 @ 00Lib25 Direct (Saturn, conjunct US natal Midheaven in the Sibly chart) and 00Ari25 Rx (Uranus); Uranus to US natal Ic/4th house indicates unstable home conditions (including in the ‘homeland’) and longterm cycles of activity begin or end while Uranus in in 4th house.

Plus, new, progressive or disruptive elements suddenly enter the environment, both in our personal lives, and on the national scene.

Of course, the other end of the brittle Saturn-Uranus duo is Saturn to US natal Mc, as mentioned above, and we experience the restrictions, accountability issues, and extra responsibilities which accrue when Mr. Realism visits his favorite abode, the 10th house of Career and Public Status, where the Lesson-Bringer naturally rules.

Besides the angularity and thus the importance of this transit to the US natal chart, America will soon be starting another new cycle of Saturnian things as described by her Saturn Return which will be a three-fer this time, @ 14Lib48, on or about:

1. Dec 3, 2010;
2. Mar 22, 2011 Rx;
3. Aug 28, 2011

Honor Saturn’s teachings and Saturn will honor you!

My original post begins here:

What a find! Not having much Astrology blogging time recently due to Art stuff, I was thrilled to find that the wonderful Donna Cunningham has published an article by Lynda Hill on today’s exact (partile) opposition of the two antithetical planets, status quo Saturn and progressive rebel Uranus.

Oppositions are always about relationships and, unlike squares which can blind side us, leave room for adaptations and adjustments. Yet this pair of planets can be quite brittle if their lessons are resisted. And both are of a cold quality.

Lynda’s specialty, as you know, is the Sabian Symbols, so you’ll want to check out her analysis of Saturn-Uranus’ opposition degrees at Donna’s blog, SkyWriter.

Saturn opposite Uranus is telling us to Let Go! says Lynda, of all the things that hold us back. They will be partile again in January, April, May, and July 2010, when Saturn will be @ 1 Libra, Uranus @ 1 Aries.

‘1 Libra/Aries’ puts their opposition upon America’s natal Mc/IC axis, the Career and Public Status polarity in our Sibly chart (00:53 Lib/Ari) and will occur during our US Saturn Return.

Accountability, anyone?

Saturn to Mc is a time of increased status since in western Astrology we say the 10th house is Saturn’s natural abode (Capricorn is the 10th sign); responsibilities increase as well. Not blaming others for past mistakes is a must, however, for best outcomes.

Yes, America’s natal Saturn is in its sign of exaltation (Libra) so perhaps with current attempts by government to straighten out the mess our previous slackness has plopped us in, perhaps more improvement will be obvious by July 2010. Saturn to Mc is a great time to correct one’s direction, if need be.

Our legal system may be involved as well (Libra’s ‘Scales of Justice’), and relationships may become stronger in the wider world (00Ari/00Libra are World Points of prominence where global events may occur – also 00Can/00Cap, points which make up the Cardinal Cross everyone is blogging about these days.)

As a nation, we have abused our position of authority in the past (Saturn), so facing our culpabilities and bucking up to difficult tasks more realistically are our only chances for real change with Saturn at Mc.

Yet the fly in the ointment may be Uranus to natal Ic, the Foundation of the country and natal chart, with the 4th house of Domestic Scene, Roots and Heritage. Mars rules there for America.

This transit in any chart relates to disruptive, unstable situations concerning the Home (Ic = cusp of the 4th house.) In a national chart this points to the domestic scenes of indivduals, and to the ‘homeland’ in general.

Long-term cycles of endeavor may be altered abruptly or ended entirely; the number of refugees from loss of homes or other catastrophes may increase, sorry to say.

My hope is that with stable Saturn at Midheaven, Uranian disruptions at Ic may be balanced at least in part by Saturnian control by government – hey, wait a minute – all my grousings about a ‘new world order’ make that a fretful proposition!

Yet more control (regulation = Saturn) of the markets on Wall Street would be a good thing. Still, if the Saturn-Uranus opposition on US natal Mc-Ic leads to a NWO take-over, I’m going to be really po’d. Aren’t you?

Okay, I’ll hush about it for now.

Please don’t let my NWO grousings here dissuade you from checking out Lynda’s insightful analysis with info from her marvelous book, ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom’ which I highly recommend and use myself.

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