Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Poll: is the media bad to Palin?

Boo hoo or bad form?

Is the media treating Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, badly or with too negative a scrutiny? The charge ‘sexist’ has been leveled at some of her detractors’s critiques.

Since her candidacy for VP was announced, she’s been called everything from ‘failed beauty queen’ to ‘Caribou Barbie’ and worse, and dissed by pundits and reporters alike, including amusing fake reporters.

So what do you think? Should she be skewered as (among other things) moronic or bimbo-esque – or taken more seriously as a possible VP or president of the United States of America?

Update 10.23.08: So far no one has voted for “Sarah who?” in this poll which is not surprising considering the press’ former ga-ga status over Palin and I suspect Tina Fey and SNL had something to do with Palin as a ‘household name’…brand, don’t you?


Update Oct 27: so far “Out her unreadiness” is winning, with absolutely no votes at all for ‘Leave Sarah alonnne!” which is my weak attempt at parodying the squalling Britney fellow in the video.

4 Responses

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  1. Hi tangodaddy, good to ‘see’ you here!

    Yes, the Pentecostal Palin gives me pause too and we haven’t heard the last of her beliefs. When we ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” we usually think of paying taxes to the state. But it can also relate to keeping state and religion separate – supposedly the whole point of establishing America!!!

    And any group that purports to ‘know’ what another person or group should believe isn’t following any Scripture I’ve ever read. Morality comes from within and cannot be legislated.

    Also…with its No Education for Women, the Taliban comes to mind ‘also’, doesn’t it? jude



    February 9, 2009 at 7:26 pm

  2. My problem with Sarah is not just her wink wink readiness. nor is it her interference in Alaska investigations in troopergate. The thing I find most troubling is her involvement in a very radical Pentacostal prayer warrior movement. This is a movement determined to establish itself as directing the form of Government. With its regressive policy.
    I mean how many witches need to be exposed in this country?



    February 9, 2009 at 5:14 pm

  3. Hi Terry, you’re so right! The media is complicit in many things that go against the people’s best interests.



    October 23, 2008 at 3:55 pm

  4. The media are soft on Palin and spend WAY too much time on her because of her tabloid “celebrity” status.


    Terry Lamb

    October 22, 2008 at 7:57 pm

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