Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

South Yemen Nov 30, 1967

The excellent site StarCats has an article on the bombing of the USS Cole (Oct 12, 2000 @ 12:15 pm BAT) along with the natal chart for South Yemen (Nov 30, 1967 12:00 am BAT) if you’re interested in astro-details of this ruggedly mountainous, poor, and remote country so much in the news these days.

Here are a few of the USS Cole bombing chart details:

ASC 18Cap23, Sun 19Lib21, Moon 7Ari16; South Node 20Cap16 rising which means the January 7, 2010 transiting North Node (NN) is conjunct natal SN, aka, a Nodal Half-Return.

Nodal Half-Returns ‘flip’ the Nodal axis for a while and indicate a time when associations and partnerships may be broken if they’re not strong enough to withstand the pressure of the Saturnian SN’s separative quality. If partnerships are strong, however, they may become even stronger as problems are addressed and adjusted.

South Yemen:

ASC 8Vir32, Jupiter 5Vir02 rising, Sun 6Sag57, Moon 11Sco42 conjunct Atlantis and Siva, Mc 9Gem54 conj Fixed Star Aldebaran, Ic conj Antares and Morya; Mercury 21Sco22 conj Neptune 24:33; Mars 28Cap29 conj US natal Pluto; Pluto 22Vir40 conj Uranus 28Vir38; Pluto conjs US natal Neptune which conjs President Obama’s natal Mars.

Transit Uranus now opposing Yemen’s natal Pluto, a time when political and social shifts of power occur and societal movements may disrupt or eliminate sources of power; a clash between generations occurs concerning differing ideas on how resources should be handled.

In a few minutes, President Obama is to address America concerning the Dec 25, 2009 “underwear bomber” incident and his resulting plans to up US security measures as he speaks on a declassified report of the incident.

(BHO just said, “Good afternoon, everbody” at 4:35 pm est – mentions ‘shortcomings in the Watch List System’ and ‘systemic failure’ so apparently we’re getting one last drop from the current Solar Eclipse Series of July 21, 2009: ‘systems fail; new methods/ideas needed to deal with events.’ Next Solar Ecl: Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01 which will trigger the US natal Mercury/Pluto opposition.)

Yet it eludes me how confiscating more of each US air passengers’ hair gels and make-up could have aided us with this sort of event since the suspect was nearing a Detroit landing when his bomb failed to explode…the Moon that day was @ ’13Aries’: “An Unsuccessful Bomb Explosion.”

Sometimes Astrology makes the hairs stand up, doesn’t it? Then we could put away hair gel for good.

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