Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Palin in Georgia today – the state, not the country

This morning Sara Palin stumped for Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss in Augusta, Georgia. Apparently someone clued her in that she was to report to the state to fight the Democrats, not the country to fight Russians.

That detail taken care of, Governor Palin was greeted with what may be described as a ‘rock star reception’ and asserted that “this win in Georgia is the first step to rebuilding the party.”

Whoaaa, that’s a big first step, baby. Especially since your fella Saxby only mustered a run-off in a Republican-infested state! If Chambliss does pull it off, it will be because of Palin’s stimulating ‘you-betchas’ blended with a little e-tampering after supper.

So with the run-off vote being held tomorrow, Palin will make three more stops in Georgia today before (they tell her) she’s done firing up the base.

‘First Step’ – or Gridlock?

Now I know a 60-seat majority in Congress is to be feared by many people on all sides. It could, however, be what America needs to get things going, modified, and instituted toward refurbishing our nation. That’s IF Barack Obama is on the side of the middle class, as he purports to be, and if he receives some decent amount of cooperation from Washington politicians who always keep their eyes on their own main chances.

Otherwise, a Chambliss win in Georgia may throw more fuel on Washington’s gridlock fire which will then grump-up the American people at more of Capitol Hill’s sorry grand-standing ways. A dilemma!

Even so, my feelings and thoughts remain the same about tomorrow’s run-off vote…a vote for Saxby Chambliss is a pat on the backs of Rove, Cheney, and Bush. And that is NOT going to happen…not then, not now, not ever.

All through the weekend I received calls from Dem volunteers, plus a robo-call from the Republicans for Chambliss campaign. Today I received my first robo-call from Barack Obama asking me to vote for Democrat Jim Martin. He won’t have to robo-call me twice. He probably will – but he won’t have to.

Update: this link will take you to some of Palin’s ungrammatical rhetoric today along with a video of herself on the stump:


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  1. Sorry- Chambliss is going to win this one. Possibly in landslide. Palin definitely helps him. But conservative talk radio and foolish DNC adds bashing the fair tax and other such things also helped him. But primarily it is as you say- legitimate fear of a filibuster-proof majority. People have forgotten Bush now- this state is focused on the next few years. Dems won’t have bush to kick around- if they don’t right the ship during that time, they’ll be out on their cans. Conservatives want a voice- and having the filibuster option gives them one.


    Stephen VanNuys

    December 3, 2008 at 12:38 am

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