Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

New Moon December 7, 2018

DC Horoscope: New Moon @15Sag07 December 7, 2018 2:20:15 am est White House Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (fluctuations; changes) with Venus in Scorpio rising in 1st house and leading a BOWL shape of the planets, emphasizing the lower hemisphere, and denoting signs Taurus through Libra as representing “challenges to existence” (The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, M. E. Jones).

Taurus through Libra includes several of Mr. Trump’s natal planets, plus his natal Midheaven with nasty Algol conjoining @24Taurus. Gemini, of course, includes Trump’s natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio; Cancer includes his nibs’ Venus-Saturn conjunction, Leo includes his natal Mars and Ascendant (conjunct royal Regulus), and Libra brings in his problematic Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of fantasy, schemes, and speculation (see chart, upper right–this trio is rising along with America’s natal Saturn @14Lib48, followed symbolically by US SP Mars Rx @18Libra (SP = Secondary Progressed–our Mars regressed and turned inward against ourselves since 2006).

This difficult, weakening condition for US Mars the warrior lasts until 2086 and tragically describes unlawful shootings by police against citizens, the ongoing crises of students vs students, parents vs children and vice versa, citizens arming up, death cults, and other violent events on US soil. That transit Neptune now floats through its own sign of murky Pisces only confuses issues, masks fraud and deception, and engenders contagions of fear and paranoia in the population.

New Moons Seed and Begin a New Cycle of Activity

As for December 2018’s double Fire Sun Sag-Moon Sag combination of conscious-unconscious energies, it’s the ‘comedian-preacher’ blend suggesting optimism, questing minds, and faith in the future as befits sign ruler Jupiter. Insincerity, cruelty, and corruption are unbearable for Sun Sag-Moon Sag folk who are full of good advice and need ‘fun’ and adventure within their relationships. And if memory serves, comedian Jon Stewart was born under it! Also born with this personality blend: Ludwig van Beethoven and philosopher-physicist Max Born. Here are two quotes, one from each:

“Give happiness and joy to many other people. There is nothing better or greater than that.” – Beethoven.

“Intellect distinguishes between the possible and the impossible.” – Max Born.

For more info on Sun-Moon blends see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Image: ‘False Senator Wrasse’ a botanical drawing by Jude Cowell and descriptive of this Neptune in Pisces period of political corruption, deception, cover-ups, scandals, and leaks.

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