Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Happy 4th of July 2012! plus Autumn EQ 2012’s Sun Lib-Moon Sag! (updated))

UPDATE 9.19.12: well, DNC 2012 did quite well after all with no major funding problems in sight that I could detect. One stand-out speech was that of former Governor Jennifer Granholm whose on-point call-outs roused the delegates with slogans like, “In Romney’s world, the cars get the elevator–and the workers get the shaft!” (paraphrased, but you undoubtedly catch her meaning.)

This week, the news is all about Mitt Romney being secretly captured calling 47% of his fellow Americans “dependent on government” and other demeaning remarks concerning our characters. But if you’re like me, his arguments–presented to $50,000-a-plate donors at a millionaire’s home on May 15, 2012–ring false and out-of-touch but they do reveal what the GOP candidate and his wealthy cronies like to tell themselves about those they consider beneath them. And as usual, Mr. Romney told the people he was speaking to the bromides he knew they wanted to hear.

Such a smarmy Pisces is Mitt!

Born with Sun, Mercury, and Mars in the sign of the Two Fishes, he’s not very choosy about how he creates his wealth and doesn’t mind using deception and victimization, two of the sign’s negative traits, to step over others in his quest for status and riches.

As for his 47% discussion, the current Solar Eclipse (May 20, 2012) in Gemini (sign of communications, speeches, and telephone recordings!) has uncovered a private view of a secretive and cocooned man, just as eclipses so often do…with a ‘peep-eye’!

Actually, Current TV’s The Young Turks is providing excellent coverage of Mitt’s Misses and political coverage in general, if you haven’t checked out the channel which also airs programs hosted by Gov. Eliot Spitzer, Gov. Jennifer Granholm, the irreverant and hilarious Stephanie Miller, DC journalist Bill Press, and more.

Well, I’ll hush for now and return you to my original July 4th post which begins here, with no edits other than the one you just read:

It’s been a while since I moseyed here to my WordPress blog for good reason: setting up and composing my first-ever Political Astrology newsletter, Stars Over Washington Monthly, has kept me hoppin’. Electronically delivered quarterly, this effort covers 3 months in each issue with what I plan to be more indepth articles than have typically appeared on my blog Stars Over Washington since October 2005.

And once the shock of the tech glitches encountered while setting up the first issue (July-August-September 2012) have faded, I hope to concentrate more fully on the newsletter’s astrological and political content, and topics of national concern beginning with issue 2 (Oct-Nov-Dec 2012.)

The first issue includes (as you might imagine!) horoscopes of America’s Solar Return 2012, occurring tomorrow on Independence Day as the Sun returns to its position on July 4, 1776 (using our 5:10 pm LMT chart) and America reaches her 236th birthday, President Barack Obama’s own Solar Return 2012 of August 4, his 51st birthday (with his Chiron Return, a five-fer, in tow), and of course Autumn Equinox 2012 on September 22, when the Sun clocks in at 00Lib00:00, the Midheaven (MC) angle in our nation’s natal horoscope (5:10 pm, 00Lib53, give or take a few moments depending on your Astrology software program.)

Other topics include RNC and DNC 2012, the prominent September 29th Full Moon, plus, a handy Lunations List for the quarter is provided, a feature I plan to include in each issue with planetary links to important horoscopes (USA, the president’s, etc.)

Of interest to Campaign 2012 and America’s future direction, the MC in the Autumn EQ 2012 horoscope shows President Obama’s natal Uranus leaning forward upon the season’s Career and Public Status angle for all the world to see, along with his natal NN, a joining or Jupiterian point. No, this one astrological factor cannot be considered conclusive for an Obama win on November 6, 2012 but it’s certainly a futuristic hint of progressive Uranian proportions when added to the Equinox Sun conjunct America’s natal MC where it shines brightly each year as it spotlights November elections!

(Note: Uranus/NN = MC: professional recognition; teamwork paying off–Tyl; seeking stimulating ideas from others; sudden recognition of a joint goal–Ebertin.)

Now let’s peek at the Sun Libra-Moon Sagittarius combo of Autumn EQ 2012 (info not included in SOWM’s issue 1!), an Air-Fire blend denoting a season of grand rhetoric, exciting ideas, bluster and ‘live wire’ energies (such as with sudden storms and the lamentable power outages during raging hot weather, along with Campaign 2012 speeches, gaffes, and propaganda.)

