Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Obama takes The View

Giving the same defense of the Jeremiah Wright kerfluffle as before, Senator Barack Obama fit upon the sofa between the ladies quite well this morning. Handily, he admitted to being thin.

However, before Obama’s entrance onto the set, mention was made of Rev Wright’s comment in a eulogy, saying that “the Italians for the most part looked down their ‘garlic’ noses at the Galileans.”

Then, what do you think? Garlic’s healthful properties and Roman and Jewish noses were discussed and defended as well as may be expected and expressions of prejudice were in question.

Since I recorded this tv segment, I checked it again and nowhere did I hear the Senator give details on Wright’s use of the term “garlic noses” so did I misunderhear a misspeaking by Rev Wright?

Is it possible that the Pastor had intended to say “gallic noses” and wouldn’t that have made more sense to his point?  Who uses the term “garlic noses” without larfing?

Did Wright’s peepers’ prescription perhaps need updating? What universe is this?

Kings and Queens

This blog is a collection of articles and information I have gathered regarding Royal families from around the world.

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Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns


An eclectic mix of technology, poetry, stuff I find, and my ramblings

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An Artist's Eyes Never Rest