Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Will America’s Albatross Debate in June?

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Below you see a synastry grid concerning the proposed Biden-Trump Debate of June 27, 2024 9:00 pm edt Atlanta, Georgia (no Live audience). Across are the natal planets of a supposed 2024 candidate I think of as America’s Albatross (around our necks), while down are Debate #1‘s planets. Rising at 9:00 pm is 9Cap50 with the rounded-up Sabian Symbol of “An Albatross Feeding from the Hand of a Sailor.” At the debate’s Foundation Point (IC) is 29Ari17 which conjuncts warrior planet Mars on January 6, 2021 (‘J6“):

Immediately noticeable is that Debate Sun squares Albatross’ natal Neptune suggesting potentials for escapist urges, a lack of clarity, errors in judgment due, in part, to unknown factors and influences, and foggy or sloppy conditions; a failure to carefully prepare for the debate may be in evidence. Debating Mercury inconjunct natal Moon describes his thin skin when criticized, concerns about betrayal and his mental prowess being questioned, plus, he’s highly judgmental of others and uses lies and deception to avoid embarrassment. This not new, I agree, but the inconjunct places such tendencies on the debate stage with him.

For progress, integrity is necessary, and responsibility must be shown toward humanity (Chiron square natal Saturn). Yet as we know, exhibiting integrity and taking responsibility tend to be hills too high for this particular Albatross to climb.

Neptune inconjunct natal Ascendant (‘ASC’; 0A00!) shows his desire for the approval and cooperation of others yet an obvious self-seeking nature makes other people suspicious of his motives. This leaves his competence in doubt while being too easily distracted by flattery shows unreliability. Meanwhile, his financial proposals and ideas are duds, his priorities are skewed, and too many “favors” are done for others against the best interests of the American people. He’s a “sell-out” pushing faulty ideas.

Pluto inconjunct natal Ascendant reveals an obsessive dogmatic, grudge-holder and this will likely become even more evident during Debate #1 – if America’s Albatross, lover of escapes including drug use to avoid facing reality, shows up to debate at all!

Now here’s a link to details regarding the Biden-Trump Debates, June and September 2024, with both horoscopes shown:


Blog note: now in my 18th year of writing Stars Over Washington, Google/Blogger is on the verge of pulling the plug (July 1, 2024) which means that all those years of horoscopes, videos, article links, information, and the rest of my content will be wiped away forever – including the above linked post. Yet to be fair, having nearly 6,000 posts with over 4 million page views is quite a load for Google to carry, and some content has timed out or been deleted by now. So! Check out topics if you wish before they’re no longer accessible. One way is to scroll down, enter a term in the sidebar Search field and you may be surprised at what pops up!

Jude, partisan for democracy

Written by Jude Cowell

June 19, 2024 at 2:43 pm

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