Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Biden-Trump Debate #2: a Grand Cross

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Just a quick posting of the September 10, 2024 Biden-Trump Debate #2 (if it occurs) Horoscope featuring its tension-filled Mutable Grand Cross between Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Saturn. Naturally, this pattern forms T-squares which can be read as midpoint pictures with potentials such as:

Sun-Saturn = Moon (an echo of US 1776): tackling serious problems; fear; inhibited emotions, and = Jupiter: good fortune of a sick and/or old person; a fortunate separation; corpulence. Additionally, there’s Moon-Jupiter = Saturn: injustice, negligence, social disadvantages, separation from the wife, liver or gall bladder disease, and = Sun: an optimistic social outlook, a peace-loving nature (R. Ebertin).

You decide which candidate is symbolized by which planet. I’m going with the two inconjuncts for clues:

Venus inconjunct Saturn suggests one who sees the world realistically, is good with finances, has learned how to comfort others, and accepts burdens even if other don’t appreciate his efforts. Also, Venus conjoins US 1776 Saturn exalted in mid-Libra (sign of the scales of justice).

Jupiter inconjunct MC (Midheaven: career and public status) describes one with a desperate need for power and prestige, is outspoken and opinionated, tends to belittle his children (a poor parent), has career difficulties due to bad judgment, micromanages, and whose overenthusiasm tends to die quickly once the first problem appears.

Perhaps we agree: Venus is President Biden, Jupiter (conjunct US 1776 Mars) is dictator-wanna-be Trump.

Notes re: the Mutable Grand Cross pattern are penned on the chart (lower right corner) but the shorthand for the pattern seems applicable considering the rhetorical obsession of one of the candidates: Like a windmill in a windstorm“!

Other factors in the chart are worth a look but my blogging time is brief today. So, leave a comment if you like with your own insights such as, Do you think there will be a second debate? jc

Written by Jude Cowell

June 25, 2024 at 8:45 pm

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