Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

May 30’s US Progressed Moon to Ascendant: change of identity

It’s almost here–the progression of America’s Secondary (Sec) Moon 27Leo11 to Sec ASC occurring on May 30, 2008 (based on the July 4, 1776 natal chart, 5:10 pm LMT.) See article here:


This angular event is occurring during the Gibbous Lunar phase in preparation for our Sec Progressed Full Moon on December 24 (see Pages in sidebar, Progressed chart included) across the Virgo/Pisces axis.

The Gibbous phase is a period of asking, Why? and of working toward clarification of personal and socio-cultural issues; illumination is required because a goal is in view. This phase has been a good time for presidential campaign interests and questions. And most people may see this goal as evicting Bush from the White House, his lunar ‘home’ for lo these long long years.

Natally the Gibbous phase is shared by: FDR,  J.P. Morgan, Lord Byron, George Gershwin, Louis Pasteur, Nakita Khrushchev, Sir Isaac Newton, and Napoleon I. Don’t know about you, but I’ve found myself particularly mentioning (and hearing of) FDR and J.P. Morgan quite a bit in recent years.

While this Sun Pisces/Moon Leo blend is in effect, let’s take a peek at the details for this Water-Fire combination so soon to become Water-Earth on Christmas Eve Day ’08:

Sun Pisces-Moon Leo is emotional, moody, yet sociable, with communicative abilities, compassion, and idealism galore. Instability and depression may be prominent as well with Sun in Water and Moon in Fire.

Pisces-Leo is the star-servant combination possessing the kind heart of a humanitarian with the flair of a thespian especially when feeling neglected or invisible.

But the progression of Sec Moon into 1st house of Self will bring the American people more into view–and one assumes into the view of a new president. This promised identity change in our Progressed chart is, I believe, part of having a new White House occupant since the president represents the people to the rest of the world.

There is, however, a tendency toward self-dramatization which Leo always provides, and fear of competition is common with the sign of self-doubting Pisces…but this phase is ending soon.

There is one ‘Image for Integration’ for this blend:

“Cinderella sits by the fire mending her ballgown and daydreaming about her romantic evening of dance, glamour, and high drama.” (‘Sun Sign-Moon Sign,’ Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Shades of TV’s Dancing with the Stars?!! So You Think You Can Dance? ;p

Well, the time for daydreaming is ending as Sec Moon leaves the secretive behind-the-scenes 12th house, crosses the Ascendant, and nears the more serious sign of Virgo.

You may read more about this important change in the American people’s personality and persona in the world while viewing May 30’s Sec Progressed chart for yourself by clicking the above link to visit Stars Over Washington, if you so please.

And there’s a Royal Star of Persia rising in the Progressed chart, too, and another Fixed Star, Capulus, at Midheaven, the Aspirations/Career/Public Status point.

Capulus tends to add lots of turbulence to things, and a focused, direct, and ruthless energy. ‘Capitol’ Hill is awash with its energy, I’d say, and hasty actions have far-reaching effects when Capulus is involved.

Brady’s ‘Book of Fixed Stars’ gives Capulus’ keywords as: “male kundalini energy” and a leaning toward an “if it can be touched, weighed, or seen, then it has existence” mentality. This can bring savagery in dismissing the intuitive side of life (as we’ve observed ad nauseum from the Bush administration.)

But since man was created with the functions and benefits of a left AND a right brain, it seems to me that politicians of this persuasion look totally silly and completely unintelligent with only half a brain.

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