Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

SOTU to end all SOTUs: 1.28.08

We can hope that tonight’s SOTU address is Bush’s final–barring any unforeseen ‘Putins’ being pulled…so if you’d like a gander at the chart for 9:00 pm est tonight, with details,  go to:


You’ll find that America’s natal Neptune is rising at 9:00 pm, and Bush’s natal Neptune will rise a few minutes after he begins. And you know what Neptune is famous for.

Plus, asteroids Arachne, Demeter, and Nemesis will be in attendance tonight–and one of them is now conjunct Ted Kennedy’s natal Ascendant and JFK’s daughter Caroline’s natal Sun-Moon midpoint.

They’ve both come out in favor of Barack Obama, as you know, effectively sidelining Bill Clinton’s much-touted and sometimes disputed link with JFK.

Here is the Image for Integration for the 2008 SOTU’s Sun AQ/Moon Libra blend:

“Anarchists form a committee to overthrow the tyranny of committees.” (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

This blend is found natally in the chart of author Boris Pasternak who said, 

“As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth.”

Yep. And that’s the truth. But I’m not a man in power so I don’t mind freely admitting it.

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