Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Project 2025 a Dystopian Blueprint

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On June 11, 2024, a task force was announced meant to Stop Project 2025, the barbaric far-right agenda intended to destroy America’s founding principles and hand a Republican president “supreme” power as if he’s a monarch. Task force members include Mark Pocan (D-WI) and constitutional scholar Jamie Raskin (D-MD).

Here’s a link if you’re curious: https://huffman.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congressional-leaders-form-task-force-to-counter-project-2025-and-defend-democracy

2017: Insurrectionist Trump in the White House

Astrologically, we can look back at year 2017 for clues such transiting Pluto, powerful planet of wealth and stealth, and how the 1993 Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune (The Enlightenment pair) at and about 18 Capricorn was “hit” by Pluto which transformed the pair’s potentials into something else – into something described by the midpoint picture the planetary trio formed:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: “The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise” (N. Tyl). In a broad sense, I believe this is the command that US politicians are pressurized by with primal Pluto symbolizing foreign manipulators (money and secrets involved, of course), and other ivory tower meddlers, ideologues, and control freaks, all enemies of America and determined to end our nation’s role as world leader – and take over the global helm. Plus, there’s another hat that mundane Pluto can wear: the Pope. Just sayin’.

Significantly, this degree contains a revealing Sabian Symbol (word picture) especially considering the Republican “war on women” of misogyny and control. Quoting from Dane Rudhyar, “18 Capricorn” = “The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship; Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. The ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers.” (An Astrological Mandala, D.R. #ad). Rudhyar continues: “Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving “law and order.” In his “Sabian Symbols in Astrology,” Marc Edmund Jones adds a negative expression of, “smug of strong-armed paternalism.”

And there we have it: the barbaric Project 2025 agenda of cruelty which Republicans want to force upon the American people, creating total chaos in US society, and thereby transforming America forever into an ethno-Christian-Nationalist police state as if old-time Naz*s live again.

The good news is that, although its lowdown precepts are etched upon their narrow-minded, hate-filled, greedy hearts, the GOP’s dystopian agenda is not written in stone, and its implementation is not inevitable!

For as a Southerner with CSA ancestry, I say that The Confederacy of 1861 Will Not Rise Again. It was a fascist state!

For a bit of background try https://www.starsoverwashington.com/2013/01/horoscope-confederacy-and-dark-vein-of.htmlIntolerance, a dark vein of intolerance.

Written by Jude Cowell

June 19, 2024 at 6:30 pm

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  1. Yes, and as with extreme selfish individualism, it (2025) violates all human rights for a personal, relative to the human interpretation of reality. John

    Liked by 1 person

    John D Grove

    June 20, 2024 at 5:41 am

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