Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Homeland Security Department Nov 25, 2002

with 3 comments

HoSec born  Nov 25 2002

Department of Homeland Security, Nov 25, 2002, Washington DC, 1:44 pm est; (click to enlarge image.)

There are so many things to say about this gurgly baby beast, this inept-friends-on-duty piece of bureacracy, this boondoggle of gargantuan proportions, this writhing mass of insecurity.

You see trickster Hermes rising, the WHAT? point of any chart, with Pluto/Chiron midpoint at Mc (Mc = Midheaven, the WHY? point)  along with erratic-and-unstable-with-money Venus/Uranus. Oh! and death-dealing Morya is at MC, too.

As you know the combo of Pluto with Chiron describes many things such as: plutocracy, primal rage, violence, racism and bigotry, corporatism, mobsterism, racketeering, and other shadow aspects of society. All have a common thread of viciousness to them, including women’s issues.

This is the midpoint picture that Cheney’s Progressed Mc had as karmic visitor on 9/11/01–his Secondary Progressions said: Pluto/Chiron = Mc…the Goal, of Mr. Cheney who’s not really a member of the US government, if he will.

Saturn 27Gem20 Rx is at the Base or Foundation of HoSec’s natal chart–at the degree of BANKRUPTCY in the Sabian Symbols. How is HoSec doing so far? Pilfering and wasting enough for you? The perspective from 2008 is quite different than it was in 2002, 2003, etc., esp with Hurricane Katrina fraud and Iraq War embezzling in between.

“You’ll wonder where the billions went

when ya got George Bush as president!”

(spontaneous rhymery bursts out! Don’t put an oil man in the White House, I and others kept telling anyone who’d listen, but to no avail. )

Back to HoSec’s natal chart:

Jupiter 17Leo59 conj 6th cusp, is the chart-ruler with Neptune the higher octave planet 8AQ34 (conj Bush’s natal Descendant of Partnerships…and only 2 degrees beyond 9/11’s Neptune at 6/7 AQ, the ‘Medina’ degrees which is Neptune’s zodiacal position–tropically speaking–when Mohammed entered Medina so many Crescent Moons ago.)

So with Midas near North Node (NN–‘the path’) at 3rd cusp of Communications, one may be forgiven for thinking that the pursuit of mega-bucks seems to be a major part of the HoSec charade, meant to promote and increase INsecurity, and containing a leviathanic bevy of politically appointed friends and bumbling bureaucrats.

Moon 9Leo45 is conj the natal Mercuries of: George Bush, Alberto Gonzales, and the GOP–quite a honkery of voices triggered by the publicly inclined Moon, which represents the People in a national chart. Good thing we have some rep–most of our so-called elected officials forgot how years ago, as everyone knows.

This chart even has a Mystic Rectangle pattern of secret meaning between Moon, Mercury, Neptune, and NN, but with time short I shall for now only type out a few midpoint pictures for you which you will see scribbled upon the chart above.

‘Mc” = “The Goal”… Pluto = power, force, coping ability, transformation; and Mercury = thinking; communication; young people; speech; a message or messenger; the orator or scribe, the trader; a changling.

Sun/Mc = Pluto: very strong drive for fulfilment of objectives; changes in life perspectives; violent attainment of one’s aims; attaining leadership by way of force; realization of extraordinary and unusual plans; tragic destiny.

Mars/Neptune = Pluto: dependence on subconscious influences; hopelessness; failures; lack of energy; apparently iresponsible attitude; selfish pursuit of one’s aims; devil-may-care attitude.

Sun/Pluto = Mercury: aspiring intellectual supremacy; prudence; organisation; clear consciousness of aims; an orator with suggestive powers; restless creative activity; extraordinary mental projection; ‘lording it over’ others; great salesmanship.

I was listening, but Bush didn’t sell HoSec to me that day back in Nov 2002, nor has he done so since.

Time has proven, sadly, that the creation of the DHS was a lot of things, but was it formed and based on more security for the German-sounding “homeland”?

Now there’s a big fat globalist joke from the war on terr’ department.

Written by Jude Cowell

May 7, 2008 at 10:55 pm

3 Responses

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  1. Carol, thanks so much!

    You’re right–all has not been well here but at&t left a few minutes ago after finally repairing a line which had been a problem for weeks. (And after the super-bad lightening of early Sunday morning, I couldn’t sign on at all.) Hopefully all is now well…the joys of rural Turtle Lane! ;p



    May 13, 2008 at 7:55 pm

  2. Jude, haven’t seen a new post of yours since 5.7.08. Hope all is well with you. Missing your input. Thanks.


    Carol L. Clark

    May 13, 2008 at 2:14 pm

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