Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Jan 17: Benjamin Franklin turns 302

Are you prepared for Ben’s birthday this Thursday? Got the fireworks and the cake yet?

You can get more ready at Stars Over Washington where I’ve published something of an article on Franklin’s natal chart and on his Solar Return 2008 which has links to a certain 2008 presidential campaign of a certain candidate…guess which one?


Ben Franklin left this mortal coil on April 17, 1790–in the midst of his Uranus Return which occurs (for all who should live so long) around the age of 84.

Due to retrogradation, there are three dates for Franklin’s Uranus Return to natal degree, 6Leo52 Rx, conjunct US natal North Node…the Uranus/NN pair = political reformist groups:

1. Aug 24, 1789

2. Feb 11, 1790

(died April 17, 1790)

3. June 9, 1790.

With Uranus’ discovery on March 13, 1781, and Freemason Franklin’s astronomical (and what we now call ‘astrological’) interests, he was probably aware of this quirky, disruptive planet during his lifetime. Uranus is considered to have close connections with the natal chart of America…that independent and freedom-loving Uranus!

You know–like Americans used to be.

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