Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Update: Times Square bombing March 6, 2008

 Friday Update: now authorities are denying a link between the Times Square bombing and the letters received in Washington. One unamed personage is hinting the message “–We did it!” refers to the Democratic wins in November 2006!

Doesn’t explain the “Happy New Year” part of the message though, does it?

A little late for congrats on 2006 results that amounted to so little, isn’t it? And the time of the bombing has morphed into 3:38 am which incidentally brings the Pluto-Chiron midpoint onto the rising degree, the WHAT Point of the chart.

~Self-Correction–my bad! Meant to say that the change of time puts the New World Order degree “18Cap” squarely upon the Ascendant with the Pluto-Chiron midpoint still rising.

Plus! Noon News from http://www.npr.org: Samantha Power is stepping down from Obama’s team because of the controversy over the remarks she made referring to Hillary Clinton as “a monster.”  Her resignation has been accepted. The monster is still running.


original post begins here:

Well, you’ve heard that ten Washington offices received communiques today saying “Happy New Year! We Did It!” and containing a photo of some sort with a booklet–and “railing” against the Iraq war.

Being aware that the Muslim New Year was Jan 10 this year, not March 6, and assuming that today’s date might have some significance all the same, I put my best Google cap on and typed in:

“Happy New Year March 6” and here’s what I found:


Surprise! it’s George Bush addressing the nation, March 6, 2003, and railing against Saddam Hussein and his WMD–and accusing him of heading a “regime engaged in a willful charade.”

Takes one willful charade to know one…so in honor of willful charades everywhere, here’s the image of the 2008 Times Square chart with the March 6, 2003 chart around it:


~~chart images show a little more clearly there, at least in my browser~~

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