Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

VP debate 10.2.08: meet me in St. Louis

Not much time this morning to blurb on tonight’s one and only VP debate but after taking a week off from my day job, the salt mine is waiting for me to get back to it so this must be briefer than I’d prefer. Hope it isn’t too slapdash to make some sort of sense!

Here I’m using a shorthand method, one of my favored ‘tricks’ and I have no idea if anyone else uses it, and I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned using it but after a few years of the practice I can say that it always relates to the matter at hand. Let’s see if I can explain…first, do have handy a book such as Brady’s ‘Predictive Astrology’ or whichever info you prefer concerning Eclipses.

Taking Joe Biden’s natal chart and setting up a Composite Davison chart with tonight’s debate chart (Oct 2, 2008; 9:00 pm, St. Louis, MO + Joe Biden = ’20Tau00′) gives a combined (or averaged) date of Oct 27, 1975, and the Pre-natal Eclipse of that date is the 3 South Series whose influence is:

constitutional crisis; possible natural disasters, and a striving for large group endeavors positively or negatively; this may include mass migrations such as after hurricanes or war displacements; mass movements of some kind are indicated. So subjects along these lines may be brought up in the debate by Sen Biden.

With Sarah Palin’s natal chart in Composite Davison relationship to tonight’s debate (using ‘4:40 pm’ for her birth time giving 19Leo+ as natal ASC), the C/Dav date is June 8, 1986; Eclipse degree = ’19Ari07′; you see that this is the Exaltation degree of the Sun – for this and other reasons I believe the ‘lowered expectations’ trick of Karl Rove will bear low-hanging political fruit in this debate for those who are susceptible to her charms.

Palin will stand up for herself although her grasp of facts will still be middling at best, yet it may not matter – most of the people who like her will like her still when the dust clears, and she will use emotional communication power to persuade.

And if Biden can keep his anger and contempt – of stable Taurus for fools-rush-in Aries – under control, it should be good for him as well – he will use his keen powers of observation and long experience to persuade.

So for Palin the Pre-natal Eclipse for June 8, 1986 is in the 6 North Series which has a r’elationship to authority figures’ flavor – commitments will occur due to another person’s illness or unreliability.

That John McCain will not be completing a presidential term seems most likely and I assume that Biden realizes that he may be debating the next president of the United States this evening unless a populist landslide – so large it cannot be ignored or dirty-tricked away – carries the Democratic ticket into the White House. You’d think the financial crisis and war loss and spending would help, wouldn’t you? That’s where Rovian dirty tricks and sexy Sarah come in.

The VP debate chart shows 1Gem24 rising at 9:00 pm CDT in St. Louis, and 9AQ31 at Midheaven, chart-ruler Mercury is retrograde and applying first in trine to NN (the public – millions are watching as will I), trine Chiron 1A56 with Chiron 16AQ18 Rx in 10th house as is NN 17AQ01, then Mercury, planet of debates and oration, squares Jupiter 13Cap30 which has just entered 8th house of debts, credit, and legacies – where Pluto 28Sag39 is located as well and conj Republican Party’s natal ASC – then Mercury conjuncts Sun 10Lib14 8A00.

Biden (Sun) will finally be seen to ‘win’ on most levels though Palin will make her mark with Mercury Rx as prepared as she can be…there will be fuzzy thinking about the debate mainly because of the emotional component mixed with Palin’s sexual attraction which many people find persuasive (!)

ASC “2Gem”: “Santa Claus Filling Stockings Furtively”, the What or the debate itself; MC, the Aspiration Point of the debate…”11AQ”: “A Popularity That Proves Ephemeral.” But whose popularity? Palin’s is my guess.

Yes, Mercury is quite busy tonight even in its Rx state and is conjunct US Sec Progressed Mars 18Lib+…’19Lib” = “A Gang of Robbers in Hiding.” This rightfully should relate to the occupation, Congress, Wall Street, the Fed, and to a certain Treasury secretary – esp with moneybags Jupiter now to-the-degree opposite US n Sun (and Bush’s n Sun), a time when resources and credit dry up. Since I’ve mentioned this before here and on Stars Over Washington, I’ll not repeat.

Obviously America’s financial entanglings will be mentioned and you don’t need Astrology to figure that out; plus, the Iraq war will be on the menu with ‘1Sag’ Descending, the ‘Where point’ of the chart…’1Sag”: “A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire.”

Another thing to look at is the candidates’ natal placements – which are first to rise in the VP debate chart? In order of ascendance:

Biden: Uranus 2Gem46, Desc 3:11, Saturn 6:22. This gives him a Saturn/Uranus = ASC: the loner’s position is established; experiencing difficulties caused by others; being placed in difficult circumstances; emotional suffering. I think it’s significant that the Saturn/Uranus pair are associated with the Middle East, esp with Israel and Palestine and, of course, there’s the Saturn-Uranus opposition overhead and soon to be exact.

That Biden describes himself as a Zionist cannot be overlooked. (I placed the video on Stars Over Washington a few weeks ago if you haven’t seen it – sorry I don’t have time to find its link for you!) Biden’s natal Pluto 7Leo14 has just crossed the Foundation Point of the debate chart, the Ic, at 9:00 pm.

Now with Sarah Palin’s natal placements, first to rise this evening 9:00 pm will be Chiron/ASC if you use her 4:40 pm birth chart…she’s seen as inadequate. Her Chiron/Uranus midpoint soon rises which is the ‘chaos-creator/maverick’ pair, useful in politics for reforming on a grand scale.

Next up – and again using 4:40 pm birth time – is NN/MC (‘being recognized’ – Tyl) so we see NN/MC = ASC: harmony; associations based on an inner understanding.

I believe this relates to her political and religious associations – we may hear code words flying tonight although obvert messages may be used by Palin, too, esp since she’s been criticized of late about ‘witch exorcisms’ and her church affiliations.

At 20Gem02 is Palin’s n Venus/Uranus so her ‘sexiness’ will ‘rise’ (not for me – perhaps for you!)  and will bring a certain eccentricity with it because Venus/Uranus can also have an ‘erratic with money’ vibe, as well as being the divorce duo.

So all you fellas and gals imagining yourselves in love with Sarah Palin and hoping she’ll divorce her husband for ya are doomed to be disappointed whether you fall for her as president – er, vice president – or not. 

But tonight’s VP debate promises to be a ‘playing the powerful hunch’ affair full of daring and persuasive words delivered both openly and surreptitiously to the collective unconscious…assuming that a retrograde Mercury doesn’t interfere.

~:~ just realized that my reliance on my astrology software for the correct time for the debate may have been misplaced (again.) Mea culpa – will have to check it on my return later this afternoon…grump. Too rushed, too fatigued – and all apologies if so. However, C/Dav Eclipse info remains the same as given above.

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