Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Obama ‘Kenyan’ birth certificate under scrutiny

Light may be shining on the true source of the “Kenyan” birth certificate for President Barack Obama.

Check out The Washington Independent’s persuasive case down to the same…well, check it out for yourself. It’s quite interesting!

Written by Jude Cowell

August 4, 2009 at 12:07 am

2 Responses

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  1. Thank you so much, Sunnstarr, appreciate it!

    Yes, i’ve seen the docs compared and it seems that Someone was desperate to undermine a Dem W-H to the ground, if possible, and, perhaps most of all – though it pains me to say it – Chiron/Pluto’s primal racism lives on in America.

    Many in the 1st group twist the emotions of those in the racist groups because they know they can to their advantage.

    Frankly, their political squabblings have become too tiresome for me. The American people have Every Right to insist that their interests, needs, and business return to central place on Capitol Hill’s agenda and on their calendars.

    We pay them a grand salary and hook them up with cadillac health care to work for us, not against us. We probably paid for their calendars!

    But to paraphrase Patrick Henry who summed things up so very much better than a mere blogging gnat like me ever could:

    ‘The US Constitution was not made for government to restrain the people, but for the people to restrain government.’

    i’m looking at YOU, Washington politicians. You’re on my calendar.



    August 27, 2009 at 1:10 am

  2. Cross-reference the ‘Orly Taitz’ document with the ‘Lucas Smith’ birth certificate (See below.) and just wait for the experts in document forensics to speak.

    Make sure you are looking at the actual ‘original images released’. There are many people on the Internet playing games with these images. Ultimately, analysis of these documents will be performed on the actual paper originals and not photographs or scans.

    Take a look at the latest Youtube video released on August 22, 2009:

    If you follow enough of these websites, you’ll keep coming across the same names – people that are apparently on Obama’s or Acorn’s payroll that do nothing all day but spread disinformation.

    Seek out the truth! Under this mountain of deception and corruption lies the heart of clever Muslim using ‘Taquiya’ Trojan horse tactics and trying to run out the clock.

    The American people’s good nature and generosity of heart has been used against them – Just as predicted by a Russian leader so long ago.

    It’s not too late to take our country back. Stay positive. God bless America.



    August 25, 2009 at 5:09 am

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