Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

A Horoscope for Grandpa Trump

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Does The Apple Fall Far? A Case in Point

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Friedrich Trump, born in Kallstadt, Germany on March 14, 1869, is the grandfather of Donald Trump, and is reputed to have arrived in NYC in 1885 age 16. Later he began making his fortune during the Klondike Gold Rush (1896-1899) by way of prostitution and engaging with opium activities, both interests which seem to me, if not to you, to have been passed down to his spray-tanned grandson who is now a convicted felon. Well, we know their shared love of gold is certainly apparent and has malevolently metastasized even though Donald inheriting the sex-and-drugs imprint could be disputed.

Now some sources describe Friedrich Trump as a brothel owner, while some say he only utilized the oldest profession as part of his income source as a restaurant and hotel proprietor (echoed by Donald’s resorts and golf clubs).

Naturally, yours truly can only guess all that Grandpa Trump was up to in his day but one thing neither of us have to guess about is a noon horoscope for Grandpa Friedrich (later Frederick, and “Trump” had been Drumpf in Germany); plus, we know he died of pneumonia in Queens, New York during the 1918 flu epidemic – on March 30, 1918, to be exact.

Now I don’t know what you see in the above horoscope but I see a few shared proclivities between Grandpa and Grandson such as ruthless determination toward success (Saturn leads a Locomotive), the urge to acquire wealth and power (Jupiter = Sun-Pluto), legal interests and/or involvements (Saturn in Sagittarius), Mars in ego-based Leo, an inherent tendency toward speculation and grand schemes (Jupiter-Neptune: 1869 conjunct in Aries, 1946 conjunct in Libra), and immorality (8 North Eclipse 2024 conjunct 1869 Jupiter).

Meanwhile, both men avoided serving their countries in the military: Grandson Trump dodged the draft with a spurious “bone spurs” excuse to avoid Vietnam, while Grandpa Friedrich failed to serve after he’d returned to Germany in 1901, married in 1902, and in February 1905 was ordered to leave Bavaria and never return – by Royal decree. Curious how his grandson now thinks he should become the “king of America,” a dictator who can do whatever he wants with no accountability at all. How interesting that congressional Republicans are now attempting to re-institute the draft.

So! 1905 is the year that Friedrich and wife Elizabeth returned to New York, bought a house in Queens,
and made possible the birth of the New York playboy we now call convicted felon Donald Trump.

And yes, there’s one more cosmic time link worth mentioning because transit Neptune now @29Pisces is conjoining his 1869 Chiron (29Pis28) that to me symbolizes both men’s ability to see “the big picture” which in both cases suggests big appetites and a shared urge to expand their personal interests.

And although it isn’t marked on the chart, I’ll add that the Prenatal Eclipse Series in which Grandpa Trump‘s death occurred on March 30, 1918 is the 10 North manifesting on December 14, 1917 @21Sag49 – conjunct his grandson’s natal Moon-South-Node Conjunction of maternal estrangement and fluctuating popularity. Rounded up to “22Sag,” the Symbol is, “A Chinese Laundry” which must have had quite a different meaning in the 1800s. Nowadays, it reminds me of money laundering, how about you?

And what about a solar eclipse conjunct (Trump’s) Moon? Well, to me this implies family ties and inheritance from one generation to another associated with 10 North themes of ‘communications; frustrating or inhibiting events via paperwork, news, and/or a young person; feeling tired and drained’ (paraphrasing B. Brady). The last 10 North Eclipse occurred in February 2008 @18Aquarius and the next will manifest in February 2026 @29Aquarius, a critical 29th degree, conjunct Herr Trump‘s natal Descendant.

Note: As a result of searching for details concerning Grandpa Trump, I ran across Rocky Smith’s blog Mr. Write’s Page and recommend it to curious readers wanting more details on the Drumpf-Trump family.

Written by Jude Cowell

June 17, 2024 at 7:47 pm

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