Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

JP Morgan: Apr 17, 1837 + transits 3.24.08

with 3 comments

JP Morgan + transits 3.24.08

“I don’t want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do.”  J.P. Morgan, Sr.

Banker J.P.Morgan, Sr was born April 17, 1837 in Hartford, CT, 3:00 am (rated AA for accuracy by http://www.astrodatabank.com  although usually an exact hour indicates a rounding off of the birth time, a common practice back in the day.)

As you may know, Morgan suffered from difficult health problems in childhood–seizures from which he came close to dying–yet lived to be 76 years old before it was over with.

Having a critical YOD pattern between Moon and Saturn, the contact of which tends to indicate health problems in the end, if not before–and pointing to Pluto (not discovered until 1930, but their midpoint picture here is instructive all the same) shows a determination to succeed and a need to rely on oneself only, coupled with feelings of isolation.

Moon/Saturn = Pluto: illness; depression; needs repressed; the threat of loss.

Moon/Saturn contacts also show that with the determination the combo’s lack of nurturing in childhood gives, the native is driven toward prominence and fame. As America’s primo financier of his day, I’d say JP fulfilled his wishes on that score.

He’s even known for bailing out the US economy…and you’ll notice, if you click the chart to enlarge, that Pluto (guardian of the richest treasures) is conjunct asteroid, Midas, the gold-loving king, aka the hoarder.

Moon/Uranus midpoint is at Mc (goal; aspirations) so we have:

Moon/Uranus = Mc: much excitement about ambition; ready for action; potential gains.

And often, Moon/Uranus together give an interest in the occult, Astrology in particular, and it’s well-known that Morgan was a prominent client of the great astrologer, Evangeline Adams, a descendant of President Adams. She also numbered among her clients popular singer Enrico Caruso and the Prince of Wales.

Today, March 24, 2008 held a few interesting contacts to Morgan’s natal chart so I’ve scribbled them in dark green around the outside of the chart…contacts such as:

2008’s Neptune and North Node are conj his natal ASC, and the Fed’s natal Moon, which returned to its natal position this very day when the Fed raised their bid for Bear Stearns’ shares (from $2 to $10–even more of a bail-out from US taxpayers!) is conj  JP’s “speculator” pair of Jupiter/Neptune–so it’s Jup/Neptune = Moon: speculation; waste.)

Plus, the midpoint of the plutocratic, oppressive and corporatism duo, Pluto/Chiron, is poised to move behind-the-scenes into JP’s 12th house of karma, self-undoing, and large institutions (stock exchanges; hospitals; government institutions such as Congress.)

What good might that do the US? you may ask.

Wish I could think that any of these financial mystery plays are designed to do the common good any lasting benefit, but I can’t…undermining America in all ways is steamrolling right along, and it would be too much to ask of an old Robber Baron like JP Morgan to care when obviously his spawn don’t.

(Sorry, but I tend to call Robber Barons’ descendants ‘spawn’–a bad habit, but there it is.)

Well, my typing finger is fatigued, so I’ll close for now and update this Page as I may…after I mention one t i n y little thing…the Pluto/Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999 at old JP’s natal Midheaven…which effectively puts JP’s Moon/Uranus midpoint being triggered by 1999’s Pluto when many of their New Millennium plans were laid…

Moon/Uranus = Pluto: the fanatical push for fulfillment of needs; bombast; stubbornness; self-willedness; a craving for sensation; building anew upon ruins.

And THAT, with a fatigued finger of blame, points to the US government, its agents and co-conspirators, the world banking system, and to the attacks of 9/11 when the ‘ruins’ were most definitely created–and from which the current financial meltdowns reverberate from the fallen Twin Towers. #

~:~ 1907 vs 2008

UPDATE Oct 6, 2008: After the worldwide ‘credit crunch’ and Bush’s Bailout Bill signing of last week, old J.P. is appearing in the news again – this time as focus of Daniel Gross’ article, The New Fixers, in which we discover details about Morgan’s rescue of the US financial system, Oct 23, 1907.

“This is the place to stop this trouble!” exclaimed the premiere American Financier of the day giving America in her Panic of 1907 one savior to wrap his wealthy arms around us and hug.

This time, notes Gross, it takes three in a group hug – and with no guarantees their finaglings and buy-outs are going to improve things or make them worse:


Written by Jude Cowell

March 25, 2008 at 3:05 am

3 Responses

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  1. Glad to hear it, Claire…you’re welcome–and how kind of you to leave such a comment! jude ;p



    June 16, 2008 at 9:44 pm

  2. Dear Jude,
    Thank you for your very interesting essays, which have helped me survive these awful times with some degree of my sanity intact!

    Claire Stevenson


    Claire Stevenson

    June 16, 2008 at 9:36 pm

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