Air-Fire is a visionary combo but may detach from deeper emotional connections, something both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have been accused of. My thought is that in such high-profile positions of extreme celebrity and visibility, this tendency is a necessary and useful talent! The signs of Libra and Sagittarius are sextile (60 degr) and thus opportunities arise…Venus and Jupiter are the signs’ rulers and when working together may bring widened horizons, lots of travel, and many enthusiastic ideas and plans.

Autumn EQ 2012’s Sun Lib-Moon Sag (Moon 27Sag21) indicates a populist flair for persuasion and publicity, perfect for Campaign 2012 activities. This combo describes those who are able to juggle several things at once, and who may fall into the ‘workaholic’ category. This is a “calm yet restless” blend with foresight (BHO’s natal Uranus at MC?), high idealism, and humorous wit. A “missionary zeal” may be noted though this trait may certainly describe Mormon Mitt Romney (though most of it sounds more like Mr. Obama.)

An ability to tune into the collective Zeitgeist supplies knowledge of “where things are going and what needs to be done”; an independent yet romantic nature is implied by this combination and a tendency to bypass protocol may be in evidence though cautions are not to over-stretch oneself or over-estimate one’s capacities, and to avoid being blind to one’s deeper motives (cautions for us all!)

Sun Lib-Moon Sag is shared natally by historian Bruce Catton, Christopher Reeve, Sean Lennon, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (Oct 20, 1955), Bob Geldof, and humorist Art Buchwald who wrote,

“I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn’t want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me.”

(Wonder if it’s true that preparations for DNC 2012 are under financial restrictions due to lack of donations?)

To close, this blend has two “Images for Integration” of conscious mind (Sun) and unconscious mind (Moon–blend together for best results!) as described by Charles and Suzi Harvey in their excellent book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign:

“Bob Geldof spins Band Aid out of the air to help famine-stricken Africa…An educationalist creates a Palace of Discovery to feed and stimulate young minds.”

Both Images seem to relate to topics on the presidential campaign trail having to do with education in the US, and with increasing poverty and what to do about it–tax the poor who have no turnips or broccoli to spare (a la the GOP, Paul Ryan, and Mitt Romney), or use taxpayer resources of the US government to provide relief for our people. On November 6th, we’ll attempt to show by our votes which vision of America we hold dear: the cold-hearted Darwinian model of survival-of-the-fittest, or America as a nation who cares for her people when they need her the most.


If you’re interested in Political Astrology, please navigate to Stars Over Washington and click on the link on top of the sidebar to sign up for a 3-month subscription ($18US) beginning with July-Aug-Sep 2012–thanks! jc

3 Responses

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  1. Why, thanks for the Like, Julie! Hope all is well for you & yours on the West Coast, Jude


    Jude Cowell

    August 7, 2012 at 11:06 pm

  2. The December 2007 issue of the American Astrology (I believe) in an article about Pluto in Capricorn hinted that the 2012 election would be similar in outcome to the 2000 election ( a delay of some type). Jude’s article reinforces the 2007 story. Are the Democrats paying attention?


    Timothy Hughes

    July 3, 2012 at 7:07 pm

    • Thanks Timothy! On SO’W I’ve posted on the Mercury Rx of Nov 6, 2012 (unfortunately as with the disputed 2000 election, yes) as have many astrologers and also I have questioned on SO’W the astro-consensus that 2012 will bring an Obama victory. Disturbingly, I have just now posted to SO’W and included a link to Neptune Cafe (as I sometimes do.) When checking the site’s link, I discovered there that mundane astrologer Michael O’Reilly is doing more than questioning an Obama win–he’s giving reasons why Romney will take the day. My suspicions are astrological yet of a voter suppression/rigged voting machines nature along with any other dirty political trick Rove and his cronies can devise to win-at-any-cost as well as massive amounts of campaign cash much of which is from secret foreign sources–thanks for nuthin’, SCOTUS.

      So check out neptunecafe.com if you haven’t. And no, the Democrats aren’t paying attention. For many of them are part of the global governance game with roles to play and are supported by the same backers and controlled by the same blackmailers and syndicates, I am very sorry for America’s sake to say. The Dems were the fall guys for GOP charges of ‘deficit spending’ under Pres. Obama, now the Rs want control of the helm again to continue driving US sovereignty off a cliff so we’ll eventually plead for a “new order.” Jude


      Jude Cowell

      July 3, 2012 at 8:19 pm

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