Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Aries Full Moon 10.14.08

As the Moon tonight grows in light I look at a chart of Tuesday afternoon’s Full Moon over the White House, Hour of Venus 25Sco13 in 9th house, Moon 21Ari51 in 2nd house, and Sun 21Lib51 and an unaspected Mars 7Sco14, in 8th house.

On TV behind me now is PBS’s ‘American Experience’ with Nixon under its microscope and Kent State students lying dead on the ground thanks to Richard M. Nixon. “An embattled Nixon faced the press as anti-war demonstrators continued to flock to Washington.”

Nixon said he agreed with them – get out of Vietnam, all of it…and inside the White House that night paced a sleepless Nixon. Famously, near dawn, he called for a car to take him to the Lincoln Memorial to speak to the demonstrators there.

One student told him, “I hope that you realize that we are willing to die for what we believe in.” Nixon said he hoped they realized that we are trying to build a world where people will not have to die for what they believe in. The usual bomb-to-bring-peace hogwash cynically spewed to keep wars going and the profits rolling in.

Divisions over Cambodia in his own Republican party made it impossible for Nixon to evade the ceaseless protests…that was my flower power generation, I’m proud to say. As you might expect, Nixon blamed problems with the war on his critics for not supporting it – you know – like Bush has done and probably will do in future. “American Experience” indeed.

Same hogwash, different administration, new generation being led to the slaughter by a trail of political lies. But that’s just me and yet I was there in my favorite city that Nixon stank up irretrievably. Deceit, deception, and dishonesty, that was the White House of Richard Nixon.

Anyway, Tuesday’s Full Moon occurs in Washington at 4:02:25 pm edt which is 2 minutes after the closing bell of the NYSE.

After NYSE’s Monday closing of 936 points, it will be interesting to see if the Full Moon, a culmination of things begun at the New Moon two weeks ago, highlights a partnership of some kind (Aries-Libra axis.) Of course Libra indicates values and money, too, but not the large amounts that Wall Street likes to handle, so we’ll see. 

Plus, Libra’s vengeful Venus is just as warring as Aries’ Mars when she wants to be.

Rising in DC at 4:02 pm is 23AQ43 so you know that Neptune 21AQ34 Rx has just risen, as have North Node 16AQ21 and Chiron 16:06 Rx.

Moneybags Jupiter 14Cap36 is in 11th house and in a separating trine with Saturn 16Vir51 – staid Saturn is in 7th house of Partnerships and Legal Affairs.

Pluto, now direct at 28Sag50, is just barely into 10th house, with the 11th cusp at World Point 00Cap26. The flucuating Moon and powerful Pluto are in an applying trine (6A59) from 2nd house to 10th house and Antares (‘obsessed with success’) is at Midheaven and thus elevated over Washington, a town that’s nothing if not obsessed with success.

This puts Aldebaran at Ic: ‘success through integrity’ (if we can find a shred of it left in Washington) –  Ic is the Foundation of the matter, and also The Drain.

Mercury still retrogrades in balance-seeking Libra 7:40 and has joined Saturn in 7th house from 8th.

All that’s left is The Witness, Uranus, a planet which in Astrology describes behavior…19Pisces30 Rx will be next to rise after the Full Moon’s perfection and we may expect the unexpected.

With Saturn as ruler of the chart – and co-ruler Uranus, as I think of it – we know that the old vs new, tradition vs progress, past vs future, status quo vs change, old fella vs whippersnapper themes will still be on everyone’s minds and on the menu. Noel Tyl says that Saturn-Uranus brings a ‘need to fight for gains’ which suggests finances along with Saturn-Uranus’ facility with numbers.

Of course, Uranus wants total freedom, while Saturn restricts and sometimes brings loss; there tends to be a brittle competition between them and neither are above undermining one other, yet if Saturn can open up to Uranian new ideas, and Uranus can respect Saturn’s stable ability to create form – which ideas need in order to become practical – much may be gained on both sides. It really is possible as well as wise to keep the baby while tossing out the bath water!

There are no planets out-of-bounds at the moment, yet as stated: traditionally speaking, Mars is unaspected but feeling at home in his sign of big business and betrayal – intense Scorpio, in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, etc. What instigator-activist Mars will be up to on his own is anyone’s guess. He may be forced to improvise since everyone else is ‘busy.’

However, Mars here is ruthless and angry because he’s in an obsessive-compulsive *quindecile with the Moon (the People in a national chart, but also Publicity and Public Relations. Will will see more campaign tiffs? Does the pope love ermine? The last presidential debate is Oct 15!)

(So if you count quindeciles as major aspects, Mars is aspected after all – if not, he’s minorly so.)

And with Moon in Aries and politics involved, we may see a bit of the Robespierre Effect, the revolutionary terrorist born with an Aries Moon who liked to say, “I AM the people.” Yeah. Right.

Frustration, aggression, passion, and moodiness are features of Moon QD Mars, strong in Scorpio and in 8th house, Scorpio’s natural abode. Since so much of the news has been taken up with the economy (8th house matters) perhaps we’ll finally see action (Mars) from US financial “experts” who don’t seem to be able to act as quickly as they do in “old” Europe.

The people (Moon) will be angry and frustrated (Mars) for the money administrators and bankers to get their equivocating tushies in gear.

Now the Air-Fire blend of Sun Libra-Moon Aries is a sociable, lively, and restless mix, with independence vs dependence issues galore. This reminds me of the ‘socializing private institutions and debts’ debate, which is rather moot now, isn’t it? This is a diplomatic combination of energies, so perhaps efforts from two weeks ago will yield some useful results this week.

Yet **Sun Lib-Moon Ari may also indicate an awkward stubbornness when one’s limits have been reached, and rash judgments may result. But if the peace-making crusader aspect of this blend can be upheld, we may get somewhere with this feisty yet cool-headed Full Moon.

Now we know that Full Moons always relate to relationships in one way or another, and who can keep one going without compromise? Hence, the ‘Image for Integration’ for Sun Lib-Moon Aries:

“A little girl and a little boy barter while playing on a see-saw. She wants his toy gun; he wants her cream cake. They decide to share.” (‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign’ by Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

Now there’s a successful negotiation for ya!

Let’s hope with the silvery rays of this Full Moon that Washington, Wall Street, and Main Street are able to obtain half so reasonable an outcome.


* quindecile = 165 degrees, details from Ricki Reeves’ “The Quindecile.”

**The Sun Lib-Moon Ari blend is the natal combo of poet e.e. cummings who knowingly said, “A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man.”

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